Zaradio sam mnogo novca igrajući kazino Aviator crash. Prvo povuku ograničeni moj račun. Tada je moj nalog suspendovan. Kada sam ih pitao, moj nalog je suspendovan od provajdera igre. U jednom trenutku posle šest meseci rekli su mi da sam ih prevario i zaradio novac koji su mi pristali da mi ne plaćaju. Ali nisam napravio nikakvu prevaru sa njima, novac sam zaradio igrajući Krišna igre.
*Moj nalog je u potpunosti verifikovan.
* Ne koristim nikakav vpn.
* I ne prijavljujete se ni na jedan drugi mobilni nalog.
I have earned a lot of money playing casino Aviator crash. They withdraw limited my account first. Then my account was suspended.When I inquired from them my account is suspended from the game provider. At one point after six months they told me that I had cheated them and earned the money that they agreed not to pay me. But I didn't do any fraud with them, I earned the money by playing Krishna games.
*My account is fully verified.
* I am not using any vpn.
* And do not login to any other mobile account.
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