Igrač iz Njemačke optužen je za otvaranje više računa. Casino je pružio dokaze pa odbacujemo ovu žalbu.
Poštovani, registrirao sam se u casino fastpay, a zatim položio 10 € sa myfinity bez bonusa. Zatim sam položio još 20 € bez bonusa sa mojim beskonačnošću. U međuvremenu sam otpremio sve moje beskonačne dokumente, poput lične karte, selfija sa ličnom kartom, dokaz adrese i snimke ekrana da se provjerim. Takođe sam nekoliko puta razgovarao sa podrškom uživo, zbog mojih pravila verifikacije i plaćanja, kao što su naknade, ako ne kladite 3x, morate platiti 10%. Zatim sam odigrao nešto i dva puta pokušao to isprobati sa 20 € putem myfinityja. Šta oba puta
Hello, I registered at fastpay casino and then deposited € 10 with myfinity without a bonus. Then I deposited another € 20 without a bonus with myfinity. In the meantime, I uploaded all myfinity documents, such as my ID, selfie with ID, proof of address and screenshots to verify myself. I also chatted with the live support several times, due to my verification and payment rules, such as fees, if you do not wager 3x, you have to pay 10%. Then I played something and tried twice to test it out with 20 € via myfinity. What both times
Guten Tag, ich habe mich bei fastpay casino angemeldet und daraufhin mit myfinity 10€ eingezahlt ohne bonus. Dann habe ich erneut 20€ ohne bonus mit myfinity eingezahlt. Währenddessen habe ich alle Dokumente, wie meinen Ausweis, Selfie mit Ausweis, Adressnachweiß und Screenshots von myfinity hochgeladen, um mich zu verifizieren. Habe auch öfters mit dem live Support gechattet, aufgrund meiner Verifizierung und Auszahlungsregeln, wie Gebühren, wenn man den Einsatz nicht 3x Umsätzt, muss man 10% bezahlen. Daraufhin habe ich etwas gespielt und zum testen 2x versucht 20€ auszuzahlen über myfinity. Was beide mal abgepe
Dragi Axel,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli svoju žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem o vašem problemu. Provjerio sam uslove i odredbe, a ovo sam otkrio https://www.fastpay-casino.com/terms-and-conditions :
„Imajte na umu da ako zatražite povlačenje, ali zbroj opklada napravljenih od zadnjeg depozita ne prelazi tri (3) puta za slotove (10 puta za igre uživo ili stolne igre) veličine posljednjeg depozita, takvo povlačenje će biti naplaćuje se 10% naknade, što bi trebao potvrditi korisnik u chatu uživo (ili putem e -pošte support@help-fastpay-casino.com). Odluka o tome hoće li se odobrenje povući uz naknadu ili ne, isključivo je na diskreciji menadžerskog tima FASTPAY Casina. Imajte na umu da se niskorizični rulet igra kada igrač koji kladi jednake uloge za crno/crveno ili parno/neparno pokrivajući 25 ili više od 37 brojeva na stolu ne računa u ispunjavanje uvjeta ulaganja. "
Nije neobično da kazino ima ovo pravilo. Neka kockarnice zahtijevaju klađenje na depozit 1x, neke 3x ili 5x, ali možete pronaći kockarnice sa još većim zahtjevima ulaganja za pravi novac.
Obavezno ulaganje u stvarni novac uvedeno je Uredbom o sprječavanju pranja novca (AML) u industriji igara na sreću i obično ga utvrđuje Uprava za licenciranje. Svi ozbiljni i licencirani kockarnici moraju se pridržavati ovih pravila.
Molimo vas da nas obavijestite je li ovo objašnjenje bilo zadovoljavajuće. Radujemo se što ćemo vas čuti.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Axel,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. I have checked terms and conditions, and this is what I found https://www.fastpay-casino.com/terms-and-conditions:
"Please note that if you requested a withdrawal, but the sum of bets made since last deposit does not exceed three (3) times for slots (10 times for live or table games) the size of the latest deposit, such a withdrawal will be charged with a 10% fee, which should be confirmed by a user in the live chat (or via email support@help-fastpay-casino.com). The decision about whether to approve the withdrawal with fee or not is at the sole discretion of FASTPAY Casino’s management team. Please bear in mind that low risk roulette play where the player betting equal stakes for both black/red or even/odd covering 25 or more out of 37 numbers on the table doesn’t count towards meeting wagering requirements."
It is not unusual for a casino to have this rule. Some casinos require deposit wagering 1x, some 3x or 5x, but you can find casinos with even higher wagering requirements for real money.
Mandatory real money wagering has been introduced by the AML (Anti-Money Laundering) Regulations for Gaming and Gambling Industry and is usually set by the Licensing Authority. All the serious and licensed casinos have to comply and follow these policies.
Please let us know if this explanation was satisfactory. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Nažalost, sav moj tekst nije usvojen. Nastavlja se na sljedeći način: Ono što je oba puta odbijeno, nije dovršeno zbog ne 3x prodaje i provjere. Zatim sam prokockao na 4 € i tada mi je podrška uživo potvrdila da je moja verifikacija gotova. Tako se može isplatiti. Zatim sam ponovo položio 370 € na myfinity i osvojio 9.990,38 € i htio sam povući nešto putem myfinityja. Odmah nakon gumba za potvrdu, na ekranu se pojavila poruka, nešto je pošlo po zlu, a zatim sam primio poruku e -pošte, imam 2 računa, pa mi je račun blokiran i moj novac je izbrisan, osim 400 €. Nisam znao 2 račun, inače bih se igrao s njim, jer ionako nisam iskoristio bonus. Osim toga, ni ja se ne bih provjerio! Pisao sam menadžeru, oni su nerazumni i ne žele se dogovoriti! Molim te pomozi mi! Također je smiješno da nikada nije bilo ništa iznad prethodnih isplata i odjednom se s većim iznosom primijeti odmah nakon slanja isplate! Pa pretpostavljam da su oni to već znali i da me o tome nisu obavijestili! Samo što to prilikom verifikacije nije primijećeno!
Unfortunately, all of my text was not adopted. It continues as follows: What was rejected both times, not finished due to not 3x sales and verification. Then I gambled down to 4 € and by then I was confirmed by the live support that my verification is through. Can thus pay off. Then I deposited € 370 again with myfinity and won € 9,990.38 and wanted to withdraw something via myfinity. Immediately after the confirmation button, a message came up in the display, something went wrong and then I received an email, I have 2 accounts and thus my account was blocked and my money was deleted except for € 400. I wasn't aware of a 2 account, otherwise I would have played with it, since I didn't use a bonus anyway. Besides, I wouldn't have verified myself either! I wrote to the manager, they are unreasonable and do not want to come to an agreement! Please help me! It is also funny that there was never anything above the previous payouts and all of a sudden with a larger sum it is noticed immediately after sending the payout! So I assume that they already knew it and did not inform me about it! Only that it was not noticed during the verification!
Leider wurde mein ganzer Text nicht übernommen. Der geht wie folgt weiter: Was beide mal abgelehnt wurde, aufgrund nicht 3x Umsatz und Verifizierung nicht fertig. Habe dann bis 4€ runtergespielt und bis dahin wurde mir vom live Support bestätigt, meine Verifizierung ist durch. Kann somit auszahlen. Habe dann nochmal mit myfinity 370€ eingezahlt und damit 9990,38€ gewonnen und wollte schonmal über myfinity etwas auszahlen. Sofort nach dem bestätigungsbutton, kam oben im Display direkt eine Meldung, etwas ist schief gegangen und habe dann eine Mail erhalten, ich habe 2 accounts und somit wurde mein Konto gesperrt und mein Geld bis auf 400€ gelöscht. Mir war von einem 2 account nicht bewusst, ansonsten hätte ich ja über diesen gespielt, da ich ja sowieso kein Bonus benutzt habe. Ausserdem hätte ich mich ja auch nicht verifiziert! Habe mit Manager geschrieben, diese sind uneinsichtig und wollen nicht zu einer Einigung kommen!!! Bitte helfen sie mir! Komisch ist auch, dass bei den vorherigen Auszahlungen nie etwas darüber stand und urplötzlich bei einer größeren Summe es sofort nach abschicken der Auszahlung, auffällt! Somit gehe ich davon aus, dass diese es vorher schon wussten und mich darüber nicht informiert haben! Allein das es bei der Verifizierung nicht aufgefallen ist!
Sada razumem. Ispravio sam naslov i sažetak ovog slučaja.
Kontaktirat ćemo kockarnicu i zatražiti dodatne dokaze, ali prije nego što to učinimo, možete li nas obavijestiti ako, prema vašim saznanjima, postoji mogućnost da je neko drugi od članova vaše porodice ili susjeda otvorio račun kod istog IP adresa ili uređaj kao vaš ili koristeći vašu adresu e -pošte? Jeste li u prošlosti iskoristili neke promotivne ponude u ovom kazinu? Hvala vam puno unaprijed na odgovoru.
I understand now. I have corrected the Title and Summary of this case.
We will contact the casino and ask for supporting evidence, but, before we do so, could you please advise if, to the best of your knowledge, there’s a possibility that someone else from your family members or neighbors has opened an account from the same IP address or device as yours or using your email address? Have you redeemed any promotional offers in this casino in the past? Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Zdravo, ne baš! Pristup mu je imao najviše prijatelj. Da sam znao za neki drugi račun, igrao bih tamo jer nisam iskoristio bonus ili bilo šta drugo i verifikovao sam se. Registrirao sam se i u drugim kockarnicama, ali za to sam trebao biti ranije, a ne za ono što znam.
Srdačni pozdravi
Hello, not really! At most a friend had access to it. If I had known about a different account, I would have played there because I didn't use a bonus or anything else and I verified myself. I also registered at other casinos, but that I should have registered there before, not that I know of.
Kind regards
Guten Tag, eigentlich nicht! Höchstens hatte mal ein Freund Zugriff darauf. Hätte ich ja von einem anderen Konto gewusst, hätte ich ja da gespielt, da ich ja kein Bonus oder sonstiges benutzt habe und mich auch verifiziert habe. Hab mich ja auch auf anderen Casinos angemeldet, aber dass ich mich dort Schon mal angemeldet haben soll, nicht das ich wüsste.
Hvala vam puno, Axel, na pružanju svih potrebnih informacija. Sada ću vašu žalbu proslijediti kolegi Viliamu koji će vam pomoći. Želim vam svu sreću i nadam se da ćete u bliskoj budućnosti vidjeti kako će se vaš problem riješiti na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much, Axel, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Viliam who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Zdravo Axel,
Pogledao sam vašu žalbu i dat ću sve od sebe da vam pomognem. Želim pozvati FastPay Casino u ovaj razgovor. Casino, možete li navesti koji je problem sa računom igrača? Ako ima više računa, pošaljite mi dokaze na moju e -poštu: viliam.v@casino.guru
Hello Axel,
I looked at your complaint and will do my best to help you. I would like to invite FastPay Casino into this conversation. Casino, can you please specify what is the problem with the player’s account? If he has multiple accounts then send me evidence to my email: viliam.v@casino.guru
Zdravo, igrač ima 2 računa sa istim ličnim podacima. Poništili smo dobitak i vratili depozite na drugom računu koje je potrebno povući na minfin. Drugi račun otvoren je 15. avgusta).
Igrač i dalje može koristiti prvi račun axel-ren***@web.de koji je otvoren 11. juna i na koji je položio račun sa svog ličnog bankovnog računa.
Poslaću potvrdu našem menadžeru.
Srdačan pozdrav, Vlad.
Hi, the player has 2 accounts with the same personal data. We have void the winnings and refunded the deposits on the second account which need to be withdrawn to minfin. The 2nd account was opened 15th of August).
The Player still can use the first account axel-ren***@web.de which was opened 11th of June and to where he deposited from his personal bank account.
I shall send the confirmation to our manager.
Kind regards, Vlad.
Dragi Axel,
Primio sam dokaze od FastPay Casina da zaista imate 2 računa. Drugi račun (stvoren 15. avgusta) je zatvoren, ali još uvijek možete koristiti svoj prvi račun. Nažalost, nakon prikupljanja svih potrebnih informacija odbacujemo ovu žalbu kao neopravdanu. Žao nam je, nismo vam mogli pomoći s ovim, ali molimo vas, ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati nas ubuduće, ako naiđete na probleme s ovim ili bilo kojim kasinom. Ovdje smo da vam pomognemo.
Postavit ću mjerač vremena na 1 dan u slučaju da nas želite ažurirati, u protivnom ću odbiti ovu žalbu.
Dear Axel,
I've received evidence from FastPay Casino that you really have 2 accounts. The second account (created 15th of August) was closed but you can still use your first account. Unfortunately, after gathering all the necessary information we are rejecting this complaint as unjustified. Sorry, we were not able to help you with this one, but please, do not hesitate to contact us in the future, if you run into any issues with this or any other casino. We are here to help.
I'll set the timer to 1 day in case you want to give us some update, otherwise, I'll reject this complaint.
Zdravo, to može biti istina, ali nisam ništa znao o tome. Smiješno je to što sam se prethodno verifikovao i također igrao bez bonusa, pa da sam igrao na jednom računu, ostvario bih potpuno isti profit. Da sam prethodno zatražio 2 isplate, čudno, nije primijećeno da postoji drugi račun tek nakon što sam ostvario veći profit. Moja namjera stoga nije bila da kršim uvjete korištenja. Nađite obraza da jednostavno obrišete dobit umjesto da je prebacite na drugi račun. Ja bih razumio da sam koristio bonuse, ali nisam !!!
Hello, that can be true, but I didn't know anything about it. The funny thing is that I verified myself beforehand and also played without a bonus, so if I had played on one account, I would have made exactly the same profit. Had requested 2 payouts beforehand, strangely enough, it wasn't noticed that there was a 2nd account only after I had made a higher profit. My intention was therefore not to violate the terms of use. Find it a cheek to simply delete the profit instead of transferring it to the other account. I would have understood if I had used bonuses, but I didn't !!!
Guten Tag, das kann ja sein,aber davon wusste ich nichts. Komisch ist nur, dass ich mich vorher verifiziert habe und auch ohne bonus gespielt habe, somit hätte ich, wenn ich auf dem einem Konto gespielt hätte, genau den selben Gewinn gemacht. Hatte vorher ja auch 2 Auszahlungen beantragt, da ist es komischer weise nicht aufgefallen, dass ein 2tes Konto besteht, erst nachdem ich einen höheren Gewinn erzielt habe. Meine Absicht war somit auch nicht, gegen die Nutzungsbedingungen zu verstoßen. Finde es eine Frechheit den Gewinn einfach zu löschen, anstatt diesen auf das andere konto zu übertragen. Hätte es ja Verstanden, wenn ich Boni benutzt hätte, habe ich aber nicht!!!
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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