Zdravo i dobro jutro. Pre svega, želeo bih da vam se mnogo zahvalim što imate uslugu kao što je ova, pomažete ljudima kojima je kazino naneo nepravdu, ali nikada nisu imali rešenje ili jednostavno nepristojni ljudi koji direktno lažu tako da ne moraju isplatiti igrača je apsolutno odvratno. Nadam se da ćete uvideti da je moj problem toliko očigledan i da ćete mi držati leđa ovde. Kakvu god uplatu moram da vam izvršim da bih primio svoja sredstva i da vam se zahvalim, samo me obavestite i biće mi drago za koji god iznos odlučite. Ne radi se samo o mom novcu već o principu nepoštenja.
Priložio sam dva snimka ekrana i video koji opisuje moju situaciju. Igrao sam igru, dobio džekpot, a onda sam dobio poruku o grešci. Poslao sam tiket podršci, ali dva dana su tražili informacije koje nisam mogao da pružim — kao što je ID sesije iz moje istorije. Njihov sistem ne dozvoljava filtriranje prema tačnom datumu, vremenu ili količini, a sa preko 20.000 stranica koje je trebalo proći (10 zapisa po stranici), to je bilo nemoguće.
Na kraju su mi se javili, tvrdeći da je iznos dodat na moj račun naknadno. Međutim, to očigledno nije tačno, jer sredstva nikada nisu deponovana. Da stvar bude gora, isti problem se ponovio sa istom igrom sinoć, a taj iznos još uvek nije pripisan na moj račun.
Jasno je da lažu o situaciji. Sada izbegavaju moja pitanja o drugoj pojavi, verovatno zato što ih je zatekla nespremne. Izgleda da se bore da smisle još jedan izgovor da izbegnu da urade pravu stvar i da mi pripisuju ono što mi dugujem.
Ovo ponašanje je odvratno i nepravedno, posebno imajući u vidu koliko drugih možda prolazi kroz istu stvar. Puno vam hvala na pomoći - samo želim ono što je moje pravo.
Srdačan pozdrav
izvinjavam se što sam pokušavao da dodam video kao .zip i.mov ali ne dozvoljava mi. Postoji li adresa e-pošte na koju treba da pošaljem? To će bolje opisati situaciju i pokazati vam tačno kako ja tako čvrsto verujem da sam u pravu ovde, ali samo da se prema meni tretiraju samo nepoštovanje i slegnu ramenima kao da ću samo prestati, ali neću. I videćete zašto neću lol.
hvala još jednom. Veoma cenjen.
Hello and good morning. First off I would like to thank you so very much for having a service such as this, helping people who have been wronged by a casino but never have had any resolution or just plain rude people who straight up lie so they don’t have to pay a player out is absolutely disgusting. I’m hoping that you will see that my issue is just so obvious and you will have my back here. Whatever payment I have to make to you to receive my funds and to say thank you, just please let me know and I’ll be glad to which ever amount you decide on. This is not just about my money but the principle of the dishonesty.
I’ve attached two screenshots and a video outlining my situation. I was playing a game, landed on a jackpot, and then received an error message. I submitted a ticket to support, but for two days, they kept asking for information I couldn’t provide—like the session ID from my history. Their system doesn’t allow filtering by exact date, time, or amount, and with over 20,000 pages to go through (10 records per page), it was impossible.
Eventually, they got back to me, claiming the amount had been added to my account after the fact. However, that was clearly not true, as the funds were never deposited. To make matters worse, the exact same issue happened again with the same game last night, and that amount still hasn’t been credited to my account.
It’s clear they are lying about the situation. They’re now avoiding my questions about the second occurrence, likely because it caught them off guard. They seem to be scrambling to come up with another excuse to avoid doing the right thing and crediting me what I’m owed.
This behavior is disgusting and unfair, especially considering how many others may be going through the same thing. Thank you so much for your help—I just want what’s rightfully mine.
Kindest regards
sorry I’ve been trying to add the video as a .zip and.mov but it won’t let me. Is there an email address I should send to? It will better outline the situation and show you exactly how I so strongly believe I’m in the right here , but just being treated with nothing but disrespect and shrugged off like I’m just going to stop but I won’t. And you will see why I won’t lol.
thanks again. So very much appreciated.
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