Možete i da otvorite svoja ulazna vrata i bacite svoj novac u vetar.
Ovde 9 meseci. Mnogo depozita na istoj kartici.
Neću to potvrditi. Neće mi reći zašto neće.
Nema komunikacije, nema korisničkog servisa, nema ćaskanja uživo, nema broja telefona
Oni vam zapravo ne kažu da je odbijeno da morate da odete na svoj nalog i pogledate da li je verifikovano i sve što piše pored vašeg otpremanja je 'neverifikovano'
Ignorišu 99% imejlova i kada odgovore na 1% ne prate ili vam zapravo ne daju odgovor
Praktično ne postoji način da kontaktirate ovu kompaniju
Takođe sam na drugom njihovom sajtu i morao sam da prođem kroz komisiju za kockanje Alderneia da bih bio verifikovan jer je bio potpuno isti problem na tom sajtu.
Dakle, ako vas neće verifikovati, Neće komunicirati sa vama, Neće čak ni pokušati da vam pomognu da rešite problem kako biste mogli da ispravite problem, onda nemate Šanse da POvučete bilo koji dobitak. Ali oni će nastaviti da uzimaju vaše depozite
Trebalo bi ga ugasiti da budem iskren.
You might as well open your front door and throw your money to the wind.
On here 9 months. Loads of deposits on same card.
Won't verify it. Won't tell me why they wont.
Zero communication, no customer service, no live chat, no phone number
They don't actually tell you it's rejected you have to go to your account and look to see if its verified and all it says beside your upload is 'unverified'
They ignore 99% of emails and when they do reply to the 1% they don't follow up or actually give you an answer
There's practically no way to contact this company
I'm also on another site of theirs and had to go through the Alderney gambling commission to get verified as it was exactly the same problem on that site.
So if they won't verify you, Won't communicate with you, Won't even try to help you resolve the issue so you can correct the problem , then you have NO CHANCE OF WITHDRAWING any winnings. But they will keep taking your deposits
It Should be shut down to be honest.