Zdravo. Prijavio sam se na flush.com (onlajn kazino) 23. marta 2024. Deponovao sam €405 koristeći Ethereum (kripto) i dobio €600 bonusa. Igrao sam slot 'book of time' i osvojio otprilike €22,800. Podigao sam 2.500 dolara u svoj Ethereum novčanik i on se isplatio, zatim sam povukao još 2.500 dolara koji su takođe platili. Ovo je jedini novac koji sam dobio do danas.
Pokušao sam da izvršim sledeće povlačenje, ali sam imao poteškoća. Razgovarao sam sa live chat-om koji mi je rekao da istražuju moj nalog. Tokom narednih nekoliko nedelja nekoliko puta sam ih pitao da li su završili istragu i rečeno mi je da je u toku.
Konačno, 27. maja 2024. primio sam e-poštu u kojoj je pisalo sledeće:
„Sa žaljenjem vas obaveštavamo da je vaš nalog suspendovan zbog kršenja naših uslova. Naša evidencija pokazuje da ste kreirali više naloga i zloupotrebili naš bonus na depozit dobrodošlice, što je u suprotnosti sa našim uslovima i odredbama i uslovima bonusa.
Molimo vas da shvatite da ovakva kršenja shvatamo ozbiljno. Oni ugrožavaju integritet naše platforme i potkopavaju poverenje naše cenjene korisničke zajednice. Stoga smo preduzeli neophodne korake da suspendujemo vaš nalog i poništimo sredstva do daljnjeg.'
Zatim su 2. juna 2024. poslali imejl sa potvrdom da su moja sredstva konfiskovana.
Napravio sam samo jedan nalog i nisam zloupotrebio njihov bonus dobrodošlice. Zbunjen sam kako i zašto su došli do ovog zaključka. I dalje mi duguju preko 18.000 evra. Možete li mi pomoći da vratim ovaj novac? Pošto sam otvorio samo jedan račun, oni ne mogu da imaju dokaze za bilo koju od svojih optužbi.
Hello. I signed up with flush.com (an online casino) on 23rd March 2024. I deposited €405 using Ethereum (crypto) and received a €600 bonus. I played the slot ‘book of time’ and won approximately €22,800. I withdrew $2,500 to my Ethereum wallet and it paid, I then withdrew a further $2,500 which also paid. This is the only money I have received to date.
I tried to make my next withdrawal but was experiencing difficulties. I spoke to live chat who told me that they were investigating my account. Over the next few weeks I asked them several times whether they had completed the investigation and was told it was ongoing.
Finally, on 27th May 2024 I received an email saying the following:
‘We regret to inform you that your account has been suspended for violating our terms and conditions. Our records indicate that you have created multiple accounts and abused our welcome deposit bonus, which goes against our Terms and Conditions and Bonus Terms.
Please understand that we take such violations seriously. They compromise the integrity of our platform and undermine the trust of our valued user community. Therefore, we have taken the necessary steps to suspend your account and void the funds until further notice.’
Then on 2nd June 2024 they emailed confirming that my funds have been confiscated.
I have only created one account and not abused their welcome deposit bonus. I am confused as to how and why they have come to this conclusion. They still owe me over €18,000. Can you help me get this money back? As I have only opened one account, they can’t have proof of any of their accusations.
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