Hvala na odgovoru.
Mogu da potvrdim da sam tokom telefonskog razgovora tražio da se račun zatvori – mislim da je to bilo u februaru, ali možda i u martu. Osoba sa kojom sam razgovarao potvrdila je da je račun 'zatvoren'. Međutim, od tada sam uspeo da se prijavim na njega, tako da je nemoguće trajno zatvoriti nalog jer me je jedan od njihovih predstavnika obavestio da možete da se samoisključite na najviše 30 dana. Ovo je neprihvatljiva praksa i sigurno ne može biti legalna.
Nalog je napravio moj sin, koji je tada imao 15 godina. Koristio je svoju debitnu karticu za deponovanje sredstava u brojnim prilikama i kockao je oko 450 funti. Obavestio me je da je jednom prilikom osvojio preko 400 evra, ali nije mogao da ih podigne jer su tražili dokaz da način plaćanja pripada vlasniku računa. Kako se može smatrati prihvatljivim da se ove provere ne sprovode pre nego što vam bude dozvoljeno da se kockate na njihovoj veb stranici? Činjenica da mogu da prihvate depozite sa kartice čiji detalji se ne poklapaju sa vlasnicima računa i pripadaju maloletnoj osobi je užasna.
Kao rezultat ovog iskustva, moj sin, koji sada ima 16 godina, doživeo je velike probleme sa kockanjem, jer je izgubio sav svoj novac i pokušava da ga vrati od strane mladih do ekstremnih dužina kako bi pronašao mesta gde može da se kocka.
Hvala vam.
Thank you for your response.
I can confirm that I did request that the account was closed, during a phone call - I think it was this February, but possibly March. The person that I spoke to confirmed that the account had been 'closed'. However, I have since managed to log into it, so it appears impossible to close the account permanently as one of their representatives informed me that you can self-exclude for a maximum of 30 days. This is an unacceptable practice and surely cannot be legal.
The account was created by my Son, who was 15 years old at the time. He used his debit card to deposit funds on numerous occasions, and gambled approximately £450. He informed me that he won over 400 Euros on one occasion, but he could not withdraw it as they required proof that the payment method belonged to the account holder. How can it be considered acceptable for these checks not to be conducted before you are allowed to gamble on their website? The fact that they can accept deposits from a card that’s details doesn’t match the account holder's, and belongs to an underage person is appalling.
As a result of this experience, my son, who is now 16 years old has experienced major gambling issues, as he lost all of his money and he is trying to win it back by young to extreme lengths to find outlets where he can gamble.
Thank you.
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