Nažalost, nakon prikupljanja svih potrebnih informacija, ovu žalbu odbacujemo kao neopravdanu.
Što se tiče licence - smije im se prihvaćanje depozita od igrača u Velikoj Britaniji bez dozvole UKGC sve dok ne ciljaju UK igrača (nude GBP kao valutu, nude posebne bonuse za britanske igrače itd.) I dok god ne ' ne možete praviti probleme igračima iz Velike Britanije, na primjer, oduzevši im dobitak.
Međutim, uvijek preporučujemo našim igračima da više vole igrati u kockarnicama koje imaju licencu UKGC kako bi dobili uslugu visoke kvalitete, ako je potrebno.
A ako je vaše dijete zaista uplatilo depozit na vaš račun (slučajno ili ne), žao mi je, ali vi ste odgovorni za to i ne vidimo da je to valjan razlog za kažnjavanje kasina. Pogledajte ovo mjesto u General T & C-u kockarnice:
"7.2. Odgovorni ste za sve aktivnosti koje se odvijaju na vašem računu, kao i za sigurnost vaše lozinke, za sve gubitke koji mogu nastati zbog trećih strana."
Žao nam je što vam nismo mogli pomoći s ovim, ali molim vas, ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati nas u budućnosti ako naiđete na bilo koji problem sa ovom ili bilo kojom drugom kasinom. Tu smo da pomognemo.
Unfortunately, after gathering all the necessary information we are rejecting this complaint as unjustified.
Regarding the license - they are allowed to accept deposits from the UK players without the UKGC license as long as they do not target UK player (offering GBP as currency, offerring special bonuses for UK players, etc.) and as long as they don't cause any problems for the UK player, by, for example confiscating their winnings.
However, we always recommend our players to prefer playing in casinos licensed by UKGC in order to receive a high quality service if needed.
And if your child really made a deposit to your account (by accident or not), I am sorry, but you are responsible for this and we don't see this to be a valid reason for punishing the casino. Please have a look at this point in the casino's General T&Cs:
"7.2. You are responsible for all activities that take place on your account, as well as for the safety of your password, for all losses that may sustain caused by third parties."
Sorry we were not able to help you with this one, but please, do not hesitate to contact us in the future, if you run into any issues with this or any other casino. We are here to help.
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