Samo da se vratim na vaš predlog. Ne biste verovali koliko smo problema imali kada smo želeli da damo besplatne okrete igračima.
Pre svega, mi smo međunarodni, ali kazina imaju različite ograničene zemlje. To znači da korisnici mogu da glasaju za kazino samo da bi kasnije saznali da ih kazino neće prihvatiti. Zatim smo se bavili i problemima u kojima je korisnik osvojio besplatne okrete, ali kazino nije mogao da ih doda iz nekog razloga ili spinovi nisu funkcionisali, primili su pogrešan iznos, okretanja su dodata, ali provajder igre blokirao zemlju igrača itd.
Sećam se jednog igrača koji smo imali sa Kube. Problemi koje smo imali osećali smo kao priča bez kraja 🙂
S druge strane, izuzetno je lako raditi takve stvari kada na primer imate nemački forum za nemačke igrače i promovišete samo kazina licencirana u Nemačkoj. Onda nema problema.
Just getting back to your suggestion. You wouldn't believe how many issues we had when we wanted to give free spins to players.
First of all, we're international, but casinos have different restricted countries. That means users could vote for a casino just to find out later the casino won't accept them. Then we also dealt with issues where a user won the free spins, but the casino wasn't able to add them for some reason or the spins didn't work, they received a wrong amount, the spins were added, but the game provider blocked the player's country etc.
I remember one player we had from Cuba. The issues we had felt like never ending story 🙂
On the other hand, it's extremely easy to do such stuff when you for example have a German forum for German players and you promote only casinos licensed in Germany. Then there are no issues.
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