pre 1 godinu
🌟 Ekskluzivni intervju sa pobednikom Makbet turnira!
Upoznajte prvog pobednika koji je uzeo MERCEDES A-Klasu!
Oduševljeni smo što možemo da vam predstavimo naš ekskluzivni intervju sa najnovijim dodatkom u krugu Vavada pobednika, Vavada Plaier50310 !
Hajde da zaronimo u emocije i uvide nakon turnira koje je podelio naš srećni pobednik:
⁃ Kako se osećate u vezi sa svojom pobedom?
⁃ Iskreno, prijatno sam iznenađen, a ovo nije moj prvi poklon sa projekta! Generalno, ovakvi turniri su sjajna ideja Vavade. Mislim da ću pokušati da učestvujem i na budućim turnirima.
Zajednica Vavada, želimo da čujemo od vas! 🌟
Da li se pridružujete turnirima da biste dobili priliku da osvojite nagrade za Mercedes automobile? Da li se trudite da dođete do VRHA na tabeli po sjajnim poklonima? 😎 Podelite svoja razmišljanja i iskustva u komentarima ispod!
Hajde da proslavimo uspeh Vavada Plaier50310 i inspirišemo druge da ciljaju visoko na uzbudljivim turnirima koje Vavada organizuje! Otkrijte više turnira na našojveb stranici . 🚗💨
🌟 an Exclusive Interview with a Maxbet Tournament Winner!
Meet the first winner who took MERCEDES A-Class!
We are thrilled to present our exclusive interview with the newest addition to the Vavada winners' circle, Vavada Player50310!
Let's dive into the post-tournament emotions and insights shared by our lucky winner:
⁃ How do you feel about your win?
⁃ Honestly, I am pleasantly surprised, and this isn't my first gift from the project! In general, such tournaments are a brilliant idea from Vavada. I think I will try to participate in future tournaments too.
Vavada Community, we want to hear from you! 🌟
Do you join tournaments for the chance to win Mercedes car prizes? Are you striving to make it to the TOP of the standings for awesome gifts? 😎 Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!
Let's celebrate the success of Vavada Player50310 and inspire others to aim high in the exciting tournaments hosted by Vavada! Discover more tournaments on our website. 🚗💨
🥇«Daću novac svojoj mami». Kako pobednik Ks-turnira planira da tretira pobedu?
Ks-turnir je završen 4. decembra, glavna nagrada je bio Mercedes A-klase!
Pobednik velikog izvlačenja bio je igrač Azzart i zamolili smo ga da prokomentariše svoju pobedu i podeli svoje planove.
- Sećate li se osećanja posle pobede?
- To je nešto najbolje što mi se dogodilo, ovaj novac će mi mnogo pomoći u budućem životu.
- Da li ste pazili na plasman ili je sve ispalo slučajno?
- Nisam ni znao da sam pobedio, nisam posebno ulazio na turnir, samo sam igrao slotove i tada me je kontaktirao Vavada.
- Kako planirate da se počastite za takvu pobedu?
- Neću se razmaziti, ovaj novac ću dati svojoj mami, ona će to kako treba.
Velike čestitke!
❗Uzgred, želimo da vas podsetimo da je novi Ks-turnir upravo u toku i na njemu može učestvovati svaki igrač.
Glavna nagrada je Mercedes A-klase!
Požurite da učestvujete i želimo svima puno sreće🍀
Više informacija o turnirima možete pronaćiovde
🥇«I'm gonna give the money to my mum». How does the winner of the X-tournament plan to treat the win?
The X-tournament ended on December 4, the main prize was a Mercedes A-Class!
The winner of a large-scale drawing was a player Azzzart and we asked him to comment on his victory and share his plans.
- Do you remember your feelings after winning?
- It was the best thing that's ever happened to me, this money will help me a lot in my future life.
- Did you keep an eye on the standings or did it all come out by chance?
- I didn't even know I had won, I didn't specifically enter the tournament, I was just playing slots and then I was contacted by Vavada.
- How do you plan to treat yourself for such a win?
- I'm not gonna spoil myself, I'm gonna give this money to my mum, she'll manage it properly.
Big Congratulations!
❗️By the way, we would like to remind you that the new X-tournament is ongoing right now and any player can take part there.
The main prize is a Mercedes A-Class!
Hurry up to participate and we wish everyone good luck🍀
More information about tournaments can be found here
💥Velike pobede na Vavadi!
Aplauzi publike pobednicima Ks-turnira iz Vavade, koji je završen 11. decembra
I zadovoljstvo nam je da vas upoznamo sa srećnima:
🥇 1. mesto - Mercedes A-Klasa: Bravo za Plaier63720 koji je pokazao neuporedivu veštinu i strategiju.
🥈 2. mesto - 8000 dolara: U teškoj borbi, CHESS1K je pokazao neverovatnu snagu da obezbedi 2. mesto.
🥉 3. mesto - 4000 dolara: Bronza ide igraču 18370 , čija je finoća igranja donela 3. mesto.
Iskreno se radujemo zbog vas, momci!
Velike čestitke👏
Takođe želimo da vas podsetimo da je Makbet turnir već počeo, tako da svaki igrač ima priliku da osvoji luksuzni Mercedes A-Klase!
📅 Period turnira: od 11. do 18. decembra
Nagradni fond:
🥇 1. mesto: Mercedes A-klase!
🥈 2. mesto: 7,500 dolara
🥉 3. mesto: 3,500 dolara
Svaki igrač koji se kladi sa pravim novcem učestvuje na turniru. Onaj ko napravi najveći iznos uloga u slotovima je pobednik.
Srećno i pročitajte više o našim turnirimaovde
💥Big wins on Vavada!
Crowd applauses to the winners of the X-tournament from Vavada, which ended on December 11
And we’re pleased to introduce you to the lucky ones:
🥇 1st Place - Mercedes A-Class: Bravo to Player63720 who displayed unparalleled skill and strategy.
🥈 2nd Place - $8000: In a closely contested battle, CHESS1K demonstrated incredible prowess to secure the 2nd place.
🥉 3rd Place - $4000: The bronze goes to Player18370, whose gaming finesse earned them the 3rd place.
We are sincerely happy for you, guys!
Big congratulations👏
And we would also like to remind you that the Maxbet tournament has already started, so every player has a chance to win a luxurious Mercedes A-Class!
📅 Tournament Period: December 11 to December 18
Prize Pool:
🥇 1st Place: Mercedes A-Class!
🥈 2nd Place: $7,500
🥉 3rd Place: $3,500
Any player who makes bets with real money takes part in the tournament. Whoever who makes the greatest amount of stakes in slots is the winner.
Good luck and read more about our tournaments here
💥Specijalna ponuda za članove CasinoGuru-a!
Hej hej!
Podsećamo vas da smo posebno za članove foruma pripremili promo kod za 20 besplatnih okretaja u slot Iron Bank (valuta EUR).
Ovaj bonus možete dobiti koristeći kod GURU20
Koristite promo kod za uzbudljive igre!
Želimo vam sreću 🍀
Pronađite još više turnira sa izdašnim novčanim nagradama na VAVADA veb lokaciji .
💥Special Offer for CasinoGuru members!
Hey hey!
We’d like to remind you that especially for members of forum, we’ve prepared a promocode for 20 free spins in the slot Iron Bank (currency EUR).
You can get this bonus using the code GURU20
Use the promo code for exciting games!
We wish you good luck 🍀
Find even more tournaments with generous cash prizes on VAVADA website.
🎄Uronite u praznično ludilo uz Vavadine novogodišnje turnire! 🎄
Pripremite se za uzbudljiv kraj godine uz spektakularne novogodišnje turnire Vavada kazina! Prihvatite praznični duh i pustite da se koluti okreću dok se takmičite za velike nagrade u srcu akcije.
🚗 Makbet turnir (11. decembar - 18. decembar):
Podignite svoj faktor uzbuđenja na Makbet turniru od 11. do 18. decembra! Ova nedelja vam pruža priliku da osvojite Mercedes GLA-klasu tako što ćete položiti maksimalne opklade.
🚗 Ks-plus turnir (18. decembar - 25. decembar):
Svečani Ks-plus turnir počinje 18. decembra! Pridružite se intenzivnoj trci za pravo da posedujete Mercedes GLS-klasu . Požurite da se upoznate sa novim pravilima turnira i iskoristite svoju priliku!
🚗 Makbet turnir (25. decembar - 31. decembar):
Najveći događaj godine, poklon luksuznog Mercedesa G-klase (Gelandevagen )! Makbet turnir počinje 25. decembra i odrediće srećnog dobitnika u novogodišnjoj noći. Započnite novu godinu kako treba!
🎇 Neka vam šanse budu u prilog:
Vavada vam želi puno sreće na novogodišnjim turnirima. Neka vam okretanja budu srećna, a Novu godinu uvedite sa pljuskom dobitaka! Igrajte odgovorno i uživajte u uzbuđenju sezone u Vavada kazinu.
Srećno vrtenje i srećna Nova godina odVavade !
🎄Dive into the Festive Frenzy with Vavada's New Year Tournaments! 🎄
Gear up for an exhilarating end to the year with Vavada Casino's spectacular New Year Tournaments! Embrace the holiday spirit and let the reels spin as you compete for grand prizes in the heart of the action.
🚗 Maxbet Tournament (December 11 - December 18):
Elevate your thrill factor in the Maxbet Tournament from December 11 to December 18! This week presents you with a chance to win a Mercedes GLA-class by placing maximum bets.
🚗 X-plus Tournament (December 18 - December 25):
The festive X-plus Tournament kicks off on December 18! Join the intense race for the right to own a Mercedes GLS-class. Hurry to familiarize yourself with the new tournament rules and seize your opportunity!
🚗 Maxbet Tournament (December 25 - December 31):
The grandest event of the year, the giveaway of the luxurious Mercedes G-class (Gelandewagen)! The Maxbet Tournament kicks off on December 25 and will determine the lucky winner on New Year's Eve. Start the new year right!
🎇 May the Odds Be in Your Favor:
Vavada wishes you the best of luck in the New Year Tournaments. May your spins be lucky, and may you usher in the New Year with a shower of winnings! Play responsibly and enjoy the thrill of the season at Vavada Casino.
Happy Spinning and Happy New Year from Vavada!
🏆 Rezultati MakBet turnira 🚗💨
Uzbudljivi MakBet turnir na Mercedesu je završen, a mi smo uzbuđeni da objavimo pobednike! 🎉
🥇 1. mesto: Čestitamo buldogu , koji je obezbedio prvo mesto i odvezao se u potpuno novom Mercedesu GLA-klase!
🥈 2. mesto: NikeMihao - $7,500 bogatiji!
🥉 3. mesto: 0001md - Uživajte u nagradi od 3.500 dolara!
Konkurencija je bila velika i zahvaljujemo se svima koji su učestvovali! Ali uzbuđenju tu nije kraj...
Predstavljamo MakBet Ks-Plus turnir 🚗💨
Spremite se za još jednu rundu punjenja adrenalina! Ovoga puta ulozi su veći, a nagrade još luksuznije.
Period turnira: od 18. decembra do 25. decembra
Nagradni fond:
🥇 1. mesto: Konačna nagrada je Mercedes GLS klase!
🥈 2. mesto: $8,000 u hladnoj gotovini!
🥉 3. mesto: kul $4,000 za trećeplasiranog!
...a nagrade se nastavljaju za prvih 100 učesnika!
🔥 Ulozi počinju od $0,15! 🔥
Zapamtite, dobici sa množiocem od k100 ili više će biti konvertovani u bodove na osnovu koeficijenata i sabirani.
Ne propustite svoju šansu da osvojite veliku pobedu na Ks-Plus turniru za Mercedes GLS-klasu! Počnite da se kladite na našemturniru i ciljajte na prvo mesto! 🚀💰
🏆 MaxBet Tournament Results 🚗💨
The thrilling MaxBet tournament on Mercedes has concluded, and we're excited to announce the winners! 🎉
🥇 1st Place: Congratulations to bulldog, who secured the top spot and drove away in a brand-new Mercedes GLA-class!
🥈 2nd Place: NikeMihao - $7,500 richer!
🥉 3rd Place: 0001md - Enjoy your $3,500 prize!
The competition was fierce, and we thank everyone who participated! But the excitement doesn't end there...
Introducing the MaxBet X-Plus Tournament 🚗💨
Get ready for another adrenaline-pumping round! This time, the stakes are higher, and the prizes are even more luxurious.
Tournament Period: December 18 to December 25
Prize pool:
🥇 1st Place: The ultimate reward is a Mercedes GLS-class!
🥈 2nd Place: $8,000 in cold hard cash!
🥉 3rd Place: A cool $4,000 for the third-place winner!
...and the rewards continue for the top 100 participants!
🔥 Stakes begin at $0.15! 🔥
Remember, winnings with a multiplier of x100 or more will be converted into points based on the coefficients and added up.
Don't miss your chance to win big in the X-Plus Tournament for Mercedes GLS-class! Start placing your bets in our tournament and aim for the top spot! 🚀💰
🎄 Zagrlite praznični duh uz Vavadine praznične turnire! 🎄
📅 Ks-Plus turnir - od 18. decembra do 25. decembra 🚗💨
Pripremite se za prazničnu sezonu sa turbo punjenjem uz Ks-Plus turnir u Vavadi! Od 18. do 25. decembra, svaki dobitak sa množiocem od k100 ili više će treptati kao praznična svetla, pretvarajući se u poene i doprinoseći divnom nagradnom fondu od 60.000 dolara! Započnite svoje sanke (ili bolje rečeno, svoje opklade) sa samo 0,15 dolara i trčite ka prazničnim pobedama.
🎄 Novogodišnji Makbet turnir - od 25. do 31. decembra 🎁
Iskoristite radost maksimalnih opklada i maksimalnih nagrada na našem specijalnom novogodišnjem Makbet turniru, koji se održava od 25. decembra do 31. decembra. Učinite svoje opklade veselijim, osvojite prvo mesto i možda ćete samo pronaći deo nagradnog fonda od 50.000 dolara ispod vaše igre drvo! To je turnir za pravi novac koji obećava praznično veselje i uzbudljive pobede.
🌟 Neka vam opklade budu vesele, a pobede sjajne! 🍀
Kako padaju pahulje, tako se povećavaju šanse za pobedu ovog decembra na Vavadi! Ne propustite prazničnu zabavu - istražite magiju sezone i jurite praznične pobedeovde !
🎄 Embrace the Festive Spirit with Vavada's Holiday Tournaments! 🎄
📅 X-Plus Tournament - December 18 to December 25 🚗💨
Gear up for a turbocharged holiday season with the X-Plus Tournament at Vavada! From December 18 to December 25, every win with a multiplier of x100 or more will twinkle like holiday lights, converting into points and contributing to a jolly prize pool of $60,000! Start your sleigh (or rather, your bets) with as little as $0.15 and race towards festive victories.
🎄 New Year Maxbet Tournament - December 25 to December 31 🎁
Unwrap the joy of maximum bets and maximum rewards in our special New Year Maxbet Tournament, happening from December 25 to December 31. Make your wagers merrier, claim the top spot, and you might just find a share of the $50,000 prize pool under your gaming tree! It's a real-money tournament that promises holiday cheer and thrilling wins.
🌟 May Your Bets Be Merry and Your Wins Be Bright! 🍀
As snowflakes fall, so do the chances to win big this December at Vavada! Don't miss out on the festive fun - explore the magic of the season and chase those holiday victories here!
Hej hej!
Iskrene čestitke pobednicima Ks-plus turnira, koji je završen 25. decembra!
I zadovoljstvo nam je da vas upoznamo sa srećnima:
🥇 1. mesto - Ludojop , koji je osvojio luksuzni Mercedes GLS-klase!
🥈 2. mesto - affgambler , koji je dobio $8000!
🥉 3. mesto - 4000 dolara: Bronza ide igraču Plaier70896 , čija je finoća igranja donela 3. mesto.
Aplauzi publike pobednicima!
Takođe, želimo da vas podsetimo na poslednji Makbet turnir u ovoj godini, koji je već počeo na Vavadi!
Nagradni fond Makbet turnira:
1. mesto - Mercedes G-klase (Gelandevagen!)
2. mesto - 7 500$,
3. mesto - 3 500$
📅 Period turnira: od 25. decembra do 31. decembra
🚗Koja su pravila turnira?
Svaki igrač koji se kladi sa pravim novcem učestvuje na turniru.
Pobednik je ko ostvari najveći iznos uloga u slotovima
Požurite da učestvujete na turniru i osvojite vredne nagrade 🎁
Više detalja možete videtiovde
Hey hey!
Sincere congratulations to the winners of the X-plus tournament, which ended on December 25!
And we’re pleased to introduce you to the lucky ones:
🥇 1st Place - Ludojop, who won luxurious Mercedes GLS-class!
🥈 2nd Place - affgambler, who received $8000!
🥉 3rd Place - $4000: The bronze goes to Player70896, whose gaming finesse earned them the 3rd place.
Crowd applauses to the winners!
Also, we would like to remind you about the last Maxbet tournament in this year, which has already started on Vavada!
Prize pool Maxbet tournament:
1st place - Mercedes G-class (Gelandewagen!)
2d place - 7 500$,
3d place - 3 500$
📅 Tournament Period: December 25 to December 31
🚗What are the tournament rules?
Any player who makes bets with real money takes part in the tournament.
Whoever makes the greatest amount of stakes in slots is the winner
Hurry up to take part in the tournament and get valuable prizes 🎁
You can see more details here
🏆 Vavada Plaier je osvojio najbolji poklon za Božić, MERCEDES GLS-klasu! 🎅🏼
Velike čestitke igraču: Ludojop za tako fantastičnu pobedu, on je sada vlasnik luksuznog automobila. Hajde da pogledamo intervju 👇🏻
- Osvojili ste Mercedes GLS iz Vavade, vaši utisci?
- Veoma sam srećan zbog pobede, na ovom automobilu ću prevoziti i svoje čamce. Sjajni turniri i super nagrade za učesnike.
- Koja je vaša najveća pobeda ikada na Vavadi?
- Moj najveći pojedinačni dobitak je bio 500.000 evra, a ponekad je bilans i do 800.000 evra.
- Da li ste se držali neke posebne taktike za pobedu?
- Da, postojala je određena taktika učešća koju sam sledio. Od početka sam bio veoma motivisan da osvojim prvo mesto
- Šta biste savetovali igračima?
- Dao bih vam jedan savet, ne zadržavajte se dugo na jednom mestu
- Takmičenje za Gelandevagen na Makbet turniru je već počelo, da li nameravate da se takmičite za 1. mesto?
- Pokušao sam posle prethodne pobede na turniru da odigram ostatak bilansa, stekao dobre bodove i sada sam već rešen da učestvujem do kraja.
Vreme je da Novu godinu započnemo sa praskom u Vavadi!
Pridružite se prazničnom duhu i pojačajte svoje uzbuđenje dok se novogodišnji turnir odvija, sa neverovatnim Mercedes Gelandevagenom kao glavnom nagradom na Makbet turniru. 🚗🌟 Ne propustite priliku da se takmičite za 1. mesto i sa uzbuđenjem pobede uvedete Novu godinu.
Počnite da se okrećete, pobeđujete i učinite 2023. godinom neverovatnih nagrada saVavadom !
🏆 Vavada Player won a best X-Mas gift, the MERCEDES GLS-Class! 🎅🏼
Big congratulations to the player: Ludojop for such a fantastic win, he is now the owner of a luxury car. Let's have a look on interview 👇🏻
- You won a Mercedes GLS car from Vavada, your impressions?
- I am very happy to win, I will transport my boats on this car as well. Great tournaments and cool prizes for the participants.
- What is your biggest win ever on Vavada?
- My biggest single win was 500,000 euros, and sometimes the balance was up to 800,000 euros.
- Did you stick to any special tactics to win?
- Yes there was a certain tactic of participation that I followed. I was very motivated from the start to take first place
- What advice would you give to the players?
- I would give one piece of advice, don't stay in one slot for very long
- The competition for the Gelandewagen in the Maxbet tournament has already started, do you intend to compete for 1st place?
- I tried after the previous tournament win, to play the rest of the balance, gained good points and now I am already determined to participate until the end.
It's time to kick off the New Year with a bang at Vavada!
Join the festive spirit and rev up your excitement as the New Year tournament unfolds, featuring the incredible Mercedes Gelandewagen as the grand prize in the Maxbet tournament. 🚗🌟 Don't miss your chance to compete for the 1st place and usher in the New Year with the thrill of victory.
Start spinning, winning, and make 2023 your year of incredible prizes with Vavada!
🌟 Čestitamo šampionima Makbet turnira! 🌟
Uzbuđenje zbog pobede pronašlo je svoje šampione na uzbudljivom Makbet turniru na Vavadi! 🚀✨ Hajde da virtuelno nazdravimo našim vrhunskim izvođačima koji su osvojili kolutove i izašli kao pobednici:
🥇 1. mesto - trijumf bez premca ide na: LUDOJOP TOP!
Željeno mesto na vrhuncu uspeha zauzima LUDOJOP TOP! . Uživajte u slavi svoje pobede i uživajte u vožnji u luksuznom Mercedesu G-Klase (Gelandevagen)!
🥈 2. mesto – Zvezdano dostignuće: ChameS2
Aplauz za ChameS2 , obezbeđivanje 2. mesta i odlazak sa fantastičnom novčanom nagradom od $7,500! Vaše igračko umeće se zaista isplatilo.
🥉 3. mesto - Odlično u stilu: Plaier50310
Plaier50310 osvaja 3. poziciju, ubrzavajući svoje dobitke sa novčanom nagradom od $3,500! Vaša posvećenost igri je blistala.
Veliki pozdrav svim učesnicima što su Makbet turnir učinili uzbudljivim takmičenjem! Vaš entuzijazam i veština učinili su ovaj događaj zaista nezaboravnim. Neka nova godina donese obilje sreće i monumentalne pobede svim igračima Vavade dok se kreću u uzbudljivom svetu igara u danima koji su pred nama!
Ostanite sa nama za još uzbudljivih turnira i uzbudljivih avantura naVavadi . Vaša sledeća pobeda bi mogla biti samo jedan okret! 🎰✨
🌟 Congratulations to the Maxbet Tournament Champions! 🌟
The thrill of victory has found its champions in the heart-pounding Maxbet Tournament on Vavada! 🚀✨ Let's raise a virtual toast to our top performers who conquered the reels and emerged victorious:
🥇 1st Place - Unparalleled Triumph Goes to: LUDOJOP TOP!
The coveted spot at the pinnacle of success is claimed by LUDOJOP TOP!. Revel in the glory of your victory and enjoy the ride in the luxurious Mercedes G-Class (Gelandewagen)!
🥈 2nd Place - Stellar Achievement by: ChameS2
A round of applause for ChameS2, securing the 2nd spot and walking away with a fantastic cash prize of $7,500! Your gaming prowess has truly paid off.
🥉 3rd Place - Excelling in Style: Player50310
Player50310 clinches the 3rd position, accelerating their winnings with a cash prize of $3,500! Your dedication to the game has shone brightly.
A big shoutout to all participants for making the Maxbet Tournament an electrifying competition! Your enthusiasm and skill have made this event truly memorable. May the new year bring abundant luck and monumental wins to all Vavada players as they navigate the exhilarating world of gaming in the days ahead!
Stay tuned for more thrilling tournaments and exciting adventures on Vavada. Your next victory could be just a spin away! 🎰✨
Da li biste mogli da odgovorite na pitanja igrača, molim vas? 🙂
Isprobajte ovu temu: https: //
Hvala vam.
Could you perhaps address the player's questions, please? 🙂
Try out this thread:
Thank you.
Hej hej 💥
Novogodišnji praznici su prošli, ali to ne znači da su i iznenađenja gotova.
Sa zadovoljstvom vam najavljujemo još jednu temu o našem projektu, gde možete dobiti sve važne i korisne informacije o našem kazinu.
Vesti, nagradne igre, zanimljivosti - sve ovo planiramo da objavimo tamo. I radujemo se što ćemo vas videti u ovoj temi.
Uzgred, želimo da vas podsetimo da imamo poseban promo kod za članove Casino.Guru foruma: promo kod za 20 besplatnih okretaja u slotu Iron Bank (valuta EUR).
Ovaj bonus možete dobiti koristeći kod GURU20 .
🍀Zabavite se i igrajte sa VAVADOM
Hey hey 💥
The New Year holidays are over, but that doesn't mean the surprises are over too.
We’re pleased to announce to you another thread about our project, where you can receive all the important and useful information about our casino.
News, sweepstakes, interesting facts - we plan to publish all this there. And we look forward to seeing you in this thread.
By the way, we’d like to remind you that we have a special promo code for members of the Casino.Guru forum: a promo code for 20 free spins in the slot Iron Bank (currency EUR).
You can get this bonus using the code GURU20.
🍀Have fun and play with VAVADA
🌟 Pridružite se Makbet turniru i osigurajte svoju šansu za veliku pobedu! 🌟
📆 Period turnira: 8. januar - 15. januar
💰 Raspored nagradnog fonda:
1. mesto: 12.000 dolara
2. mesto: 7.500 dolara
3. mesto: 3,500 dolara
Od 4. do 10. mesta: po 1.000 dolara
Od 11. do 30. mesta: po 500 dolara
Od 31. do 50. mesta: po 250 dolara
Od 51. do 100. mesta: po 100 dolara
🔥 Kako učestvovati:
Napravite maksimalnu sumu opklada tokom turnirskog perioda.
Popnite se na rang listu i obezbedite svoje mesto za šansu da osvojite deo neverovatnog nagradnog fonda!
🚀 Ne propustite ovu priliku da testirate svoje veštine i takmičite se za velike nagrade! Uzbuđenje je pravo, kao i nagrade! Pridružite se sada i ostavite svoj trag na Makbet turniru! 🚀
🍀 Srećno svim učesnicima! Neka vaše opklade budu hrabre, vaše strategije oštre, a vaše pobede obilne. Neka igre počnu, i neka sreća favorizuje odvažne naMakbet turniru !
🌟 Join the Maxbet Tournament and Secure Your Chance to Win Big! 🌟
📆 Tournament Period: January 8th - January 15th
💰 Prize Pool Breakdown:
1st Place: $12,000
2nd Place: $7,500
3rd Place: $3,500
4th to 10th Place: $1,000 each
11th to 30th Place: $500 each
31st to 50th Place: $250 each
51st to 100th Place: $100 each
🔥 How to Participate:
Make the maximum sum of bets during the tournament period.
Climb the leaderboard and secure your spot for a chance to win a share of the incredible prize pool!
🚀 Don't miss out on this opportunity to test your skills and compete for the grand rewards! The excitement is real, and so are the prizes! Join now and make your mark in the Maxbet Tournament! 🚀
🍀 Best of luck to all participants! May your bets be bold, your strategies be sharp, and your victories be plentiful. Let the games begin, and may fortune favor the daring in the Maxbet Tournament!
🌟 Pridružite se Ks-Plus turniru za velike pobede u Vavadi! 🌟
Zdravo članovi CasinoGuru foruma,
pripremite se za uzbudljivo iskustvo igranja dok vam donosimo Ks-Plus turnir!
Od 15. do 22. januara uronite u uzbuđenje sa opkladama koje počinju od samo 0,15 dolara i imajte šansu da osvojite neverovatne nagrade.
Najvažniji detalji turnira:
Manija množitelja: Gledajte kako vaši dobici naglo rastu uz zadivljujući množitelj k100, pretvarajući se u poene koji bi vas mogli odvesti do pobede.
Dostupno za sve: Bilo da ste iskusni igrač ili novajlija, sa opkladama od 0,15 dolara, svako može da se pridruži zabavi.
📅 Period turnira:
15. januar - 22. januar
🏆 Raspored nagradnog fonda:
1. mesto: 11.000 dolara
2. mesto: 8.000 dolara
3. mesto: 4.000 dolara
4. mesto: 2.500 dolara
Od 5. do 10. mesta: po 1.500 dolara
Od 11. do 30. mesta: po 500 dolara
Od 31. do 50. mesta: po 300 dolara
Od 51. do 100. mesta: po 150 dolara
Od 101. do 120. mesta: po 100 dolara
🚀 Ne propustite ovu zlatnu priliku da pokažete svoje igračko umeće i osvojite neke fantastične nagrade! Idite uVavada kazino i ostavite svoj trag na Ks-Plus turniru.
Neka se koluti vrte u vašu korist!
🌟 Join the X-Plus Tournament for Massive Wins at Vavada! 🌟
Hello CasinoGuru Forum Members,
prepare yourselves for an exhilarating gaming experience as we bring you the X-Plus Tournament!
From January 15th to January 22nd, dive into the excitement with bets starting at just $0.15, and stand a chance to win incredible prizes.
Tournament Highlights:
Multiplier Mania: Watch your winnings skyrocket with a stunning x100 multiplier, converting into points that could lead you to victory.
Available for All: Whether you're a seasoned player or a newcomer, with bets starting from $0.15, everyone can join the fun.
📅 Tournament Period:
January 15th - January 22nd
🏆 Prize Pool Breakdown:
1st Place: $11,000
2nd Place: $8,000
3rd Place: $4,000
4th Place: $2,500
5th to 10th Place: $1,500 each
11th to 30th Place: $500 each
31st to 50th Place: $300 each
51st to 100th Place: $150 each
101st to 120th Place: $100 each
🚀 Don't miss out on this golden opportunity to showcase your gaming prowess and snag some fantastic prizes! Head to Vavada casino and make your mark in the X-Plus Tournament.
May the reels spin in your favor!
🚀 Upozorenje o MAKSBET turniru: Dosegnite maksimalne pobede!
📆 Termini: od 22. januara do 29. januara
💰 Očekuju vas prave novčane nagrade!
Pripremite se za adrenalinsko iskustvo igranja uz naš MAKSBET turnir!
Od 22. do 29. januara zaronite u uzbuđenje i napravite maksimalan zbir opklada da biste osvojili svoje mesto na tabeli. Ovo je vaša šansa da svoje igračke veštine pretvorite u prave novčane nagrade!
🏆 Raspored nagradnog fonda:
🥇 1. mesto: 12.000 dolara
🥈 2. mesto: 7,500 dolara
🥉 3. mesto: 3,500 dolara
4.-10. mesto: po 1.000 dolara
11.-30. mesto: po 500 dolara
31.-50. mesto: po 250 dolara
51.-100. mesto: po 100 dolara
🎉 Kako učestvovati:
Pridružite se MAKSBET turniru od 22. januara do 29. januara.
Napravite opklade na maksimalan iznos tokom turnirskog perioda.
Popnite se na rang listu i osigurajte svoju poziciju za šansu za veliku pobedu!
🚨 Uslovi i odredbe:
Samo opklade za pravi novac se kvalifikuju za turnir.
Pobednici će biti određeni na osnovu ukupnog iznosa opklada napravljenih tokom navedenog perioda.
Nagrade će biti uplaćene na račune pobednika nakon završetka turnira.
💸 Ne propustiteMAKSBET turnir – gde vas svaka opklada vodi korak bliže pobedi i neverovatnim novčanim nagradama! Da li ste spremni da maksimizirate svoje pobede? Neka igre počnu!
🚀 MAXBET Tournament Alert: Reach for the Maximum Wins!
📆 Dates: January 22 to January 29
💰 Real Money Prizes Await You!
Get ready for an adrenaline-fueled gaming experience with our MAXBET Tournament!
From January 22nd to January 29th, dive into the excitement and make the maximum sum of bets to claim your spot on the leaderboard. This is your chance to turn your gaming skills into real cash prizes!
🏆 Prize Pool Breakdown:
🥇 1st Place: $12,000
🥈 2nd Place: $7,500
🥉 3rd Place: $3,500
4th-10th Place: $1,000 each
11th-30th Place: $500 each
31st-50th Place: $250 each
51st-100th Place: $100 each
🎉 How to Participate:
Join the MAXBET Tournament from January 22 to January 29.
Make maximum-sum bets during the tournament period.
Climb the leaderboard and secure your position for a chance to win big!
🚨 Terms and Conditions:
Only real money bets qualify for the tournament.
Winners will be determined based on the total sum of bets made during the specified period.
Prizes will be credited to the winners' accounts after the tournament concludes.
💸 Don't miss out on the MAXBET Tournament – where every bet takes you one step closer to victory and incredible cash prizes! Are you ready to maximize your wins? Let the games begin!
Zdravo, dragi ljubitelji uzbuđenja i adrenalinski entuzijasti! ✨ Imamo vruću ponudu za vas koju jednostavno ne možete da propustite! Iskoristite promo kod « GURU20 » i zatražite 20 BESPLATNIH SPINS- a na uzbudljivoj slot igrici Iron Bank ! 🎁
Ovaj uzbudljivi slot je prepun avantura, brojnih bonusa i, naravno, ogromnih pobeda! Sada imate priliku da testirate svoju sreću apsolutno besplatno, zahvaljujući našem ekskluzivnom promo kodu.
Takođe, ne zaboravite da imamo posvećenu temu na forumu o projektu Vavada, gde možete pronaći sve najnovije vesti, promocije i savete za insajdere o našem kazinu.
Spremni za akciju? Kliknite na donju vezu da biste zatražili svojih 20 BESPLATNIH SPINS-a i otkrili sve što Vavada kazino može da ponudi:Vavada kazino.
Ne propustite svoju šansu za uzbudljive avanture i velike pobede! Koristite promotivni kod, zavrtite kolutove i neka sreća uvek bude na vašoj strani! 🍀
Hello, dear thrill-seekers and adrenaline enthusiasts! ✨ We've got a hot offer for you that you simply can't miss! Use the promo code «GURU20» and claim 20 FREE SPINS on the exhilarating slot game Iron Bank! 🎁
This thrilling slot is packed with adventures, numerous bonuses, and, of course, massive wins! Now you have the chance to test your luck absolutely for free, thanks to our exclusive promo code.
Also, don't forget that we have a dedicated forum thread about the Vavada project, where you can find all the latest news, promotions, and insider tips about our casino.
Ready for the action? Click on the link below to claim your 20 FREE SPINS and discover all that Vavada Casino has to offer: Vavada casino.
Don't miss your chance for thrilling adventures and big wins! Use the promo code, spin those reels, and may luck always be on your side! 🍀
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja. je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.