Primio sam e-poruku u kojoj se navodi da je na moj račun dodat gotovinski bonus. Bio je to bonus za Crni petak. Poslat je 23. u kojem se navodi da imam dva dana da zatražim bonus. Pročitao sam je tek 24. a onda sam brzo otišao na veb stranicu da vidim o čemu se radi. Otišao sam pod promocije i ništa nije bilo. Zatim sam pogledao pod istoriju bonusa i tada sam video da je 1 LTC bonus otkazan. Tada sam se obratio podršci i pitao kako da zatražim bonus i tada mi je rečeno da je došlo do greške u plaćanju bonusa, tako da su svi otkazani i novi bonus će uskoro biti pušten. Tada sam se osećao kao da duvaju dim. Kao prvo, nije im prvi put da rade ovakav bonus. I drugo, trebalo bi da bude naknadna e-poruka u kojoj se navodi da se zanemari prva e-poruka o bonusu i nova će uskoro biti objavljena. To i oni bi već imali zamenu za korisničku službu. Pa podrška je grubo prekinula ćaskanje kada sam postavio ova pitanja. Zatim sam svaki dan ponavljao kontakte samo da ne bih propustio novi bonus. I dalje je rečeno da će novi bonus uskoro biti objavljen, ali nema vremena kada. Pa danas sam ponovo posegnuo. Ali ovaj put mi je rečeno da je bonus istekao. Pa sačekajte kako može da istekne ako je došlo do greške u opkladi sa bonusom. Nastavio sam da postavljam pitanja da bih bio siguran da mislim na isti bonus. I bili smo. Onda sam dobro pitao da li je zašto bi istekao ako je otpočeto. I kada sam mu rekao šta mi je drugi agent rekao. Njegova priča se promenila i samo su se određeni igrači kvalifikovali za ovaj bonus. A ja sam odgovorio da i bio sam jedan jer su mi poslali e-poštu i imao sam bonus, ali me je Iall otkazao. A da se nisam kvalifikovao za to, to bi bilo rečeno prvi put. Umesto da ima problem sa klađenjem. Muka mi je od ovih kazina koji misle da mogu da urade bilo šta bez ikakvih posledica. Nije u redu da rade šta hoće i da osećaju da se ništa neće dogoditi. Treba da se promeni. Moraju da odgovaraju kada lažu i igraju igrice sa igračima. Mislim ako lažu o nečemu poput ovoga. Kako onda znamo da ne lažu kada kažu da nemaju uticaja na to kako se igra igra. I to važi za sve sajtove.
I received an email stating I had a cash bonus added to my account. It was a Black Friday bonus. It was sent on the 23rd stating I had two days to claim the bonus. I didn’t read it until the 24th then quickly went to the website to see what it was about. I went under promos and nothing was there. I then looked under bonus history and that’s when I seen the 1 LTC bonus was canceled. I then reached out to support and asked how to claim the bonus and that’s when I was told there was a waging error with the bonus so they all were canceled and a new bonus will be released soon. At that time I felt as if they were blowing smoke. For one it’s not their first time doing a bonus like this. And second there would have been a follow up email stating to disregard the first email about the bonus and a new one will be released shortly. That and they would have already had a replacement out for customer service. Well support rudely ended the chat when I asked these questions. I then repeated reached out each day just so I wouldn’t miss out on the new bonus. And was continued to be told the new bonus would be released soon but no time on when. Well today I reached out again. But this time I was told the bonus expired. Well wait how can it expire if there was a wagering error with the bonus. I went on to ask questions to make sure I was referring to the same bonus. And we were. I then asked well if it why would it be expired if it was canceled to begin with. And when I told him what the other agent said to me. His story changed to well only certain players qualified for this bonus. And I replied yes and I was one because I was emailed and I had the bonus but was canceled by yall. And if I didn’t qualify for it that would have been said the first time. Instead of it having a wagering issue. I’m sick of these casinos thinking they can just do whatever without any consequences. It’s not right for them to do whatever they want and feel like nothing will happen. It needs to change. They need to be held accountable when they lie and play games with players. I mean if they lie about something like this. Then how do we know they aren’t lying when they say they have no influence on how a game plays. And that goes for all the sites.