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Oh, thanks for the bonus; that’s always nice. Although, I doubt it’s still available.

Well, since this thread is more than 2 years old, I'm amazed at how active it's remained. 🙂

Bonus imali

Automatski prevedeno:

Are you perhaps subscribed to our no deposit bonus newsletter? Check out our account email settings. 😉

Da, pobedio sam, ali to je deo igre i sreće. Nadam se da ću i ovde u nekom trenutku pobediti.

Automatski prevedeno:

Ok. here we go again - where "have you won", please? 🙂

To je istina

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo, postoje li bonusi bez depozita?

Automatski prevedeno:

hoću da vidim

Automatski prevedeno:

želim da

Automatski prevedeno:

hoću da vidim

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, what specifically would you like to see please? 

Zdravo, postoje li bonusi bez depozita?

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, sure yes if you're talking in general, if you want to talk about this specific casino I'm not sure but we can look into it. So can you clarify what you would like to see and therefore, no deposit bonuses in general or for this specific casino? 🙂

sve je to samo prevara i još uvek verujete u to?

Automatski prevedeno:

Just to add, charging 1000% fees on deposit???

Super kazino 🎰

Automatski prevedeno:

Just to add, charging 1000% fees on deposit???

Hi, is this a question?

If so, I strongly suggest clarifying that with the casino. Once you have the response, please share it here 👈


sve je to samo prevara i još uvek verujete u to?

Automatski prevedeno:

Would it be possible to use the "reply" button, perhaps? This way we don't know who you are replying to and what is a scam actually.🤷‍♀️

Maybe try that next time.


Не то није било питање. То је мени казино наплатио таксу на прву исплату. Поднео сам овде жалбу, али казино је престао да одговара.

Super kazino 🎰

Automatski prevedeno:

Можда за тебе, али ја имам одвратно искуство са њим


we've already gone through all that, the casino has stopped's not that they didn't want to pay me, they just charged me a fee of 1000%🙄🤔


Sorry, but I don't fully understand this.

You have requested a withdrawal which they did not paid, right?

So, how could they charge this fee, then?

Would you mind to explain it so we can completely understand?


Баш тако је било. Хтео сам да повучем 150$, а казино ми је одобрио само 20$, а остатак је скинуо са мог рачуна. Са образложењем да они наплаћују таксу од 1000%, на прву исплату. Касније се та такса смањује. Прочитај жалбе играча на рецензији казина, и видећеш да има неколико истих случајева.


I understand now, thank you for the explanation.

I hope that many players will learn this and avoid playing there.

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