Ćao društvo! Upravo sam našla ovu divnu web stranicu prošle sedmice i ZALJUBLJENA sam!😍
Imam ukupno $0 potrošeno i $100 povučeno (trebalo bi biti $200, ali to je druga priča!) 😅
Moj dobitak je od Slotlands $35 koda bez depozita, tako da je to, zbog tog razloga, moj omiljeni bez depozita do sada. Sad se pitam šta je tvoje? Je li to besplatni čip ili besplatni spinovi? Zašto? I na kraju: Jeste li uspješno povukli?
Sretno sa vrtenjem! Polako s pobjedom!😏
Hey guys! I just found this lovely website last week and Im in LOVE!😍
I have a total of $0 spent and $100 withdrawn (should be $200 but thats a diffrent story!) 😅
My win is from Slotlands $35 no deposit code, so thats, because of that reason, my favorite no deposit thus far. Now I wonder whats yours? Is it free chip or freespins? Why? And last: Have you done succesfull withdrawls?
Best of luck with the spinning! Take it easy with the winning!😏