Zdravo, čini se da je kazino toliko popularan da ga nikada nismo naišli. 🙂 Dakle, hvala na savetu. Naši stručnjaci će, kao prvi korak, pregledati sajt.
Uvek mi je zanimljivo kada se igrač registruje samo da bi objavio takve informacije, a da čak i ne opisuje bonus, a da ne spominjem da nisam našao nikakve detalje na sajtu. Dakle, zaista je teško reći da li je bonus kul ili ne, zar ne?
Samo da znate, ovako tretiramo veze na forumu:
https://casino.guru/forum/bonuses-and-promotions/rules-for-casino-representatives-adding-promotions 👈
fokusirajte se na pitanja igrača, molim. Danijel je objasnio:
„koristeći zdrav razum radi u ovom slučaju. Daću vam primer:
Ako imate korisnika A koji je već postavio 50 različitih postova na forumu, pomogao ljudima, pomogao da objasne, napravio različite teme i onda korisnik A dođe na forum i kaže: Otkrio sam odličan bonus u ovom kazinu, za nove igrače, postoji prilično nizak zahtev za klađenje i ja lično imam dobro iskustvo sa kazinom do sada - pogledam, pogledam ocenu kazina u redu, pogledam 3 kazina. verovatno dobar bonus.
Zatim imate korisnika B, oni se registruju na forumu i prvo što urade je kreiranje teme pod nazivom: Ovaj kazino je najbolji! Onda u tekstu kažu: Igrajte u ovom kazinu, odlični bonusi! i oni ostavljaju svoju pridruženu vezu ili čak vezu do svoje pridružene veb stranice. Oni čak često idu na nasumične teme i pišu stvari poput: Ako igrate u ovom kazinu (uključujući i partnersku vezu), to vam se nikada ne bi dogodilo, jer je kazino najbolji! Igram tamo mnogo godina. Samo se registrujte danas! Proveravam recenziju kazina i vidim 2,3/10, što je užasna ocena ili 6,7, što je obično ocena za nova kazina.
Onda je više nego jasno da korisnik B nije napisao pravu recenziju. To je samo kreator linkova / partner koji pokušava da pošalje neželjenu poštu i ostavi veze na našem forumu. Naravno, svi su obrisani i korisnici zabranjeni.
Nema mnogo između ili bilo šta što bih nazvao sivom zonom. Partneri i graditelji linkova koji dolaze na ovaj forum su obično izuzetno glupi, tako da nije teško uočiti jednog."
Hello, the casino seems to be so popular that we have never come across it. 🙂 So, thanks for the tip. Our experts will, as the first step, review the site.
I always find it interesting when a player registers just to post such information without even describing the bonus, not to mention I did not find any details on the site too. So, it is really hard to tell whether the bonus is cool or not, right?
Just for you to know, this is how we treat links on the forum:
https://casino.guru/forum/bonuses-and-promotions/rules-for-casino-representatives-adding-promotions 👈
focus on the player's questions, please. Daniel explained:
"using common sense works in this case. I'll give you an example:
If you have a user A who already posted 50 different posts on the forum, helped to people, helped to explain, created different threads and then the user A comes to the forum and says: I discovered a great bonus in this casino, it's for new players, there's quite low wagering requirement and I personally have good experience with the casino so far - I take a look at our casino review, see the rating of 8.3 and think: OK, that's probably a good bonus.
Then you have the user B, they register on the forum and the first thing they do is creating a thread called: This casino is the best! Then they say in the text: Play in this casino, great bonuses! and they leave their affiliate link or even a link to their affiliate website. They even often go to random topics and write stuff like: If you play in this casino (affiliate link included), it would never happen to you, because the casino is the best! I've been playing there for many years. Just register today! I check the casino review and see 2.3/10, which is a terrible rating or 6.7, which is usually a rating for new casinos.
Then it's more than clear that the user B didn't write a genuine review. It's just a link builder / affiliate who tries to spam and leave the links on our forum. Of course, they are all deleted and users banned.
There's not much between or anything I would call a grey zone. The affiliates and link builders who come to this forum are usually extremely stupid so it's not very difficult to spot one."
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