NaslovnaForumCasino Guru NewsDiskusija o članku: Vibra Gaming expands with Latamwin to boost presence
Diskusija o članku: Vibra Gaming expands with Latamwin to boost presence
3 min. read
Vibra Gaming, dobavljač proizvoda za igre na sreću i kazino, potpisao je novo partnerstvo visokog profila koje pokriva tržište Latinske Amerike.
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pre 4 meseci

Latamvin je.


Poker u Čileu


To je ista kompanija.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Do you intend to say these sites share the same owner or are perhaps under the same management?

I wonder what you have experienced so far at these casinos. Do share your insights, please.

pre 4 meseci

Pa, već sam to izrazio.

Nemam zamerke na njih. Jer u VINČILU.

To je bio prvi kazino u koji sam otišao.

Dobio sam bonus koji mi je omogućio da zaradim više od 400 evra.

Nešto kao 400 hiljada CLP. I na kraju.

Tetire 150 hiljada CLP. I nisu mu pravili probleme.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

This is nice to hear, really.

Do you continue to play there even now?

pre 4 meseci

Istina je da od tada nisam koristio tu platformu.

Danas imam pristup mnogim vrlo kompletnim.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

I understand your point, now there is a really big number to choose from.

Just stay safe, please.🙂

pre 3 meseci

Congrats! They have a quality products, so it’ll be interesting to see what they come up with next through this partnership.

pre 3 meseci

I'm not sure if you've noticed, but this article is from quite some time ago.🤷‍♀️

But anyway, which games do you like to play?

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 3 meseci

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