NaslovnaForumDiskusija o prigovorima24 hours on my Casino Complaint

24 hours on my Casino Complaint

 od London909
11.584 pregleda 24 odgovora |
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I submitted my complaint about Rizk Casino, it's now been 24 hours and still nothing has happened from Casino Guru. It already takes long enough for casinos to deal with complaints and this wasted added time does not help.

Whats happening?


Hi, I found the complaint in our system. It needs to be approved. Since we receive around 600 complaints per month and your complaint was submitted on Sunday evening (our local time), it's possible that it's still in a queue. Anyways, I contacted the relevant department and they should process it asap.


Especially on Mondays, we are sometimes not able to process all the complaints. I am sure your complaint would be handled the next day.


Hi Matej,

I've used this site previously and it's been a matter of hours for things to start rolling. Now I've lost two days, the complaint still has not been looked at and then we get into the situation of you guys asking me for further information or documents which will waste another day possibly more before the complaint even gets properly dealt with.

Close the complaint down, I'll look at alternative sites.

Well, the complaint solving process is not easy, and in most cases, it is time-consuming.

We are sorry that you needed to wait. Your complaint is now closed (as you requested) 

But please let me know where you will be solving the complaint and how long it will take - maybe we can learn something and improve our process.


Considering how much time casinos usually take to reply to complaints (days or even weeks) and how much time we need in order to process all evidence and get additional info, solving complaints is usually a matter of weeks, not hours. If you think that "two lost days" is way too much, then yeah, good luck with "the alternative sites"...


Izvinite za mišljenje o ovome.

Iz iskustva, kažem vam, trebalo je tjedan dana da se "dobro poznata" stranica za rješavanje žalbi (koja nije CG) pokrene slučaj koji je iznijela. Samo zato što je moja žalba s velikim slovom napisana u opisu, ili zato što nije bila previše specifična za problem.

Zatim su prošle 3 sedmice prije nego što konačno nisam uspio ništa riješiti.

Na „još jednom dobro poznatom mjestu" i sa još jednim problemom koji sam imao (a koji nije CG) odgovorili su mi za 4 dana. I trebalo im je mjesec dana da mi kažu da je prigovor zatvoren i da ne mogu ništa učiniti jer kockarnica nije odgovorila.

Pod tim mislim da ovo rješenje žalbe nije pitanje nekoliko sati. U najgorem slučaju mogu trajati sedmice ili mjeseci.

Čak sam se tada obratio subjektu za izdavanje licence. A odgovor čekam i nakon godinu dana.

Nemojte se obeshrabriti, za rješavanje žalbe potrebno je vrijeme i strpljenje. A znam da CG to radi jako teško i na najpravedniji način.

Automatski prevedeno:

Pozdrav, dobro jutro, otvorio sam račun fortuneclock i neće mi dopustiti da podignem novac. A nazvao sam broj koji je stavio u kontakt i on mi kaže da nema ... Nekog ko mi može pomoći ...? Hvala ti

Automatski prevedeno:

I'm fully aware of how long it takes for complaints to be fully resolved by these purposefully slow and the typical delay tactics used by legal and illegal casinos.

However my issue is the fact I submitted a complaint on here eager and waiting for somebody to quickly scan over my very (non-complicated) complaint, which by the way would take no longer than 2 minutes for the complaint to go from 'submitted' to 'case opened' and a quick note asking for what other information is possibly required by Casino Guru. I was sat here waiting with any documents to get things moving.

If Casino Guru have enough staff to immediately respond to forum threads (which in most cases should not be a priority) then they should be able to quickly open up new casino complaints especially non-complicated ones. I am aware staff work on here during the evenings including Sunday, plus the whole of Monday without a single bit of movement yet staff quickly responded to forum questions.

No wonder the UK Government are coming down strict on casinos these days, because players are well and truly sick of the way we are being treated. We are taken for mugs and these constant delay tactics used by casinos are truly astounding.

Wait days for Casino Guru to look at a complaint

Wait up to 9 weeks for Gam-Stop to respond to simple emails

Wait up to 8 weeks for legal casinos to respond to even the most basic and simple complaints

Thousands of dodgy casinos opening up daily with problem gamblers spending everything they have, yet the authorities and banks turn a blind eye with no enforcement action.

Even the UK Gambling Commission take up to 3 months to answer a simple email.

Oh and by the way this has been going on for years well before this plandemic.


Razumijem vašu anksioznost i gađenje.

Ali ispada da osoba koja rukuje forumu nije ista osoba koja rješava pritužbe.

Međutim, ako je problem toliko jednostavan, stvar je malo strpljenja.

Siguran sam da bi za najviše tjedan dana (najviše) vaša žalba bila riješena s obzirom da problem opisujete kao nešto vrlo jednostavno.

Ponekad moramo shvatiti da nismo jedini s pritužbama. A da odgovorni za rješavanje naših problema imaju i druge poslove. Siguran sam da to ne rade nepažnjom ili namerno!

Puno snage! Nadam se da ćete to uskoro moći riješiti!

Već sam nekoliko puta prošao kroz istu tjeskobu i vjerujte mi da vas savršeno razumem! 👋😊


Automatski prevedeno:

We have 1 person responsible for dealing with forum posts (myself) and around 10 for complaints. That's 10 people who are paid for providing service that is completely free of charge to all players. We also have Petronela who works on Sundays so people who submitted their complaints on Friday don't have to wait till Monday.

We never wait for a casino to reply for 8 weeks. It's 1 week and in some cases, we extend it to 2. When a case is sent to the regulator (MGA, UKGC etc.), we wait until they resolve it. We also communicate with them to speed up the process.


Then you should try to contact them via email or possibly a live chat.


Have you submitted all your documents?

Evo me barem prilično dvorište onoga što se događa i onoga što sam pogriješio, samo povremeno igrajući s malim novcem dok nisam osvojio 3000 €. Počelo je s trikom, prvo sve u redu, a sada navodno i drugim čitanjem, a kod kuće sam igrao samo na mobilnom telefonu, a ne na računalu, gdje sam ponekad igrao desetke i uvijek blackdiamondcasino, bit će 25 besplatnih okretaja svake sedmice ako malo su osvojili Ajmo 🙂, stres vremena može biti da nisam igrati.

Automatski prevedeno:

Jedina stvar u mom životu koja mi je bitna su najbolji online . ovdje sam pronašao kazino koji mi se sviđa. Izvrsna kontrola kvaliteta integriteta tokom godina. Igram na stalno potvrđenim web lokacijama, dajem male depozite i vozim se na minimalnoj brzini.

Depoziti se primaju odmah, dok se zahtjevi za isplatu obrađuju u roku od jednog dana, ali se također uplaćuju bez prekoračenja roka za obradu zahtjeva. Postoji mnogo različitih vrsta slotova koji se neprestano ažuriraju i dodaju novi. Rješavanje tehničkih problema na web mjestu je rijetko, ali ako se pojave, problem će se odmah riješiti. Izvrsna usluga podrške koja radi i rješava probleme doslovno dvadeset i četiri sata dnevno, 7 dana u sedmici.

Automatski prevedeno:

Since the player requested to close the complaint before it was published, I can't send you a link to that one. It was about a casino that allowed to make a deposit to a player who was apparently blocked on Gamstop.

Hi Matej-

I submitted a complaint against Fair Go on I believe Sunday. I'm sure you guys are slammed I just wanted to let you know there's way more to it than I submitted and photos I couldn't download. Hope to hear from you soon.

Thx! Bryan


Hi Daniel- I submitted one for $4500 against Fair Go. I realize it's in submission (Ha). But please let whoever know who's handling it if they contact me. 1st. There's more to the story and I wasn't able to upload a couple of proof pics to ur site. Thx ! I really appreciate this. I know you guys are slammed

Hi guys. Just wait a bit, usually we write the first response between 24-48h. Unfortunately, complaint solving is time-consuming so please prepare for that.


No problem sir. The Londo n guy was way out of line. I couldn't Believe what i was reading.

Quick question if you can answer. The chat log you have w customer support. In other. In others say I'm having a chat w customer support. Sometimes that could be your only savior depending on what they say. They're not supposed to be able to alter those, right? That's a time stamped document for my protection and theirs.

Also, have you ever heard of support editing or just flat out deleting chat transcripts?

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