Prema snimku ekrana, oni vas sumnjiče za sumnjivo ponašanje - šta god to značilo. Nažalost, ovo su obično prilično složene situacije za rešavanje, a kazina nekako smatraju da nije prikladno da objašnjavaju stvar do poslednjeg slova. Srećom po vas, Tim za žalbe je uvek spreman za istragu.
Iskreno smatram da je pristup kazina prilično smešan jer, po mom mišljenju, poštenom i pristojnom igrom izgrađenom na jakom RNG generatoru ne može se manipulisati, posebno spolja. Pa, pokušaj da izdržiš. Žalba će nam sigurno reći više da li će ovaj kazino biti sposoban za saradnju.
Ovo mora da je veoma frustrirajuće!
According to the screenshot, they suspect you of suspicious behavior—whatever that means. Sadly, these are usually quite complex situations to deal with, and casinos somehow feel it is not appropriate to explain the matter to the last letter. Luckily for you, the Complaint Team is always ready to investigate.
I honestly find the casino's approach quite funny because, in my opinion, a fair and decent game built on a strong RNG generator can't be manipulated, especially from outside. Well, try to hold on. The complaint will surely tell us more if this casino will be capable of cooperation.
This must be extremely frustrating!
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