Zdravo, ako mislite na postove koje ste napisali, možete ih sami izbrisati. Niste imali prigovor na ovaj kazino, pa mislite da želite da izbrišete prethodne? Ako je tako, nažalost nećemo ih izbrisati, ali možda ih možemo učiniti privatnim.
Što se tiče problema koji ste ovde imali, kako ste ga rešili? Rekao bih da bi bilo najbolje da se takve stvari ne brišu jer to što se desilo i rešeno može biti dobro za igrače ali i za sam kazino, da je promptno reagovao i pomogao vam, zar ne? 🙂
Hello, if you mean the posts you wrote, you can delete them yourself. You didn't have a complaint against this casino, so do you think you want to delete the previous ones? If so, unfortunately we won't delete those, but maybe we can make them private.
As for the problem you had here, how did you solve it? I would say that the best thing would be not to delete such things because the fact that it occurred and was solved can be good for the players but also for the casino itself, that it reacted promptly and helped you, don't you think? 🙂
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