NaslovnaForumDiskusija o prigovorimaCrownplay Casino Probleme

Crownplay Casino Probleme

 od marc8inho
2.795 pregleda 31 odgovora |
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zdravo svima,

šta bi ti uradio na mom mestu?

Osvojio sam 3000 € u Crovnplai Casinu.

(Do tada sam često deponovao i često podizao novac, ali nikada iznos veći od 500€.)

Kada sam osvojio €3000, platio sam €500. Tada je počelo. Odjednom sam morao da se verifikujem, onda sam uradio sve što je bilo potrebno za verifikaciju. Dugo su pravili probleme i dugo to nisu prihvatali dok jednog dana nisam dobio poruku „vaš nalog je blokiran jer niste mogli da budete verifikovani".

To znači da više nemam pristup svom nalogu.

Razgovarao sam sa servisom za ćaskanje i pitao šta će biti sa mojim novcem i rekli su da će mi biti isplaćeno, ali ništa se nije desilo 5 dana.

šta da radim? Očajan sam jer mi hitno treba novac.

Bilo bi sjajno kada biste mi pomogli.


Automatski prevedeno:

Takođe sam napravio snimke ekrana ćaskanja uživo gde su me uverili da ću ipak dobiti isplaćeni novac.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi there!

You know, as long as the verification is necessary, it's always best to cooperate to get the money. As I say, you will have all the time to complain after the process has finished. So, allow me a question to better understand what happenned:

When you say, "They made problems for a long time and didn't accept it for a long time..."

Does it mean you, let's say, refused to proceed with the verification? If yes, what did you consider to be your reason for this?

I will wait for more information instead of relying on my expectations because this is a crucial detail.



moja devojka i ja smo igrali zajedno.

Račun je bio na njeno ime, isplate su varirale, ponekad na moj bankovni račun ponekad na njen bankovni račun i uvek je funkcionisalo.

Sada su mi poslali mejl da sam prekršio pravila jer sam igrao pod tuđim imenima, što nije tačno jer smo moja devojka i ja igrali zajedno.

Rekli su i da neće isplatiti novac koji sam osvojio jer sam prekršio pravila, ali po mom mišljenju to nije tačno, zar ne?

Može li mi neko pomoći u ovom slučaju?

Ne može biti da sam mogao da uložim ogromne količine novca i da je sve uvek funkcionisalo, a sada kada nešto osvojim, ne žele da me isplate i samo prave probleme.

Molim vas pomozite mi.

Automatski prevedeno:

Well, in this case, the casino is right, unfortunately for you.

It is not allowed in most of the casinos and it should always be written in the terms. Therefore we recommend reading those even before depositing in any online casino, to prevent future issues.

I will suggest you to file a complaint here with our team, though, so they can fully investigate the whole situation and try to contact the casino for you. Only this way can we find out what can be done in your case.

The complaint is free of charge, so don't worry about any additional cost.

Here is the link that you need to follow. Explain the whole situation to our complaint team, please, and hopefully there will be some good news regarding this.

So, will you try this? Tell us.

Dobro veče najgore od kazina. Napravio sam dva povlačenja od prošlog vikenda i novac još nije stigao, dobro je što imaju puno posla

Automatski prevedeno:

Is your account verified at this casino yet? And have you had any successful withdrawals there before?

It is actually nothing unusual that withdrawals can delay whenever there is an overload.

The good thing is that the casino gave you an explanation about it, I believe.

Dobro veče nije potrebna verifikacija, piše mi i skoro većina kazina je sada napravila najjednostavniju stvar povlačenje za skoro 1 dan kada su plaćeni

Automatski prevedeno:

Unfortunately, sometimes it can really happen to anyone, though, and it could be that it is not even the casinos fault. 🤷‍♀️

Let us know whenever you receive the money, so we can be assured everything is okay.

Nažalost, ne vidim da trošim svoj novac

Automatski prevedeno:

Which payment method did you use?

I preko kartice i preko e-bankinga razumem da postoji opterećenje, ali ne posle 10 dana

Automatski prevedeno:

So what about you trying to file a complaint, and our team will have a look into things?

If it lasts this long and there hasn't been any movement, we can investigate the matter.

Please use this link to submit a complaint and describe the issue well so our team can understand everything.

Let us know how it goes, please. We'll wait for the update.

Nažalost, ne vidim da mi polažu novac, ništa se ne menja, idemo na 9. dan i samo kažu da imaju dosta isplata i da pokažu razumevanje vidim da je i ovaj kazino prevara. Drugi kazino koji jede moj novac

Automatski prevedeno:

Our complaint team will investigate the whole situation if you file a complaint. Otherwise, we won't be able to help.

So, let us know, please, how you decide.

Gde mogu da uložim žalbu?

Automatski prevedeno:

Just use this link I posted in my previous post to do so.

Žalba se naplaćuje

Automatski prevedeno:

You don't need to worry at all; all the complaints are completely free of charge for our users.

If you need any assistance with submitting, we are here to help.

Stvar je zatvorena. Plaćeno mi je posle bezbroj poruka. Neću više da igram tamo

Automatski prevedeno:
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