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Gospodin Bet mi ne plaća

 od rsouzaleblon
5.834 pregleda 27 odgovora |
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Dobro jutro

Položio sam 60 reala na mr Bet, osvojio 160, izvršio povlačenje 07.06 i do danas nisam dobio nagradu.

Prvo bi platili za 24h, pa 3 radna dana, pa 5 dana, juce su me trazili izvod sa racuna, poslao sam i sad su rekli da nemaju prognozu kada ce to resiti i stavili su status plaćanja kao "uspjeh" iako mi ne plaćaju

Voleo bih da znam da li mozete da mi pomognete na bilo koji nacin posto me oni "valjaju" u svakom pogledu

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello there,

it sounds quite confusing and I can imagine I would not be pretty happy about such an approach too.

Is your account fully verified at the moment, please? Because if not, It can partly cause this delay.

Furthermore, if the casino stated the winnings were already sent, I would ask the casino for payment confirmation, just to be sure it's true.

You can submit the complaint here on our website if you feel something is not in order, click this link if you need a help:

Moj nalog je verifikovan, da, i sada mi kažu da ne mogu da mi daju prognozu završetka, njihov skinu sa linije i sada je prošlo 12 dana

„Zdravo, Roberta!

Hvala što ste ostali u kontaktu sa našim timom!

Nedavno ste kontaktirali našu online podršku.

Sve detalje šaljemo odgovarajućem odjeljenju na pregled. Čim budu ažurirane informacije o vašem slučaju, odmah ćete biti obaviješteni. Ako imate dodatnih pitanja, rado ćemo vam pomoći 24/7."

Automatski prevedeno:

Now it seems that your account is under some review, so If I may guess I would say that the issue lies in some additional account check rather than in delayed withdrawal.

You wrote that your account is verified, but they ask you for an additional document and stated that it will be reviewed, so I think, your account is not fully verified at the moment. Honestly, I'm not sure.

Sadly, you can only wait until they evaluate what's necessary, I think.

Ažurirano od strane autora

Od obe strane nisam dobio odgovor od Mr Bet kazina, nisu mi platili do danas od 8. aprila 2024. Poslao sam im potrebna dokumenta, ali im nisam ništa rekao u ćaskanju i svi kažu isto stvar. Želim da moj novac dobijem. Ako sam igrao tamo, to je zato što je prihvaćeno. plaćanje, inače nemoguće igrati, ali i dalje ne plaćaju, imaju moju istoriju plaćanja i ne veruju u nju, treba mi pomoć, molim.

Automatski prevedeno:


thanks for mentioning your issue with Mr Bet Casino even here on the forum. One never knows whether it may be handy for the community.

When it comes to your complaint, the current timer says that Tomas still has some time left to get back to you. I imagine waiting feels frustrating, but please, be patient and wait for Tomas to catch up with you. You probably don't know that each turn means 7 days for the current party to respond.

I know it's quite a long time, but you simply have to wait.

Anyway, what does it mean that the casino does not trust your payment history?

Please share any information you have been given about that. It might be important, especially when we're talking about delayed payments.


Šaljem svu dokumentaciju, ali oni insistiraju da se vreme mora pojaviti na dokumentu, šaljem svoj bankovni račun i snimak računa koji oni (Mr.Bet) šalju na moju e-poštu da su uspešno primili moju transakciju i dalje na ovaj način ne verifikuju moj nalog, poslao sam i fotografiju svoje lične karte i bankovne kartice da vide da se moji podaci poklapaju i još uvek nemaju poverenja u verodostojnost mojih ličnih i bankarskih podataka.

Automatski prevedeno:

I can assure you that our team is working on your case together with many others, and that is why you really need to be patient and wait for them to investigate. Hopefully, they will be able to get in touch with the casino to find out what the problem is here, especially if you feel that you have done everything right. Please keep us informed about any updates regarding your case.

Zdravo gospodo,, tajmer traje 7 dana, onda vas proslede drugom asistentu, moje pitanje je koliko će tajmera od 7 dana morati da prođe da bi gospodin Bet mogao da bude obavešten i da mi plati. Čekam mesec i dan i kažem: „Čekam da mi dobijete dokumenta". Kažu mi da su uvek na pregledu, ista stvar 🙄 već imaju sve moje podatke jer im treba mnogo vremena da plate ako je ozbiljan i licenciran kazino, molim vas da se pridržavate.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, most of the time this change and thus being moved to the next resolver in complaint is normal. First our team tries to gather all the relevant information to find out what your situation is and now your case has been moved to Dominka and she has contacted the casino. They have 7 days to reply again, so I hope they will give you an explanation as soon as possible, because from what you write I can see that you have not moved on. I don't know how it can take them a month to check the documents, so we'll see how it goes. 

If you have any news, be sure to let me know. 

Zdravo, dobar dan, kažem vam da sam danas otišao na stranicu mr bet i bio sam iznenađen da je moja verifikacija bila uspešna u najmanje 2 isplate koja sam napravio i čekam isplatu i napravio sam 2.445.000 u 3 dela, povlačenje kao što sam već potvrdio, kažu mi da bi druga plaćanja trebalo da budu brža, ali srećan sam nakon dugog čekanja da ću moći da zaradim svoj novac zahvaljujući vama na pomoći 😉 😁

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello, and thank you for this positive update. I hope you will be able to get the rest of your money soon. Please let us know whenever you will have it.

Zdravo, dobar dan, kažem vam da sam danas otišao na stranicu mr bet i bio sam iznenađen da je moja verifikacija bila uspešna u najmanje 2 isplate koja sam napravio i čekam isplatu i napravio sam 2.445.000 u 3 dela, povlačenje kao što sam već potvrdio, kažu mi da bi druga plaćanja trebalo da budu brža, ali srećan sam nakon dugog čekanja da ću moći da zaradim svoj novac zahvaljujući vama na pomoći 😉 😁

Automatski prevedeno:

Platili su ti? Čekam 12 dana sa sve proverenim i OK. Ali Oagove metode ne uspevaju i propadaju bez objašnjenja. Već su propali 4 puta sa različitim načinima plaćanja, Binance Pai, Tether TRC20, Lithecoin, Ethereum, i ništa vam ne govore, prođe samo 48 sati, pošalju mi e-mail da nije uspelo, napravim još jedno povlačenje sa drugu valutu i meni se isto dešava. isto 48 sati kasnije. Miriše na brutalnu prevaru.

Automatski prevedeno:

Platili su ti? Čekam 12 dana sa sve proverenim i OK. Ali Oagove metode ne uspevaju i propadaju bez objašnjenja. Već su propali 4 puta sa različitim načinima plaćanja, Binance Pai, Tether TRC20, Lithecoin, Ethereum, i ništa vam ne govore, prođe samo 48 sati, pošalju mi e-mail da nije uspelo, napravim još jedno povlačenje sa drugu valutu i meni se isto dešava. isto 48 sati kasnije. Miriše na brutalnu prevaru.

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo, konačno su mi platili posle dugog čekanja od skoro 2 meseca, strpljenja, nema više dosadne birokratije, ali su platili

Automatski prevedeno:

I saw that your complaint was resolved positively and I am very happy that it turned out this way. 🎉☘️

I was wondering if you will still be playing here despite how long you waited ? 

I saw that your complaint was resolved positively and I am very happy that it turned out this way. 🎉☘️

I was wondering if you will still be playing here despite how long you waited ? 

Zdravo, istina je da sam nakon što sam dobio platu prestao da igram na mr bet jer se pitam ako pobedim, da li ću ponovo proći kroz istu stvar? Hahaha 🤣 Sada razmislim o tome i možda se vratim kasnije. Srećno vam bilo, nadam se da kada pobedite nećete proći kroz isto 😉😊

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi there!

We also hope your future casino adventures will be far more pleasant! However, if you ever need to share a bad day or amazing win anywhere - we will be here for you!

Take good care! ✨✌

I have recently won 4100 Canadian on Mr bet and I'm currently having verification issues like everybody else. This seems to be the common runaround is there anything positive somebody can say to me to lift me up and take the worries of me not getting paid away. Or anything in regards to the verification process that may help

Da li govorite o mrbetu ili mrkbetu? Jer sa drugom sam do sada imao 0 problema.

Automatski prevedeno:

I have recently won 4100 Canadian on Mr bet and I'm currently having verification issues like everybody else. This seems to be the common runaround is there anything positive somebody can say to me to lift me up and take the worries of me not getting paid away. Or anything in regards to the verification process that may help

Hello, could you give me a more specific description of what problem you have with verification? Is it just lengthy or did the casino reject some documents? 

I guess to reassure you, the casino has resolved almost all of its complaints against them, so if it takes more than two weeks, be sure to get in touch and we'll try to help you. 

But I hope this will not be necessary and that you will be able to go through this process successfully. 

Anyway, feel free to tell me how it is. 

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