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Ice Casino is scam ? (strana 4)

 od vlczkova
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Zdravo Danijel,

da tačno potvrdno , nemate sreće 2 puta za redom . Ne vredi pobediti ako odeš tamo i opet sve izgubiš.

Morate dati malo vremena.

Onda doživite svoj stepen sreće. Ako je dobro, ako nije, stani!

Morate imati pamet da igrate u kazinu, ako ne, dobijate 80 i trošite 100.

Dobra tehnika je da ograničite depozite na budžet koji želite da potrošite.

Nema mogućnosti za napade impulsivnosti.

Možda ako mi kazino plati u roku od 3 do 5 dana. Rizikovao bih da igram i izgubim, ali mi je dalo previše vremena za razmišljanje.

Automatski prevedeno:

When I worked in a casino, I remember a player who won about a half of what you won. It was on Friday and we requested documents from him in order to verify the account. When I came to work on Monday, all the money was lost. The balance was literally zero.

I also remember one case when a player who wasn't really experienced when it comes to online casinos won about 30k eur. Then the verification process started, he lost about 30% during that time, but managed to withdraw the rest. Next month, I could see that the guy had another pending withdrawal, this time, it was for about 50k. I checked the account history and he was simply lucky. There was literally no pattern behind it 😀


Zato što je najbolje to kontrolisati, jer verovati u sreću je pogrešno.

Dobijam 83K, ko dobije ne misli da je već dobio, pa ako izgubi 1000 želi da se oporavi i potroši još 1000, to je već 2000 hiljada, i tako sve dok suma nije skoro nepovratna.

Nekada sam bio takav, sad mislim drugačije.

Imam istoriju sa Icecasinom, kada sam se registrovao izgubio sam 9500 evra, i tražio sam samoisključivanje, rekao sam da želim da zatvorim nalog, oni su zastali i tražili da pošaljem mejl na kkkkkkkk, ok.

Nisam ga poslao, posle otprilike nedelju dana sam bio u Nemačkoj poslovno, i jedne noći sam stigao u hotel i počeo da igram, uplatio sam 11500 evra,

kada sam došao do 6000 hiljada, uznemirio sam se i tražio iznos, uvek su ga otkazivali, žalio sam se. I ponovo sam igrao, stigao do 46.000, pa 64.000 i na kraju 83.000 evra.

zaključak je trebalo da bude.

ali nemate sreće 2 h .

Dakle, morate iskoristiti svoju sreću i ne bacati je.

Automatski prevedeno:

I totally agree with you. I think it's also a great idea to set deposit limits whenever it's possible. This way, you know you're not going to get in a situation where you lose everything during a short period of time.

You may think that losing 85k would take ages, but I saw many players who usually played 0.2 - 1 eur per spin. Then they won a lot and they started playing 50 - 100 eur bets during the same session. They lost all the winnings within an hour.


Pa, Daniele, tako to funkcioniše.

Nekontrolisana igra je destruktivna.

Uraditi ispit savesti i priznati da nemate kontrolu je najbolji način.

Neizmerno se divim Casino Guruu, koji je vaš cilj u bliskoj budućnosti!

Da li razmišljate o tome da vaša platforma bude plaćena ili će uvek biti besplatna?

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello Valter,

I'd like to say that this is truly a reasonable approach, sadly the first thing addicted players usually lose while still thinking that they don't play far too much, losing much...

To the platform, as you say, well, I've been working here for a few months over a year and have never heard of such an idea.

We still aim to better the actual set of the gambling environment to be safe and reasonably sustainable, can't imagine that our "services" should be paid for. 🙂


Ali oni su to zaslužili! 🇧🇷

Automatski prevedeno:

🙂 Thank you kindly.

I think this is not the way we want to go right now.


We considered creating our own casino in past and I was one of those who came up with the idea. On the other hand, there are clear cons for this as well. I think the biggest one is our own reputation. When you run a casino, there are always players who are dissatisfied and you can always do some mistakes on your side. It would be quite problematic to assign ratings to other casinos while running our own casinos. Many casinos could simply claim that we gave them bad rating just because they're direct competitors of our own casino brand.

I believe many casinos are willing to cooperate with us when it comes to complaints, because they know we're not their competitors. There's also one other point as one of our founders mentioned - running a casino is a tough business. There's a huge competition in the area and enormous regulation. You can't just create the casino website, collect deposits and be successful. You currently need to have licenses for many jurisdictions or you stay in the grey zone waiting until your website gets banned in a country where you have plenty of registered players, which would be devastating for you. You also need to invest a lot into marketing, because of the huge competition you have on basically every market.


Zdravo Danijel,

zaista, velika konkurencija.

dakle vrednost vašeg rada,

divan !

Da biste mogli ispravno oceniti kazina i zaštititi kockare.

Automatski prevedeno:

Thank you. I believe we're pretty good in what we currently do so we should just stick to it and make sure that we'll be even better. There's always a room for improvements. You can never be 100% sure that you'll be satisfied in a casino that we rated well, but the statistics we have clearly show that the probability is much higher compared to casinos that we didn't give a good rating.

The same applies to complaints. We try to help everyone when the case makes some sort of sense, but we're not a police or a legal court that could simply force the casinos to do something. We can give recommendations and change ratings accordingly. Fortunately, that's enough in many cases.


Zdravo Daniele zaista!

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo Valter. Ja sam takođe igrač Ice Casino-a i imam pitanje: Dakle, da li ste uspeli da vratite sva svoja sredstva? Pitam ovo jer sam trenutno u sličnoj situaciji kada su nedavna povlačenja odbijena zbog tehničkih problema. Prethodno sam uspešno podizao u istom kazinu između 400-700 EUR, ali trenutno imam ukupan iznos od 2100 EUR za podizanje koji je podeljen na 900 za bankovnu karticu i 1200 za bankovni transfer.

Isplate imam u ovom obliku jer su odbijene 14.15. sa razlogom kazina "tehnički problemi", a metoda isplate je bila bankovna kartica. Savetovano mi je da ponovo izvršim isplate ili da pokušam sa drugom metodom i ovog puta sam uradio polovinu kao bankovni transfer.


Trenutno imam 1200 EUR za bankovni transfer sa statusom "nepotpun" napravljen 16. (tj. još uvek je moguće otkazati) i 900 za bankovnu karticu napravljenu 15. "u toku", čekam čak i ako nisu otkazani opet. Podrška, naravno, uvek ukazuje na istu stvar koju treba čekati.

Iskreno, pomalo sam zabrinut jer sam do sada trebao da dobijem ovaj iznos (na osnovu mojih prethodnih povlačenja). Video sam i na netu da se ovi „tehnički problemi" ne dešavaju izuzetno, a sama podrška kaže „Veruj mi, takve poteškoće se stalno dešavaju različitim metodama u različitim zemljama. Dobra stvar su poteškoće koje su obično manje".

Međutim, do sada je trebalo da dobijem svoja sredstva i još uvek čekam da sve prođe kako treba

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:


I just waned to say that I think it's good that you submitted the complaint because it gives us chance to make sure that the casino will solve the issue and provide accurate pieces of information. Sadly, lots of players have recently started experiencing the same issues, so it makes me feel that there are other things in motion now. E.g. the casino can be short of staff because of the upcoming Christmas and the payment provider is overwhelmed. Well, I hope you'll get the winning shortly. 🤞

Ažurirano od strane autora

Hello Radka,

Totally agree on that and I have the same exact opinion as Valter about this casino. My experience as been good so far. However, it's the lack of transparency in certain aspects that fails and make us players getting a bit anxious or even upset. Regarding my funds, one of them as been successfully withdrawn via Bank Transfer (finally) and now I'm waiting for the funds to arrive to my bank account.

Let's hope for the best

I have never heard anything about Ice Casino.


It would be great if the casino staff should comfort the players by providing honest information about a possible delay and explaining the cause, sadly not every player is patient enough so I can imagine that this would result in losing a portion of players. But what I see as the main problem is how can the casino provide such caring support if they're short on staff e.g. Well, it's a circle 🙁

I'm happy about your funds and also appreciate your understanding. 🙂

I have never heard anything about Ice Casino.

Probably because players from the UK are not allowed to play there.


That's the main point of this whole thread and goal from Casino Guru, which is to provide all possible support and reviews about different casinos. Although you're unaware of Ice Casino, this casino is licensed and not a scam actually. The main problem with this casino however is the lack of tranparency in certain aspects (we can clearly see templated answers to some things) and some delays to withdraw your funds but you get them eventually

Ažurirano od strane autora

I deleted the post you are probably responding to because it contained a forbidden link and wrong information about the rating, furthermore, it was just a work of a link-builder.

That's great that you responded though, (Just a kind reminder: please use the "reply" button, otherwise the person you wrote to will not be notified. Thank you 🙂) you made a good point.

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