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Isplata vulkana Vegas (strana 4)

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Vulcan vegas i played again to test it at i won yesterday 480 euros with 50 which i payed in and the cash today on my bank accoung

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Izmenjeno od Daniel
Razlog: Zabranjen link

Vulcan vegas i played again to test it at i won yesterday 480 euros with 50 which i payed in and the cash today on my bank accoung

So you say the withdrawals are fast now after you received your first withdrawal?

They suck big time

Today the rejected my withdrawal with no reason..After waiting 18 days and during the 18 days they ensured me 20 times everything was fine

I tried again today but now I don't care about the winnings..They shit on the players and making their own rules. They are not professionel enogh to have a casino


But have you asked them why they rejected your withdrawal?

Yes but support have no idea what is going on in the payment section.. They are clueless on everything and don't provide any answers

Requested a small one of 1000 of the 10.000..Rejected today. No mail and no answer on why

Never experienced so uprofessionel casino before


Da, upravo sam to htio reći

Automatski prevedeno:

Kako ste isplatili, a s e-mailovima mislim da imaju problema

Automatski prevedeno:

I think it's better to communicate with them via email so they have more time to talk to the payments department and ask them what's going on. Anyway, the fact that they decline your withdrawal and don't send you any information regarding it is just hilarious.

Bank Transfer. They did it before and no problem but it took forever

Now they rejected all again, Claiming it is tequinical issues

Asked me to try again and say it can take 14 working days

This casino is a joke and do not deserve good rates


I wanted to wait for our regular Wednesday meeting, but I'll try to bring it on the table tomorrow. As I said before, I don't think that any casino should have so high rating when so many players have that bad experience with withdrawals.


Dear Daniel,


If 3-6 players experience difficulties out of hundreds of

thousands - I truly believe that this is a firm sign of excellent service and

reputation as well. You know my Skype, you know my e-mail - please feel free to

ping me anytime with the player's email, and we will investigate. Also would be

much more convenient if the players who may experience difficulties could

simply file a complaint at CasinoGuru.

Vulkan Vegas Casino


3-6 players you say? This comment actually forced me to start digging trough the forum. I'm not sure if I found every single user, but these are users who complained here about slow withdrawal process in Vulkan Vegas. It's 14 during few recent weeks (except one older case). If you go through this forum, you can see that people sometimes complain about the long withdrawal process in different casinos, but the amount of complaints we have against withdrawals and lack of communication in Vulkan Vegas is another level compared to ANY other casino mentioned on the forum.

We discussed this matter on one of our regular company meetings and we all agreed that letting the players wait for few weeks for their withdrawals without informing them about what's going on and declining their withdrawals without informing them about the reason, causes really bad experience for the players.

If your customer support informed the players about your issues with payment providers and explained the situation, I can't claim that all the players would understood and accepted it, but at least it would be fair to inform them about the current state instead of remaining silent.

Of course, there are casinos that would do the same, but I'd simply expect more from a casino with so high rating and perfect reputation.

Regarding your note about submitting a complaint - it was the players decision to bring it on the forum. Of course, they can submit a new complaint if they want to. On the other hand, I don't think it's necessary to submit a complaint when the players eventually received the money. It was just a bad experience for them and that's why they probably brought it on the forum in order to share it with others.















Ažurirano od strane autora

Ohhh) You even brought up this one - E.Beccard

did you even read the complaint?) or maybe did you have a chance to read the correspondence btw your colleague and me re this player?

On a serious note, I am strongly advising creating the complaint/or notifying me in any trouble at all.

I am here to assist and will do the very best to bring up the customer satisfaction.

Again, even though you mentioned 14 players, this makes it less than 0.003% of all the active players' pool.

Looking forward to our further cooperation.

Kind regards,


P.s. I would appreciate if you teach me how to monitor any topic related to Vulkanvegas casino on the forum. Till today - I was not aware it was even existing, I have never received any type of notifications etc.

Ažurirano od strane autora
Vulkan Vegas Casino

I didn't react to it in the initial post written to you, but since you used the argument again...Do you really assume that every customer who had issues with withdrawals in your casino came to this forum and wrote a new post about it? If we had 14 users here, then in reality, it must be hundreds or thousands delayed withdrawals. The 14 users are just a sample taken from your user base so it's very far from your 0.003%. Other users simply keep contacting your customer support until they eventually receive the winnings or even worse, until they lose it before they manage to withdraw. They probably don't even know about this forum so they don't get the idea of complaining about it here.

Starting from today, I'll notify you whenever Vulkan Vegas will be mentioned on the forum and I appreciate that you're willing to talk to the players here. It's always better to have a direct reply from the casino representative instead of guessing what might be the issue.

Regarding E.Beccard - no, I'm not even part of the team that deals with complaints. I only named everyone who described here any kind of issue with withdrawals in your casino. Of course, in some cases, the fault might be on the player's side.

Ažurirano od strane autora
Do you really assume that every customer who had issues with withdrawals in your casino came to this forum and wrote a new post about it? If we had 14 users here, then in reality, it must be hundreds or thousands delayed withdrawals. 

To play the devil's advocate, Casino Guru seems to rank really well on Vulkan Vegas payout related keywords, that would also contribute to the rise in the number of complaints on this specific platform.

Vulkan does have the real numbers, doubt they'll share any of those since it's not in their interest, that 0.003% is a garbage argument. Perhaps they can confirm if there was any change in policy, or there are other reasons for this apparent rise in payment delays.

I've seen Guru put less weight on very old complaints when calculating the reputation, perhaps a system that gives more weight to recent ones could be beneficial to players.

Ažurirano od strane autora

Thank you Daniel,

As I said, looking forward to further cooperation.

Have a nice one ahead!

Kind regards,


VulcanVegas su prevaranti i jako sam patio, slali su mi pozivnice za bonus s uvjetima unutar e-maila, ali nakon što deponiram ispada da su uslovi drugačiji i ne dobivam bonus. poslednji bonus, što znači da su me lagali u prethodnim slučajevima. Otpremio sam njihove dokumente na provjeru i nisu pregledavani mjesecima, to sam tražio nekoliko puta - ali ništa, konačno su ih pregledali i ne prihvaćaju fotografiju poleđine moje VISE - bez razloga, a nisam ni pobijedio tamo.Pitao sam da zatvorim svoj račun-odbijen, napisao sam žalbu na adresu na web mjestu radi prigovora-ništa, prema njihovim pravilima, ako nisam zadovoljan njihovim odlukama-moraju mi dati adresu neovisnih tijela na koga da se požalim - tražio sam takvu adresu - ne želim mi ga dati ...... ovo je kasino kasino i ne trošite vrijeme i novac da biste tamo uopće igrali.

Automatski prevedeno:

So what exactly is the issue right now? You'd like to close your account there and they refuse to do it? If I understand it correctly, you don't have any winnings there, right?

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