NaslovnaForumDiskusija o prigovorimaIsplata vulkana Vegas

Isplata vulkana Vegas (strana 2)

 od Saskia
30.516 pregleda 68 odgovora |
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Da, položio sam 50 €, a zatim uzeo sa sobom € 50, a zatim igrao i sada imam stvarnih 900 € bez bonusa.

Automatski prevedeno:

OK, then the standard procedure would be that you request a withdrawal on the same method that you used for the deposit (for example a card). Then they'll probably ask you to send few documents including your ID in order to verify your account.

....which then again will take forever....😂

but congrats with your winnings @Marlon

Kao što je već nekoliko puta pokušano, ali odgovori ne izlaze

S mojim pologom sve ide glatko. Povlačenje ostaje

Ne znam kako se zove vlasnik kartice

Da nema isplate. Gdje mi je trenutno stanje od 530 eura? Kako i dalje mogu pomoći

Automatski prevedeno:

Cardholder is the person who owns the card that you used to make deposit. There should be your name 🙂

Dobar dan,

Jučer sam osvojio iznos od 500 €, ali nažalost kada želim podići novac imam problema i on ne prihvaća povlačenje. Potpuno sam ažurirao svoj račun svojim podacima. Nažalost, ne mogu potvrditi svoju e-adresu i stoga ne mogu izvršiti plaćanje. Već sam napisao nekoliko e-mailova za podršku, ali još nisam dobio odgovor.

Sta da radim??

Srdačan pozdrav


Automatski prevedeno:

I think that since it happened yesterday, the best option is to wait. It sometimes takes 48 hours to reply so just give them few days. Does the casino have a live chat support?

Je li neko imao rješenje? Da li vam je kasino platio?

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo, imam 500 eura na svom računu u Vulkan Vegasu. Isplata je odbijena jer nisam verifikovan. Poslao sam im sve dokumente ali oni mi stalno šalju odbijeno je. Novac se nikada ne skida sa mog računa. Šta mogu uraditi?

Automatski prevedeno:

First set loss limit 50 euros per week. Then sent the documents again and check the pending time of withdrawals procedure. If they keep rejecting lodge the complaint here.



i have a question about booongo games when ever I played with demo mode I always win bigger amount, just now I played free play in casinoguru website Aztec sun games just one hour I won 20000$. But when I play with real money, is there any software difference between real money and free money mode?


Unfortunately so; not just with Booongo games but most of them.

This is why some casinos took the ability to "fun play/ demo play" as it would ultimately lead people to believe the games are either profitable, or keep your balance sustainable.

Using Stake as an example, I actually complained to the live support and my discord VIP manager (platinum level 4+ account) about Pragmatics bonus buy option on demo mode being heavily manipulated in favour of big wins. Tested on multiple occasions with 10+ buys in a row on demo mode, 7/10 everytime will be highly profitable. The 3/10 that aren’t "highly" profitable will always return 80% of the bonus buy amount.

Thankfully Stake took this fun play "bonus buy" feature off from most of the games offering a bonus buy since it isn’t a reality of gambling. It’s kind of like watching a Rosh stream, buying on demo mode you’ll see Max wins every 20 attempts; 1000x wins every 5-7 attempts (leading you to believe you’ll profit if keep buying)

Zdravo, imam 500 eura na svom računu u Vulkan Vegasu. Isplata je odbijena jer nisam verifikovan. Poslao sam im sve dokumente ali oni mi stalno šalju odbijeno je. Novac se nikada ne skida sa mog računa. Šta mogu uraditi?

Automatski prevedeno:


do you still have any pending documents? Your best option is to cooperate and finish the verification process.

If you are not sure what document is missing, ask the casino chat and follow all the instructions. If you don't pass KYC (Know Your Customer) verification you will not get paid your winnings.

If you struggle or get lost, submit the complaint here. But I would suggest trying to cooperate with the casino first.

Hi radka

can you answer my above question? I am looking for casinoguru answer.


Hello Anto1318,

I suggest you're talking about this question:

"i have a question about booongo games when ever I played with demo mode I always win bigger amount, just now I played free play in casinoguru website Aztec sun games just one hour I won 20000$. But when I play with real money, is there any software difference between real money and free money mode?"

It may be, just check whether the game you played in the casino has the same RTP as the free mode you played here. You should also implement how RTP and volatility work. I can see that Aztec Sun has an "unknown" RTP so it may be different from the casino's version.

Feel free to follow Casino Guru's Instagram profile, you'll find a hint there 🙂:




Možda su bezbedni, ali ilegalni u Nemačkoj jer nema nemačke dozvole. Ali mislim da to već znate. Stoga se može desiti i da ne isplate jer ne morate. Igrač nema pravo na isplatu iz kazina, samo ide u oba smera ako im se ne sviđa vaše lice.

Pozdrav iz Bremena


Automatski prevedeno:

Naravno, ovo važi i za kazina na Kurasau.

Ne morate ništa da platite. To bi trebalo da zvoni na sve alarme.

Pozdrav iz Bremena.

Automatski prevedeno:

Vulkan Vegas ima problema sa dobicima preko 300 evra

Smešno je da se u Vulkan Vegasu mali dobici odmah obrađuju i brzo isplaćuju. Ali kada je reč o nekoliko stotina ili čak hiljada evra, ovaj kazino me neizmerno razočara. Zahtev za povlačenje, koji obično traje 2 sata, se ne prihvata ni nakon 24 sata. Novac ostaje na bilansu stanja u nadi da će ga igrači ponovo prokockati. Mnogo mi se sviđa kazino, ali to nije moguće. Do sada sam isplaćivao sve dobitke, ali način na koji krše svoje uslove i odredbe je neprijatan za kupce.

ID 21216304

ID transakcije: 2b63d9ce-3e4e-4f34-a897-944e4d08248a

Automatski prevedeno:

So how long did it take to get the winning from this casino in your case? 🤔

If you read this whole thread you'll see that the casino is quite slow at the moment, let's hope that it will improve soon.

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