Bok Inferno hvala na poruci.
Nekoliko puta sam se obraćao chatu i svaki put kada su samo rekli da će poslati zahtjev menadžmentu da me kontaktira u naredna 24 sata. Potvrdite svoje podatke. Svaki put kad potvrdim detalje, ali ne i telefonski poziv. Bilo je to nakon 72 sata, pa je prošlo već tjedan dana.
Pronašao sam i online broj koji je naveden u jednoj stambenoj kući u Melbourneu, ali on samo zvoni. Rekli su da ne mogu primati pozive, jer svi rade na Karibima na daljinu zbog virusa corone.
bio sam pomalo frustriran kad sam to objavio neki dan. Imam nekoga tko me traži, tako da se nadam da će uspjeti.
hvala još jednom na savjetu i pomoći
Hi Inferno thanks for your message.
I’ve did contact the live chat several times and each time they just said they will send a request for management to contact me in the next 24 hrs. Please confirm your details. Each time I have confirmed the details but no phone call. This was after the 72hrs so it’s been a week now..
I also found a number online listed at a residential house in Melbourne but it just rings out. They said they can’t receive calls because they are all working remotely in the Caribbean due to the corona virus.
i was a bit frustrated when I posted this the other day. I have someone taking a look for me know so hope it works out.
thanks again for your advise and help
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