NaslovnaForumDiskusija o prigovorimaHow to contact the Antillephone N.V. (Curaçao) licensing authority

How to contact the Antillephone N.V. (Curaçao) licensing authority (strana 20)

 od Daniel
133.206 pregleda 380 odgovora |
1...19 20

How do I contact Hollycorn N.V. ?

In theory..

Don't quote me on that one, though lol

Ongoing investigations

Ne razumem baš, pa se moja žalba jednostavno ne može rešiti?

Automatski prevedeno:


Samo kratko pitanje: nije li ovo pitanje više povezano sa problemom koji rešavate u beta verziji? Priznajem da ne razumem u potpunosti koga i šta pitate u ovoj konkretnoj temi, ali možda će vas zanimati da je ceo prethodni razgovor ovde 👈👈

U svakom slučaju, koliko sam shvatio iz vaše žalbe, kazino je licenciran u Češkoj, uprkos tome što ne želi da komentariše ovu stvar, tako da bi bilo dobro da pokušate da kontaktirate lokalnog regulatora, ali sam pomalo zbunjen da kompanija već ima status „pasivnog regulatora", da li to znači da češka strana nije odgovorila na vaš problem? Poenta je da vaš problem nema nikakve veze sa kontaktiranjem sada nevažeće podlicence Antilephone, o čemu se radi u ovoj temi. U svakom slučaju, možemo razgovarati o detaljima u temi Betano kazina 👈👈

Automatski prevedeno:

Yes you can! I would love to work together with you! It’s way better than the CasinoGuru forum, this is completely rigged! All the 4 cases I won, I won them ALONE… CasinoGuru never helped in nothing… in matter a fact they closed several complaints, and encouraged me to give up most of the times.. even though I won the cases in the end 😅 they always silence my reviews and opinions.. the true is that Slott Casino still is operating illegally in Portugal and belongs to NeoGroup/R2DPartners ( the Leon Bet and Twin Mafia aka Moonlite N.V) this is so true that Inwas talking to Slott casino customer support and he called the casino LEON instead of Slott! They also sent the wrong regulator exclusion form 😅 and broke their own terms and conditions, paragraph 2.4 says that is mandatory to perform verification or KYC upon account creation.. but was never made with me! But CasinoGuru like always closed my case and is teaming up with the casino 🤣 even though they allowed to deposit 7100€ without any kind of KYC, and I was already excluded from all their "sister" casinos! All of this operating illegally in Portugal, because they don’t have our license, and using a Portuguese payment provider.. which is also a crime because they don’t pay taxes here! Even though Slott is illegal here in Portugal, the website is freely open to everyone.. and not even CasinoGuru warns that Portuguese players shouldn’t or can’t play! So don’t trust CasinoGuru! I think that they only help solve what is almost already solved loool

Ne gubite vreme sa CasinoGuru! Oni su kao ilegalni operateri... nikada vam neće pomoći. U stvari, čak će vas obeshrabriti i reći da niste u pravu. Nažalost, već je više nego dokazano da je CasinoGuru samo još jedan sajt koji finansira mafija za kockanje na mreži 😉

Automatski prevedeno:

Would you be open to sharing what you sent to the casino?


Hey, Joao..

While you are certainly entitled to your opinions, I don't think it's fair to slander the Guru on his own site.

Are some of your concerns valid? Absolutely, and I completely agree on some - if not most - of what you've said. I, too, have been silenced more than a few times here.

This being said, Casino Guru (like most affiliate sites) does provide a valuable service to some people who may not have the time, dedication, or desire to pursue resolution on their own.

Guru's database is also probably the largest collection of casinos and bonuses that'll you'll find. While they're not always 100% accurate, you gotta appreciate the work the team puts in to monitor the countless complaints, reviews, comments, etc. They've got a tough job to do.

While Casino Guru is certainly in this to make money these days, I highly doubt it started out that way. But the popularity of the site necessitated the hiring is staff who need to be paid.. and that's when you're faced with a moral dilemma.

I've thought many times about starting an "honest, unbiased" review site, but even I can't say for certain what choices I'd make in situations like that.


I think we try to do everything fair and square. Some decisions may not be to the players' liking, something is not in our competence to solve and so on. But we certainly never try to silence anybody or anything like that. It is always clearly explained why something is rejected, why we are on the player's side and so on. If we wanted to do everything for money, then we wouldn't have any resolution center. We have helped players to get back more than 38 million, which I don't think is very little at all. 

Some decisions are difficult and we have joint meetings where we talk about individual problems. It is never the case that somebody makes up their mind and applies it on the basis of zero logic.

When it comes to information, we also try to keep it accurate and always up to date. Casinos change their bonuses, terms and various other things. Also, there are a lot of casinos coming up that are unknown to us and we have to review them. Nowadays it is not so difficult to set up an online casino and also a casino that is honest but also a scam. We are trying to do the best we can and certainly to improve our practices as well. But until we find something that works better in some areas, then we stick with what we have.

Today it is difficult to keep everything as it was in the past. Today Casino Guru is much bigger than it used to be. There are several thousand complaints a month, as well as players who contribute to the forum or come to check out our site. 

But we never try to be unfair to players or to casinos when we evaluate someone is right.

That's just small addition to your post.

Have a nice day. 🙂

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