pre 1 godinu
Možete li mi reći više o ovome? Mnogo hvala unapred!
Could you tell me more about this? Many thanks in advance!
Možete li mi reći više o ovome? Mnogo hvala unapred!
Could you tell me more about this? Many thanks in advance!
Rekli ste „a njih podržava regulator", pa sam uveren da ste već prošli ovaj krug. Jesam li u pravu?
Da budemo sigurni, koji regulator imate na umu, molim?
U svakom slučaju, ovaj vodič je posebno kreiran za igrače koji žele da budu bolje informisani o ovim procedurama:
Obično je pečat samo validator, a proces podnošenja žalbe ne sadrži sam pečat.
Molimo vas da odgovarate sa vodičem. 🙏
You said "and they are backed up by the regulator", so I'm convinced you already passed this circle. Am I correct?
Just to be sure, which regulator do you have in mind, please?
Anyway, this guide was specifically created for players who want to be better informed about these procedures:
Usually, the seal is just a validator, and the process of submitting the complaint does not contain the seal itself.
Please suit yourself with the guide. 🙏
Tamo gde operater ima važeću licencu Curacao, jedini način na koji će prihvatiti žalbu je tako što će proći kroz pečat i pomeriti dole do Uloži žalbu, znam jer sam to morao da uradim, neće prihvatiti moju žalbu dok ne odem kroz njega. @Inrel19
U nedostatku važeće licence možete uložiti žalbu prateći njihova uputstva.
Where an operator has a valid Curacao license, the only way they will accept a complaint is by going through the seal and scrolling down to Make a Complaint, I know because I had to do that, they would not accept my complaint until I had gone through it. @Inrel19
In the absence of a valid license you can file a complaint by following their instructions.
Ja sam konkretno pitao o ovome i dobio sam drugačiji odgovor. 🤷♀
Dakle, naši vodiči sadrže informacije koje smo dobili.
O kom od četiri provajdera licenci na Curacaou govorite, molim vas? Zato što postoje velike razlike.
Govoreći o Antilefonu, da li to znači da ove informacije više nisu važeće, molim?
„Podnošenje žalbe
Antilephone NV ima veb stranicu, ali nema informacija o pritužbama igrača. Međutim, na stranici validatora Antilephone NV postoji sledeći pasus:
„Antillephone bi trebalo da kontaktiraju igrači samo kada veruju da je Operater prekršio njihovu licencu. Sve sporove sa Operatorom u vezi sa isplatom, blokiranim nalogom, kašnjenjem, pokvarenim funkcijama i tako dalje, treba prvo da se reše direktno sa Operatorom. Operater. Ako se ne pronađe rešenje, možete kontaktirati nekoliko nezavisnih tela, koja bi trebalo da budu navedena na veb stranici Operatora."
Igrači koji žele da podnesu žalbu mogu da kontaktiraju Antilephone samo putem e-pošte ovde: .
I was specifically asking about this and was given a different response. 🤷♀️
Thus, our guides contain the information we got.
Which one of the four Curacao license providers are you talking about, please? Because there are major differences.
Speaking about Antillephone, does it mean this info is no longer valid, please?
"Submitting a Complaint
Antillephone N.V. does have a website, but there is no information to be found regarding player complaints. However, on the Antillephone N.V. validator page, there is the following paragraph:
"Antillephone should only be contacted by players when they believe an Operator is in breach of their license. All disputes with an Operator about a payout, a blocked account, a delay, broken features and so on, should first be taken up directly with the Operator. If no resolution is found there are number of independent bodies you can contact, which should be listed on the Operator website."
Players that wish to submit a complaint can only contact Antillephone via email here:
Da, kontaktirao sam regulatora i oni su rekli da su istraga i obrazloženje kazina tačni.
Problem je bio u tome što je njihovo rezonovanje bilo negde na liniji 'mi smo u pravu, a vi niste u pravu'. Mnogo puta sam pitao zašto su neki Uslovi i odredbe poštovani (u njihovu korist), a drugi potpuno ignorisani.
To traje mesecima i već sam razgovarao sa pravnim savetnikom, oni su bili istog mišljenja da se sredstva oduzimaju nezakonito, bez ikakvog čvrstog obrazloženja. Sada sam se samo pitao, da li postoje neki organi kojima bih to mogao da prijavim?
Muka mi je od kazina koji varaju ljude bez ikakvih posledica, vreme je da prestanem sa tim i neću prestati dok stvari ne budu kako treba.
Yes, I have contacted the regulator and they said that the investigation and reasoning of the casino is right.
The problem was, that their reasoning was somewhere along the lines of 'we are right and you are wrong'. I have asked many times why some Terms and Conditions were followed (to their benefit) and others completely ignored.
This has been going for months and I have already talked with a legal counsel, they were the same opinion that funds are forfeited illegally, without any solid reasoning. So now I was just wondering, are there any authorities that I could report this to?
I am sick an tired of casinos scamming people without any consequences, it is time to stop that and I will not stop until things are right.
U takvom slučaju, ako i vlast odluči u korist kazina, mislim da bi sledeća instanca mogla da bude advokat. Ali nisam siguran kako bi sve to ispalo.
Da li ste pokušali da pitate pravnog savetnika gde možete prijaviti takav slučaj?
In such a case, if the authority also decides in favour of the casino, I think that the next instance could be a lawyer. But I'm not sure how it would all turn out.
Have you tried asking the legal consuel where you can report such a case ?
Da imam. Prvi predlog mog pravnog savetnika bio je da ipak pokušam da rešim ovo sa kazinom i regulatorom postavljanjem dodatnih pitanja koja će ih dovesti do toga da shvate da su zaista pogrešili. Nažalost, ni kazino, ni regulator sada uopšte ne reaguju. Potpuno ignorišu dodatna pitanja i uopšte ignorišu moje imejlove. To mi jasno pokazuje da su ta pitanja validna i da bi dovela do nepovoljnih odgovora na njih.
Drugi predlog konzula je bio da se obratim organu iznad regulatora, ali nisam siguran ko je to. Iz Google pretrage se čini da je to Vlada Kurakoe, ali nisam siguran u to.
Takođe su mi predložili da se obratim Ombudsmanu za finansijski kriminal, jer se to već može smatrati finansijskim kriminalom nezakonitim pribavljanjem mojih sredstava.
Yes, I have. The first suggestion from my legal consuel was to still try and to solve this with the casino and regulator by asking additional questions that lead to them understanding that they actually made a mistake. Unfortunately, nor the casino, nor the regulator is responding at all now. They completely ignore the follow-up questions and ignore my emails in general. This clearly shows to me that those questions are valid and would lead to unfavorable answers to them.
The other suggestion from the consuel was to contact the authority above the regulator, but I am not sure who it is. From the Google search is seems that it is The Government of Curacoa, but I am not sure about it.
Also, they suggested that I could contact Financial Crime Ombudsman, because this could already be considered as a financial crime by illegally obtaining my funds.
Naravno da razumem. Mislim da su ovo prilično dobri predlozi i radoznao sam da vidim da li ćete se složiti sa nekim od njih. Šteta što kazino ne reaguje i pokušava da reši problem jer mislim da bi to bio najbolji način. Druge preporuke bi svakako bile duže.
Međutim, možda još ništa nije izgubljeno i možda ćete dobiti odgovor od nadležnih. Ako ne, možete nas obavestiti o sledećim koracima. Držaću fige 🤞
Of course I understand. I think these are pretty good suggestions and I'm curious to see if you're going to go with any of them. It's a shame that the casino is not responding and trying to solve the problem because I think that would be the best way to go. Other recommendations would certainly be more lengthy.
However, nothing may be lost yet and you may get a response from the authority. If not, you can keep us informed about the next steps. I'll keep my fingers crossed 🤞
Hvala ti Jaro. Ne planiram da odustanem od ovoga.
Prijaviću kazino svim mogućim nadležnima, jer to što rade je odvratno i mnoga kazina rade isto. Vreme je da ih zaustavimo jednog po jednog.
Obaveštavaće vas na ovom forumu kako stvari eskaliraju.
Thank you Jaro. I am not planning to give up on this.
I will report the casino to every authority possible, because what they are doing is disgusting and many casinos are doing the same. It is time to stop them one by one.
Will keep you updated in this forum how things escalate.
Svakako, ako smatrate da kazino nije bio fer prema vama, definitivno se vredi boriti za njega.
Biće mi drago ako nas obavestite i zanima me da li ćete uspeti da rešite situaciju. Držaću vam palčeve. 🤞
Certainly if you feel that the casino hasn't been fair to you, it's definitely worth fighting for.
I'll be glad if you update us and I'm interested to see if you manage to resolve the situation. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. 🤞
Dobio sam neke informacije od Antilephone NV
Ovi ljudi će mi pomoći da vratim svoj novac:
Prosledili smo vašu poštu centru za rešavanje problema za dalje detalje!
S poštovanjem
Licenca i rešavanje sporova
I got some information from Antillephone N.V.
This people will help me to get back my money:
We have forwarded your mail to the resolution center for further details!
License & Dispute Resolution
U stvari, piše da je e-mail prosleđen. Ili imate još? To bi bilo nešto!
Actually, it says the email was forwarded. Or do you have some more? That would be something!
Zdravo! To je neverovatna vest! Tako mi je drago zbog tebe! 🙌 Da li ovo nekako menja vaše mišljenje o kazinu?
Mislim, super je što si dobio novac, ali ipak, to nije bio komad torte...
Hi! That is amazing news! I'm so glad for you! 🙌 Does this somehow change your opinion of the casino?
I mean, it's cool you got the money, but still, it was not a piece of cake...
Antilefon zapravo pomaže. Nakon mog zahteva i njihove intervencije, novac iz Bet1000 kazina je odmah prebačen na moj bankovni račun. Preporučite Antilephone svima!!!
Antillephone actually helps. After my request and their intervention, the money from Bet1000 Casino was immediately transferred to my bank account. Recommend Antillephone to everyone!!!
Zdravo Radka
Bet1000 Kazino je već zatvoren
Hi Radka
Bet1000 Casino is already clossed
Da, znam to. Ovo je prilično dobar primer koliko rizična mogu biti novoosnovana kazina. 🤷♂
Yep, I know that. This is a pretty good example of how risky the newly established casinos might be. 🤷♂️
Antilefon zapravo pomaže. Nakon mog zahteva i njihove intervencije, novac iz Bet1000 kazina je odmah prebačen na moj bankovni račun. Preporučite Antilephone svima!!!
Antillephone actually helps. After my request and their intervention, the money from Bet1000 Casino was immediately transferred to my bank account. Recommend Antillephone to everyone!!!
Poslao sam pritužbu Antilefonu, a oni nisu odgovorili na nju niti su čak potvrdili da su je primili. Nemam pojma da li se moja žalba uopšte razmatra...
Zaista frustrirajuće jer su drugi dobavljači licenci (npr. Curacao Egaming) mnogo profesionalniji u svom pristupu
I sent a complaint to Antillephone and they haven't replied to it or even acknowledged receiving it. I have no idea if my complaint is being reviewed at all...
Really frustrating as other license providers (ie. Curacao Egaming) are much more professional in their approach
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja. je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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