ForumDiskusija o prigovorimaHow to contact the Antillephone N.V. (Curaçao) licensing authority

How to contact the Antillephone N.V. (Curaçao) licensing authority (strana 9)

pre 1 godinu od Daniel
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That is why RTBET changed license to miomedia

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Imam veliki problem sa kockarnicama licenciranim od strane Antilephone NV i Curacao... Imam iznos veći od 4300 € da dobijem od Roku/BetTilt-a i niko mi ne odgovara! Roku samo kaže da je slučaj predat regulatornom organu, a meni niko ne odgovara! Sramota je šta rade kazina sa licencom Antilephone NV! Oni su gomila kriminalaca, i kazina Abudantia BV i ko god da ih licencira! Roku kaže da je slučaj predat regulatoru i pravnom odeljenju, ali su navodno imali 7 dana da odgovore i prošlo je više od 2 nedelje! Zaključak, i Roku kazino i njegova licenca su prevara! Držite se dalje od svih kazina licenciranih od strane Antilephone NV.


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pre 2 meseci

If someone could help me getting an answer from the regulator it would be great! I have done everything I can… just starting to lose my hope.. Curaçau and Antillephone NV license is the biggest fraud and scam I have ever seen.

pre 2 meseci

Imam veliki problem sa kockarnicama licenciranim od strane Antilephone NV i Curacao... Imam iznos veći od 4300 € da dobijem od Roku/BetTilt-a i niko mi ne odgovara! Roku samo kaže da je slučaj predat regulatornom organu, a meni niko ne odgovara! Sramota je šta rade kazina sa licencom Antilephone NV! Oni su gomila kriminalaca, i kazina Abudantia BV i ko god da ih licencira! Roku kaže da je slučaj predat regulatoru i pravnom odeljenju, ali su navodno imali 7 dana da odgovore i prošlo je više od 2 nedelje! Zaključak, i Roku kazino i njegova licenca su prevara! Držite se dalje od svih kazina licenciranih od strane Antilephone NV.


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pre 2 meseci


Normally, I would say that the Team will do its best to find a fair solution through the complaint process that you're currently undergoing with both casinos. On the other hand, if the casino uses the regulator as an excuse for further ignoration, I certainly hope they won't treat the complaint in the same way.

Besides, do you think you can at least briefly describe the nature of your complaints against the casino? I think that would be handy for the rest of the community.

I'll leave that to you.

pre 2 meseci

If someone could help me getting an answer from the regulator it would be great! I have done everything I can… just starting to lose my hope.. Curaçau and Antillephone NV license is the biggest fraud and scam I have ever seen.

pre 2 meseci

I'm not aware of any good advice I could pass on 🙁. I'm sorry.

pre 2 meseci

can’t Casino Guru help to contact Roku/BetTilt or Abudantia B.V.?

pre 2 meseci

I can see that our specialists will certainly try to do this if you have open complaints, but whether the casinos will cooperate and whether they will reply back I don't know. So you just have to be a little patient. 😕

pre 2 meseci

Da, imam, i navodno je slučaj predat regulatoru, ali to je ono što Roku Bet kaže... Nemam nijedan mejl od Antilephone NV koji ovo potvrđuje. Ali Roku Bet je licenciran od strane Antilephone-a, ali ga sada „kontroliše" tim za usklađenost sa eMoore NV, za koji sam otkrio da je kredibilniji entitet. Barem veb lokacija eMoore NV ima adrese, e-poštu i mesta za pritužbe.

U prilogu su fotografije veb stranice Roku i odgovor dat na portugalskom portalu Kueika.

Može li mi CasinoGuru pomoći sa ovim podacima? Kontaktirajte tim za usklađenost sa eMoore NV? Inače, iako je Roku Bet i BetTilt licenca od Antilephonea, to je podlicenca, zar Abudantia BV grupa ne mora da poštuje pravila zakona o Master licenci Curacao? Molim vas pomozite mi.



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pre 2 meseci
..whether the casinos will cooperate..

And this is the problem with online gambling.

Licensed, unlicensed. Curacao, Malta, UKGC. At the end of the day, none of it means a damn thing, as the only person deciding if you get paid, is whoever is in charge of casino finances.

If a casino doesn't want to pay you, they won't. It's as simple as that. For most people, there's absolutely nothing you can do to get your money, because there's nobody in charge of making sure players get paid.

The commissions and regulatory bodies are all a farce. They exist solely to make players feel "comfortable" giving their money to these shady businesses. They'll also take a big chunk of change from every operator so they can line their own pockets. As long as that money keeps coming in, they don't give a single Fudgsicle.

Let's use Blazzio as a recent example.

One day, they just decided to pull the plug on their operation. No warning was given to players. No responses have been sent out. All they did, was change their website to look like a geo-block.

Try to look up information about this, and you'll find next to nothing. You'll see complaints that people have sent to affiliate sites such as this one. You'll even see some sites still recommending it as a safe place to play! Painfully missing, is any actual NEWS relating to their shutdown. Nobody seems to know a damn thing about what happened.

In this "regulated" industry, how is it possible for a casino to just pull the plug - taking (very likely) millions of dollars of players funds along with them - yet it doesn't even make a single news headline. Not even the affiliate sites had much to say about it.

There are people that lose their life savings to places like this and yet nothing ever happens to the people responsible. At the VERY LEAST, the regulator should be investigated by the Government of Curacao, but that won't happen. They're in the midst of new regulations, which is only making things more confusing, as they're too busy enjoying their Carribean beach lifestyle to give a flying phuck about the players.

/End rant

pre 2 meseci

To nije tačno, Komisija za igre na sreću KGC Kahnavake primorala je Leon i Tvin Casino, iz Moonlite NV Group, da vrate sav novac položen u kuću jer je dokazano da je već bio samoisključen u prošlosti. CEG Curacau E Gaming je primorao Casino BetOnRed i Uno Digital Media BV da vrate 820 evra prošle nedelje iz istog razloga. Ako postoji dovoljno dokaza i kupac je u pravu, regulatorni organ će pomoći!

ali u ovom slučaju kao i sa Antilephone NV i timom Complaince je Emoore NV.. obojica sa veoma lošom reputacijom.. retko kome odgovaraju. Ali slučaj Roku i BetTilt je već predat regulatornom telu... ali Antilephone NV još nije doneo odluku niti je odgovorio

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pre 2 meseci

Ako je kazino „velik" i zarađuje mnogo novca, neće se zatvoriti iz jednog trenutka u drugi. Uzmite slučaj kazina Leon Bet.. vrlo brzo su mi vratili 9360€ da se ne bih uznemirio ili narušio reputaciju kazina.. a takođe je i ilegalni kazino u Portugalu. Međutim, propis KGC-a, koji začudo dolazi iz vaše zemlje Kanade 🇨🇦, mnogo je bolji od onog na Kurasau. Komisija za igre u Kahnavakeu mi je mnogo pomogla. CEG takođe... problem sa ilegalnim kockarnicama na Curacao-u su praktično sve podlicence koje izdaje Antilephone NV

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pre 2 meseci

Zdravo, kako znaš da je CEG odlučio da se mora vratiti?

cela UNO Digital grupa je potpuno mračna

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pre 2 meseci

Zato što su mi već vratili novac, a pre odluke CEG regulatora nisu ni odgovorili na loool mejlove ili kada su odgovorili bilo je da je nemoguće povratiti novac potrošen na kockanje. Nakon odluke CEG-a, brzo su poslali e-poštu u kojoj se izvinjavaju i traže moj IBAN da izvrši transfer.

Došao direktno iz matične kompanije

€820 Transfer "Udm Processing Services Ltd"

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 2 meseci
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pre 2 meseci

Hvala na tvom odgovoru. U redu, mogu li da pitam za šta je povraćaj novca? Da li je to bila prikupljena dobit ili depozit?

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pre 2 meseci

Zato što su mi već vratili novac, a pre odluke CEG regulatora nisu ni odgovorili na loool mejlove ili kada su odgovorili bilo je da je nemoguće povratiti novac potrošen na kockanje. Nakon odluke CEG-a, brzo su poslali e-poštu u kojoj se izvinjavaju i traže moj IBAN da izvrši transfer.

Došao direktno iz matične kompanije

€820 Transfer "Udm Processing Services Ltd"

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pre 2 meseci


Fight until the end guys! I have recovered funds from Leon (9360€) BetOnRed (820€) and now its missing 4500€ from Roku/BetTilt. This was all houses that I was previously self excluded, and that I could proof that was no KYC or Player Protection even with high deposits!

pre 2 meseci

Money spent on gambling! I am an addicted player, already self excluded from this casinos.. but they all lured me back in with offers from VIP managers… loool high bonus offers.. I mean, they shouldn’t even contact a sick compulsive gambler.. their fault! Almost lost My Life to this casinos!

pre 2 meseci

Veliki. 👌 Drago mi je zbog tebe ☺

Takođe imam nerešen slučaj sa CEG-om, ali u mom slučaju to je povraćaj depozita jer moja zemlja nije dozvoljena. Guru ne obrađuje takve slučajeve bez dobitaka, što u potpunosti razumem. Cela grupa je početkom godine izbrisala postojeće igrače, ali se možete ponovo registrovati. Za mene to nisu jasna pravila. I ja sam se posle toga isključio, ali i dalje dobijam reklamu od svih u grupi!

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 2 meseci
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pre 2 meseci

Have you try to complaint on askgamblers, casinomeister and TrustPilot? For more ridiculous that it seems, this casinos take TrustPilot WAY more serious that something else 😅 I think it is because its an Internacional complaint.. like no matter which country you are, there is only one TrustPilot profile for each company/casino 😅 so they usually answer there.. even their compliance Team answer or Will call you to try to reach a deal. With BetOnRed the TrustPilot complaint made the refund process much faster. Try to complaint as much as you can.

pre 2 meseci

CEG and the Kahnawake Gaming Commission are actually good regulators if you have the right proofs and know How to Make the right complaint! I even wrote to the governor of Curaçau 😅 I went to the extreme

pre 2 meseci

Prepoznajem se tamo. I ja idem u krajnosti. Pisao sam preko guvernerovog kontakt forme bez uspeha. Imate li direktnu e-poštu za mene? 👍 dobar savet sa pilotom poverenja, hvala vam puno,

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