Brzo ste odgovorili o pilotu poverenja. Pokušajte da iskreno odgovorite na ova pitanja.
Zašto ja jedini ovde govorim razumno?
Koliko je presuda u ovom slučaju i najmanje sporna?
Dao sam dovoljno dokaza koji pokazuju kako se sve ovo odigralo, a imam ih još.
Zašto stalno govorite da pišete organu za izdavanje dozvola?
Jer očigledno jesam! Pisao sam svima za koje sam mislio da treba. > KONTROLNI ODBOR KOCKANjA KURASAO, CIL, kralj Villem-Alekander, guverner Lucille vout, holandski ministar inostranih poslova, Curacao licenciranje.
Kažete „ocena ne može biti zasnovana samo na jednom negativnom iskustvu jednog igrača."?
< to je BS i potpuna laž. Pogledajte sve negativne komentare na vašem sajtu među mnogim drugim. Takođe možete jednostavno otići na tamo stranicu i pogledati fid za ćaskanje i kladiti se da vidite negativnosti.
takođe kažete da vam „nedostaje dovoljno dokaza" da rešite moj slučaj? To je takođe laž. Dao sam dosta dokaza, a BCGAME je takođe pružio 'Neke' za koje je rekao da sami nisu dovoljni. Zato što nisu imali dovoljno!! Ja radim! Oni samo traže način da to zaobiđu i mislili su da bi mogli reći neku glupost i završiti sa tim!
vidi koliko je prošlo, te nedelje nisu mogli da iznesu nikakve dokaze. i način na koji to mogu da izložim za sve je dovoljno jednostavan da učenik 7. razreda razume šta se dešava, pa dosta igara!
Kažem vam SVIMA, neću pustiti ovo i neću dozvoliti da se odugovlači bez rezultata. Svi ste mi zajebali kvalitet života. Ako dođem do kraja ovog BS iskustva i završim bez ičega, tako sam spreman da okončam svoj život, a da izazovem dovoljno problema da svi gledaju industriju e-igara, pregledaju platforme i ostrvo Curacao sa više sramote nego oni već imam i nadam se da će ih rezultirati 20 puta više od moje prvobitne pobede. Ne govorim gluposti. Svi ste odvratni, to je odvratno.
oni čiste 10 miliona godišnje, ali jednostavno su morali da se jebe sa mojim životom.
ako zaista verujete da ja ne mogu da izazovem takve probleme onda ste očigledno svi slaboumni.
BCGAME će ili morati da mi plati ili da pošalje hitnu ekipu da me udari, jer neću stati dok se bilo koja od te dve stvari ne dogodi ili dok ne pribegnem svom poslednjem planu akcije.
Neću odustati kao svi drugi koji su prošli kroz ovo.
i za sve ostale operatere, mislim da verovatno svi uživate u petljanju u živote ljudi, ali bili biste glupi da ne kažete BCGAME licima da prestanu sa sranjem i prekinu dramu. Ako ne, onda se nadam da ću planirati dovoljno dobro da vas sve oštetim.
možete me se otarasiti kazino gurua. Razumem, ali moraćete da razumete zašto ću vas sve staviti na kraj ako je to ono što mora da dođe!
You were quick to reply on trust pilot. Try and answer these questions honestly.
Why am I the only one here talking any sense?
How is judgement on this case challenging in the slightest?
I’ve provided well over enough evidence showing how this has all played out and I still have more.
Why do you keep saying write to the licensing authority?
Because i obviously have! I have wrote to everyone I thought I should. > CURACAO GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD, C.I.L, King Willem-Alexander, the governor Lucille wout, the Dutch minister of foreign affairs, Curacao licensing.
You say "rating cannot be solely based on one negative experience from a single player."?
< that is BS and a complete lie. Look at all the negative comments on your site among many others. Also you can just go on there site and look at the chat feed and bet feed to see negativity.
you also say you " lack sufficient evidence" to resolve my case? That’s also a lie. I provided plenty of evidence and BCGAME also provided ‘Some’ which said themselves wasn’t enough. Because they didn’t have enough!! I do! They’re just looking for a way around it and they thought they could say some nonsense and be done with it!
look how long it has been, they couldn’t even produce any evidence that week. and the way I can lay it out for everyone is simple enough for a 7th grader to understand what is happening, so enough games!
I am telling you ALL, I will not let this go and I will not let it drag out with no results. You all have been screwing my quality of life. If I get to the end of this BS experience and end up with nothing i am so ready to end my life while causing enough trouble for everyone to look at The E-gaming industry, review platforms & the island of Curacao with more shame than they already have and hopefully a resulting cost to them 20x more than my original win. I’m not talking rubbish. You are all despicable, it’s disgusting.
they clear 10s of millions annually but they just had to come f**k with my life.
if you really believe it’s not possible for me to cause such problems than you are obviously all weak of mind.
BCGAME will either need to pay me or send a hit squad to knock me because I won’t stop until either of those two things happen or until I resort to my last plan of action.
I’m not going to fold like everyone else who has gone through this.
and to all the other operators, I mean you probably all enjoy messing with peoples lives but you’d be dumb not to tell the BCGAME grubs to quit the shit and end the drama. If not then I hope I plan well enough to damage you all.
you can get rid of me casino guru I understand but you’ll need to understand why I’ll put you all in my end if that’s what must come!
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