NaslovnaForumDiskusija o prigovorimaLegiano Casino ne verifikuje i čuva vaš novac

Legiano Casino ne verifikuje i čuva vaš novac

 od beruco-26
35.161 pregleda 372 odgovora |
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Nakon što sam dobio nekoliko opklada, imam 2400€ i odjednom mi kažu da žele da verifikuju (što je odlično za mene jer imam sve legalno).

Moje iznenađenje je da ne prihvataju nijedan dokument koji dajem za verifikaciju svoje debitne kartice, sve sam dao, sve validno i u PDF-u koji je obezbedila banka.

Odbijaju da prihvate pa zadržavaju moj novac.....legiano kazino je prevara..!!!

To što kažem je istina i dokumenti koje sam dao i tako dalje su dostupni svima koji žele da vide da ne lažem.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello, I see verification is causing a problem. Did the casino also tell you the reason why it doesn't accept the card documents? The other documents were accepted and this is the only one that is causing the problem? Did you ask what you should do or provide to make it right.

If nothing changes and you can't verify, our team will try to help you since you have a complaint

Sve sam predao, danas sam predao PDF od 22.09 do 22.10, sve original iz banke. Sa moje kartice.

On je izvestio da PDF iskazi kartica idu od 22. u mesecu do 22. sledećeg meseca.

Sada mi traže originalni PDF izvod ALI OD 22.09 DO 24.10!!!



Automatski prevedeno:

I know it's certainly not the most pleasant thing to do, but can't the bank get hold of such a document that they would be able to do it for you? Although it would probably annoy me too, the verification needs to be completed successfully in order for you to be able to get the money out. 

Would you try to contact them and ask if it is possible to get such a document? 


Već imam sva dokumenta koja su tražili. Sve u PDF formatu. Otišao sam u svoju banku da to zatražim.

Imam sve legalno.

Imam izvode moje kartice od pre 6 meseci i depoziti u ovom kazinu su jasno vidljivi.

Ipak ne žele da ih prihvate.

veruj mi! Mogu dokazati ono što kažem

Automatski prevedeno:

I believe you and I have seen that the complaint has moved forward and Katarina has contacted the casino to comment on the whole situation. I'm curious to hear what they have to say and how they will explain the whole thing because I can see that nothing you end up doing is satisfactory to them. 

I'll keep an eye on it.

Svaki put od mene traže nešto drugačije.

Ovo je frustrirajuće. Prilažem slike.

I šaljem im sve, legalno i u originalnom PDF-u iz moje banke.

Takođe sam im poslao potvrdu o vlasništvu moje kartice i mog bankovnog računa. filefilefilefile

Ne pomažu mi ni od četovanja, ni od tehničke podrške

Molim vas da obavestite ljude da je ovo prevara pre nego što više kupaca bude prevareno.

Automatski prevedeno:

It makes sense why you are under pressure! However, as previously stated, the casino has been asked to provide an explanation for the entire situation, and I am confident that their response will reveal more than we can infer without knowing its perspective.

Hold on, please. We are all interested to see what justification they present.

Legiano casino....neka mi neko kaže šta se dešava sa isplatama....prošlo je nedelju dana od kada sam podneo zahtev za povlačenje i ja sam na čekanju...ovo je sve tragično hvala

Automatski prevedeno:

Već sam rekao.... budi oprezan...

Vreme će pokazati da sam u pravu

Automatski prevedeno:

Još niste plaćeni???kada ste se prijavili za povlačenje???koji proces ste pratili?

Automatski prevedeno:

Legiano casino....neka mi neko kaže šta se dešava sa isplatama....prošlo je nedelju dana od kada sam podneo zahtev za povlačenje i ja sam na čekanju...ovo je sve tragično hvala

Automatski prevedeno:

So far I don't think we know because players have complaints, but I believe we will find out soon. Casino didn't tell you anything about the delay? Was it necessary for you to verify or not? 

We give casinos 14 days, so if you don't get the money or an answer, let us know and we'll try to help.


Kašnjenje kaže da je to zbog velikog obima je stvarno tužno.......još me nije tražilo verifikaciju...u procesu je obrade profila

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:

Let's see, so I would try to wait and see what happens next. If nothing happens and the mentioned period of time passes, I would go ahead and file a complaint with us. 

Koji vremenski period....već 6 dana čekanja...prijavite i reklamirajte....

Automatski prevedeno:

I wrote that we give the casinos 14 days, so for this period. 

But then you'll have to file a complaint so we can help you. I can't do that for you. 

Da! Legiano kazino ne podiže novac! Samo se smrzava! Uvek neki izgovori! Ali ne povlači novac!!

Automatski prevedeno:

I see that you also have problems and several players have already complained, which is starting to look a bit strange to me. What do you mean by freezing? When you withdraw or you can't even enter or what is it? Customer support can't help with anything? How long have you been trying to withdraw money? 


Korisnička podrška nam govori da postoji veliki broj povlačenja i da č e-poruke se ne odgovara.....usluga jer pričam svaki dan oni stalno govore budite strpljivi i da ćemo biti plaćeni...nemoj ne znam šta da kažem

Automatski prevedeno:

I imagine this is not going to be considered good news, but what you all have been reporting quite fits the situation when the casino is overwhelmed by requests.

In such situations, though, there is no other certainty than the time. The casino must simply muster its human resources and catch up with the delay. So, logically, if this is the case, they have little time to spare on emails through which players, for example, keep asking the same questions over and over again, and I can also imagine new withdrawals won't be accepted until the delay has been dealt with.

As I said, it is unsettling, but the solution is sadly quite obvious. 🙁 Patience.

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