NaslovnaForumDiskusija o prigovorimaLegiano Casino ne verifikuje i čuva vaš novac

Legiano Casino ne verifikuje i čuva vaš novac (strana 16)

 od beruco-26
31.582 pregleda 337 odgovora |
1...15 16 17

Čekam 7 dana, stvarno je loše

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Čekam 7 dana, stvarno je loše

Automatski prevedeno:

Tako mi je žao! Ja sam u istoj situaciji! I ne očekujem ekstra profit, već novac koji sam izgubio. Pitam se zašto ga ne zatvore.

Automatski prevedeno:

Mislim da su prevaranti

Automatski prevedeno:

Mislim da su prevaranti

Automatski prevedeno:

I ja verujem u ovo. Plaćaju te prvi put da se osećaš bezbedno i onda ništa. I pitam se zašto postoje u službi za korisnike? Da vam kažu da im je žao zbog kašnjenja? Nikada nisam video tako beskorisne zaposlene. Koliko novca očekujete?

Automatski prevedeno:

890€ zar nema nikog ko može da nam pomogne?

Automatski prevedeno:

890€ zar nema nikog ko može da nam pomogne?

Automatski prevedeno:

Tražim ovo već danima, ali ne mogu da nađem ništa što bi mi pomoglo.. šaljite im ćaskanje svaki dan i zamolite ih da proslede kašnjenje finansijskom odeljenju... zaista želim da ih kontaktiram, ali ako Ionako će me blokirati.

Automatski prevedeno:

jednostavno katastrofalno

Automatski prevedeno:

Ako vam ikada plate, javite mi!

Automatski prevedeno:

volim da kažem

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo, legiano kazino mi nije isplatio, ne znam šta da radim

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi there!

It's bad to see another one in the same situation... As you already found out, something has been happening. I wish I could explain the delay, but I also have no clue.

Several players have lodged complaints against the casino, and some of these cases appear to be nearing a critical stage due to the lack of response from the casino's contact.

You may follow up the complaints here 👈 or you can lodge your own for free. Even though our specialists have set a 14-day limit for payment fulfillment, it will not hurt to be ready, so in such cases, I would say the more complaints, the better.


All this happens the last 4 months with my occasion despite the fact that finaly i got paid the rate of the casino at your site is still high!!!If you down rate them probably they will chang policy but you have the same rate despite the fact that the complains avout this company and for this reason is obvious!!!I don't know the reason!!!And it make suspicious about the page!!!

Obično im je potrebno 2-3 nedelje za obradu povlačenja, budite strpljivi...

Automatski prevedeno:

Smatram da ste veoma optimistični! U redu je biti sam 🙂

Automatski prevedeno:

All this happens the last 4 months with my occasion despite the fact that finaly i got paid the rate of the casino at your site is still high!!!If you down rate them probably they will chang policy but you have the same rate despite the fact that the complains avout this company and for this reason is obvious!!!I don't know the reason!!!And it make suspicious about the page!!!

Hi there,

I understand you are angry. Honestly, I don't, however, comprehend the complaint part. Perhaps if I explain the whole process to you, you'll realize it all makes sense - which in no way means the casino provides a good user experience with withdrawals.

The casino's Safety Index represents the probability of getting paid. It does not say how fast the withdrawals will be handled. Thus, withdrawal speed is excluded from the Safety Index and is considered to be a user experience, for which we provide user feedback and a forum. Not to mention, withdrawal speed is not measurable for us.

Resolved complaints will never result in a lower Safety Index, because the issue was resolved.

As you can also see around the forum and in user reviews, the casino pays; it is just slow. One example from the review : "Payout is limited and sometimes takes a really long time".

In my opinion, the information is here; you just expect things to work differently than they do.

That's ok, I'm always happy to help you with that. There are tons of good casinos with terrible user feedback, including slower KYC processes and ultimately long withdrawals. Result? It is surely a good idea to consult not just the Safety Index but also the user feedback, complaints, and forum. Only that will show you the whole picture.

Let me know whether you're interested in details, or we can just talk things out.

I'm not here to oppose you.

Ljudi, pošto ovde ima mnogo Grka, želim da vas pitam da li ste našli neko dobro kazino u inostranstvu, jer sam ranije igrao na 20bet i bio sam srećan, ali mi više ne dozvoljava da igram igre Pragmatic Plai. Da li znate još neke koji to dozvoljavaju i koji su u redu sa plaćanjem?

Automatski prevedeno:

Ne znam za inostranstvo! Ako je moje mišljenje daleko od njih..kako možeš da im se izvučeš...u svakom slučaju, bio sam zadovoljan N1 kazinom i betsonom...i uopšte savetima (ovo nije pravo mesto da se to kaže).. udari u blok, uživaj i živi svoj život kako treba...oni donose samo bolesti...obraćam se tebi, dobio sam moždani udar zbog njih..i legiano se našao posle 2 godine da mi izazove sekundu jedan kakav jeste.

Automatski prevedeno:

Kažem strano jer sam iz istog razloga obrisao sve grčke, ali ako te to izjeda, šta da radiš?

Automatski prevedeno:

Ne dozvoli da te to uopšte pojede! Samo ovi će te na kraju pojesti..ali niko nikad nije pobedio..i ako zaradimo 10.000 poješćemo ga opet u ovima..a mene su isključili iz svih grčkih...i sad ja prošao sam strane..da li očekuješ opipljivo povlačenje, legiano?

Automatski prevedeno:

Dobio sam 4300, dali su mi 1000 evra posle mesec dana, ostalo sam prokockao

Automatski prevedeno:

Hej druže...da li si ćaskao sa njima svaki dan? Da li to pomaže? Uzalud gubim vreme sa njima.

Automatski prevedeno:
1...15 16 17
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