pre 3 meseci
Koji metod povlačenja je najkorisniji?
Imam bankovnim transferom
Which withdrawal method is most useful?
I have by bank transfer
Que método de retiro es más útil?
Yo tengo por trasferencia bancaria
Koji metod povlačenja je najkorisniji?
Imam bankovnim transferom
Which withdrawal method is most useful?
I have by bank transfer
Que método de retiro es más útil?
Yo tengo por trasferencia bancaria
Moj zahtev je od 30.10 i nisam dobio nikakvu uplatu.
Prošao sam proces verifikacije i podneo sam žalbu ovde.
LEGIANO mi kaže da ostanem miran jer imaju mnogo zahteva.
Ali čekam više od 17 dana i 2000 € na računu.
Rekao sam im da ću da ih prijavim, ali su mi se smejali jer su znali da ne mogu ništa da preduzmem...
Zaključak, oni će ukrasti 2190 € koje sam osvojio...
My request is from 10/30 and I have not received any payment.
I have passed the verification process and have filed a complaint here.
LEGIANO tells me to stay calm because they have many requests.
But I've been waiting for more than 17 days and €2000 in my account.
I told them that I was going to report them, but they laughed at me because they knew I couldn't do anything about it...
Conclusion, they are going to steal €2190 that I have won...
Mi solicitud es del día 30/10 y no he cobrado.
He superado el proceso de verificación y he puesto una queja aquí.
Desde LEGIANO me dicen que tranquilo que tienen muchas solicitudes.
Pero llevo más de 17 días esperando y 2000€ en mi cuenta.
Les he dicho que les voy a denunciar pero se ríen de mi porque saben que no les puedo hacer nada...
Conclusión, me van a robar 2190€ que he ganado...
Dragi igrače,
Ništa nije izgubljeno, ali vaša žalba hitno zahteva vašu pažnju. Podnošenje zahteva za pomoć je samo početak, ali bez vaše saradnje žalba vam neće biti od koristi.
Molimo vas da pritisnete 👉 ovaj zeleni link 👈 i obavestite Nika o najnovijim događajima.
Dajte mu priliku da vam pomogne da rešite problem.
Dear player,
Nothing has been lost, but your complaint urgently needs your attention now. Submitting the request for help is just the beginning, but without your cooperation, the complaint won't be of any use to you.
Kindly hit 👉 this green link 👈 and inform Nick about the latest events, please.
Give him a chance to help you resolve the matter.
Podigao sam direktno na svoju vizu, nisam siguran da li je to isto što i bankovni transfer
još uvek čekam dodatnih 300€ koje sam podneo zahtev za povlačenje 2 dana kasnije.
I made withdrawal directly to my visa not sure if it’s the same as bank transfer
still waiting for additional 300€ that I made withdrawal request 2 days later.
Ako se dobro sećam, i slobodno me ispravite ako nisam, isplate se ne obrađuju tokom vikenda. je li tako?
Dao bih mu još nekoliko radnih dana. Drago mi je što vidim da je deo novca uspeo! Nadamo se da je ostatak na putu.
If I recall correctly, and please feel free to correct me if I did not, withdrawals are not proccessed during the weekends. Is that so?
I would give it a few more working days. I'm glad to see some of the money has made it through! Hopefully the rest is on its way.
Pokušajte da pregledate starije stranice u ovoj temi, ako nemate ništa protiv.
Bilo je previše postova, tako da, da budem iskren, ne znam odgovor....
Try to browse older pages in this thread, if you don't mind.
There have been far too many posts, so, to be honest, I do not know the answer....
Hristos, stavili su mi ih. Podnesite zahtev za povlačenje bankovnim transferom u grčku banku. Ponekad mogu i kasniti. Nemojte otkazivati povlačenje. Ostavite dok ne vide
Christos, they put them on me. Make a withdrawal request by bank transfer to a Greek bank. They may also be late sometimes. Do not cancel withdrawal. Leave it until they see it
Χρηστο εμενα μου τα εβαλαν. Κανε αιτημα αναληψης με bank transfer προς ελληνικη τραπεζα. Επισης ενδεχεται να αργουν μερικες φορες. Μη κανεις ακυρωση αναληψης. Αφησε το μεχρι να το δουν
Zdravo, vidim da te je drugi igrač već savetovao i znam da je i on imao problema sa povlačenjem. Definitivno nemojte otkazivati i pokušajte da izdržite i budite strpljivi ako čekate. Kazinu će možda trebati malo duže nego što smo mislili, ali dodao bih i da im dajemo 14 dana da srede sve što treba da reše. Ako to ne urade, onda možete da uložite žalbu i mi ćemo pokušati da vam pomognemo.
U svakom slučaju, da li je ovo vaše prvo povlačenje koje čekate? Da li ste iskoristili neke bonuse ili ne?
Hi, I see that another player has already advised you and I know that he also had a problem with the withdrawal. Definitely don't cancel and try to hang in there and be patient if you're waiting. It may take the casino a little longer than we thought, but I would also add that we are giving them 14 days to sort out everything that needs to be sorted out. If they don't, then you can file a complaint and we will try to help you.
Anyway, is this your first withdrawal you're waiting for? Did you take advantage of any bonuses or not?
Da, ovo je moje prvo povlačenje. Ali iz komentara vidim da je za ovo kasino rutina da otežava život klijentima
Yea it is my first withdrawal.But from the comments i see that for this xasino is routine to make the life of the clients difficult
Pa, barem im je verovatno potrebno više vremena nego nekim drugim kazinom. Za mene lično bi bilo najvažnije da dobijem novac ali i u razumnom roku i ne bih želeo da čekam dugo.
Dakle, ako prođe 14 dana, a nemate novih informacija ili novca, pokušaćemo da vam pomognemo.
Well, at least it probably takes them longer than some other casinos. For me personally it would be the most important if I got the money but also in a reasonable time and I would not want to wait very long.
So if the 14 days pass and you have no new info or money, we will try to assist you.
Čekam isplate od 14-11 i dalje ništa, da li je neko primio pare ovih dana?
I'm waiting for withdrawals from 14-11 and still nothing, has anyone received money these days?
περιμενω αναληψεις απο 14-11 και ακομα τιποτα,υπαρχει κανενας που πηρες χρηματα αυτες τις μερες;
Ne želim da vas plašim, ali ako se ne varam, trebalo je više od nedelju dana. Bar za neke igrače.
Da li ste pregledali ovu temu, molim? Pokušajte to, ako možete. Druga opcija je da pratite žalbe, iako one mogu biti vremenski osetljivije. Pa probajte rešene - ti igrači su plaćeni 👈
Nadam se da pomaže. Obavestite nas kako ste prošli sa povlačenjem!
I don't want to scare you out, but if I'm not mistaken, it took more than a week. At least for some players.
Did you browse this thread, please? Try that, if you can. The other option is to follow the complaints, though they may be more time-sensitive. Well, try the resolved ones - those players were paid 👈
Hope it helps. Please let us know how you fare with the withdrawal!
Istina je.
Posle 6 dana čekanja ni meni ne daju novac
prvo su me isključili iz podrške uživo kada sam ušao i prekorili ih zbog ovog kašnjenja,
Poslao sam im e-mail da ću preduzeti pravne radnje i jednostavno su me zaključali sa mog naloga!!
Ja vas molim da se SVI koji nam duguju skupimo da skupimo pare za advokata pa da se podnese žalba i tužba protiv ovog kazina i da se jednom zauvek GASI!!!!
JASNO je da su sva ova kazina (Spinsi, Legiano) u vlasništvu ovog Rabbid NV prevaranta koji bez greške krade svetski novac i treba da bude doživotno zatvoren!
It's true.
After 6 days of waiting they don't give me my money either
first they locked me out of Live Support when I entered and scolded them for this delay,
I sent them an email that I would take legal action and they simply locked me out of my account!!
I'm begging you, let's ALL those who owe us money get together to collect money for a lawyer so that a complaint and a lawsuit can be filed against this casino and it SHUTS down once and for all!!!!
It is CLEAR that all these casinos (Spinsy, Legiano) are owned by this Rabbid NV scammer who steals the world's money without fail and should be imprisoned for life!
Ειναι αληθεια.
Μετα απο 6 ημερες αναμονης δεν μου δινουν Ουτε εμενα τα χρηματα μου,
πρωτα με κλειδωσαν απο το Live Support που εμπαινα και τους εκραζα για την καθυστερηση αυτη,
τους εστελνα mail οτι θα κινηθω νομικα και απλα με κλειδωσαν απο το λογαριασμο μου !!
Σας παρακαλω πολυ ας μαζευτουμε ΟΛΟΙ οσοι μας χρωστανε λεφτα να μαζεψουμε χρηματα για ενα δικηγορο ετσι ωστε να γινει καταγγελια και μηνυση σε αυτο το καζινο και να ΚΛΕΙΣΕΙ μια για παντα !!!!
Ειναι ΞΕΚΑΘΑΡΟ οτι ολα αυτα τα καζινο (Spinsy, Legiano) ειναι ιδιοκτησια αυτουνου του απατεωνα του Rabbid NV ο οποιος και κλεβει τα λεφτα του κοσμου αβερτα και πρεπει να μπει φυλακη ισοβια !
I meni duguju novac.
Na isplatu sam čekao 9 dana, a za prethodno povlačenje sam čekao 30 dana.
Nadam se da će Guru kazino sniziti rejting jer njegova ocena nije stvarna.
They owe me money too.
I have been waiting for a withdrawal for 9 days, and for the previous withdrawal I was waiting 30 days.
I hope Guru Casino lowers the rating because its rating is not real.
A mí también me deben dinero.
Llevo 9 días esperando un retiro, y el anterior retiro estuve 30 días esperando.
Espero que Gurú casino le baje la nota porque no es real su calificación.
Istina je.
Posle 6 dana čekanja ni meni ne daju novac
prvo su me isključili iz podrške uživo kada sam ušao i prekorili ih zbog ovog kašnjenja,
Poslao sam im e-mail da ću preduzeti pravne radnje i jednostavno su me zaključali sa mog naloga!!
Ja vas molim da se SVI koji nam duguju skupimo da skupimo pare za advokata pa da se podnese žalba i tužba protiv ovog kazina i da se jednom zauvek GASI!!!!
JASNO je da su sva ova kazina (Spinsi, Legiano) u vlasništvu ovog Rabbid NV prevaranta koji bez greške krade svetski novac i treba da bude doživotno zatvoren!
It's true.
After 6 days of waiting they don't give me my money either
first they locked me out of Live Support when I entered and scolded them for this delay,
I sent them an email that I would take legal action and they simply locked me out of my account!!
I'm begging you, let's ALL those who owe us money get together to collect money for a lawyer so that a complaint and a lawsuit can be filed against this casino and it SHUTS down once and for all!!!!
It is CLEAR that all these casinos (Spinsy, Legiano) are owned by this Rabbid NV scammer who steals the world's money without fail and should be imprisoned for life!
Ειναι αληθεια.
Μετα απο 6 ημερες αναμονης δεν μου δινουν Ουτε εμενα τα χρηματα μου,
πρωτα με κλειδωσαν απο το Live Support που εμπαινα και τους εκραζα για την καθυστερηση αυτη,
τους εστελνα mail οτι θα κινηθω νομικα και απλα με κλειδωσαν απο το λογαριασμο μου !!
Σας παρακαλω πολυ ας μαζευτουμε ΟΛΟΙ οσοι μας χρωστανε λεφτα να μαζεψουμε χρηματα για ενα δικηγορο ετσι ωστε να γινει καταγγελια και μηνυση σε αυτο το καζινο και να ΚΛΕΙΣΕΙ μια για παντα !!!!
Ειναι ΞΕΚΑΘΑΡΟ οτι ολα αυτα τα καζινο (Spinsy, Legiano) ειναι ιδιοκτησια αυτουνου του απατεωνα του Rabbid NV ο οποιος και κλεβει τα λεφτα του κοσμου αβερτα και πρεπει να μπει φυλακη ισοβια !
Zaista je teško videti toliko igrača sa odloženim isplatama. Ako kazino ima nekih poteškoća, očekivao bih da prvo moraju da ih reše, a zatim bi isplate ponovo trebalo da počnu da se dešavaju. Ali iskreno, ovo je zabrinjavajuće.
Ako kazino ne izvrši isplatu u roku od 14 punih dana, podnesite svoju žalbu. Možda će biti od pomoći, ne samo za vas. Za sada, hvala vam što ste podelili svoja iskustva.
Voleo bih da vam mogu efikasnije pomoći.
It is really hard to see so many players with delayed payments. If the casino has some difficulties, I would expect they must resolve them first, and then the payouts should start occurring again. But honestly, this is worrisome.
If the casino fails to pay out within 14 full days, please submit your own complaint. It might be helpful, not just for you. For now, thank you for sharing your experiences.
I wish I could help you more effectively.
Molimo vas da pratite ovu temu kako biste videli prve znake poboljšanja, za koje se nadam da će uskoro doći! Činilo se da su mnogi igrači pre vas opisali istu situaciju. 🙁
Kad bi se samo neki predstavnik kazina pridružio forumu da bi rešio sve probleme! Pitaću svoje kolege da li možemo nekako da uperimo oko kazina na ovu temu!
Please follow this thread so you can see the first signs of improvement, which I hope is about to come! Many players before you seemed to describe the same situation. 🙁
If only some casino rep joined the forum to address all the concerns! I'll ask my colleagues whether we can point the casinos eye on this thread somehow!
Ja sam od 21.11
A sa četovanja mi uvek odgovaraju isto.
Mislim da ću izgubiti novac.
Nadam se da možete jasno videti od Gurua šta se dešava.
I have been since 11/21
And they always answer me the same thing from the chat.
I think I'm going to lose my money.
I hope you can see clearly from Guru what is happening.
Yo llevo desde el día 21/11
Y siempre me contestan lo mismo desde el chat.
Creo que voy a perder mi dinero.
Espero que vean bien desde Gurú lo que está pasando
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja. je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.