NaslovnaForumDiskusija o prigovorimaLegiano Casino ne verifikuje i čuva vaš novac

Legiano Casino ne verifikuje i čuva vaš novac (strana 8)

 od beruco-26
27.479 pregleda 331 odgovora |
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Koji metod povlačenja je najkorisniji?

Imam bankovnim transferom

Automatski prevedeno:

Da li je neko ovde koristio kriptovalute kao metod povlačenja?

Automatski prevedeno:

Moj zahtev je od 30.10 i nisam dobio nikakvu uplatu.

Prošao sam proces verifikacije i podneo sam žalbu ovde.

LEGIANO mi kaže da ostanem miran jer imaju mnogo zahteva.

Ali čekam više od 17 dana i 2000 € na računu.

Rekao sam im da ću da ih prijavim, ali su mi se smejali jer su znali da ne mogu ništa da preduzmem...

Zaključak, oni će ukrasti 2190 € koje sam osvojio...

Automatski prevedeno:

Dear player,

Nothing has been lost, but your complaint urgently needs your attention now. Submitting the request for help is just the beginning, but without your cooperation, the complaint won't be of any use to you.

Kindly hit 👉 this green link 👈 and inform Nick about the latest events, please.

Give him a chance to help you resolve the matter.

I made withdrawal directly to my visa not sure if it’s the same as bank transfer

still waiting for additional 300€ that I made withdrawal request 2 days later.


If I recall correctly, and please feel free to correct me if I did not, withdrawals are not proccessed during the weekends. Is that so?

I would give it a few more working days. I'm glad to see some of the money has made it through! Hopefully the rest is on its way.

Da li je neko ovde koristio kriptovalute kao metod povlačenja?

Automatski prevedeno:


Try to browse older pages in this thread, if you don't mind.

There have been far too many posts, so, to be honest, I do not know the answer....

Does anyone had paid from Legiano casino???At the end or we are waiting without reason?


Hristos, stavili su mi ih. Podnesite zahtev za povlačenje bankovnim transferom u grčku banku. Ponekad mogu i kasniti. Nemojte otkazivati povlačenje. Ostavite dok ne vide

Automatski prevedeno:

Does anyone had paid from Legiano casino???At the end or we are waiting without reason?

Hi, I see that another player has already advised you and I know that he also had a problem with the withdrawal. Definitely don't cancel and try to hang in there and be patient if you're waiting. It may take the casino a little longer than we thought, but I would also add that we are giving them 14 days to sort out everything that needs to be sorted out. If they don't, then you can file a complaint and we will try to help you. 

Anyway, is this your first withdrawal you're waiting for? Did you take advantage of any bonuses or not?


Yea it is my first withdrawal.But from the comments i see that for this xasino is routine to make the life of the clients difficult


Well, at least it probably takes them longer than some other casinos. For me personally it would be the most important if I got the money but also in a reasonable time and I would not want to wait very long. 

So if the 14 days pass and you have no new info or money, we will try to assist you. 

Čekam isplate od 14-11 i dalje ništa, da li je neko primio pare ovih dana?

Automatski prevedeno:

I don't want to scare you out, but if I'm not mistaken, it took more than a week. At least for some players.

Did you browse this thread, please? Try that, if you can. The other option is to follow the complaints, though they may be more time-sensitive. Well, try the resolved ones - those players were paid 👈

Hope it helps. Please let us know how you fare with the withdrawal!

Istina je.

Posle 6 dana čekanja ni meni ne daju novac

prvo su me isključili iz podrške uživo kada sam ušao i prekorili ih zbog ovog kašnjenja,

Poslao sam im e-mail da ću preduzeti pravne radnje i jednostavno su me zaključali sa mog naloga!!

Ja vas molim da se SVI koji nam duguju skupimo da skupimo pare za advokata pa da se podnese žalba i tužba protiv ovog kazina i da se jednom zauvek GASI!!!!

JASNO je da su sva ova kazina (Spinsi, Legiano) u vlasništvu ovog Rabbid NV prevaranta koji bez greške krade svetski novac i treba da bude doživotno zatvoren!

Automatski prevedeno:

I meni duguju novac.

Na isplatu sam čekao 9 dana, a za prethodno povlačenje sam čekao 30 dana.

Nadam se da će Guru kazino sniziti rejting jer njegova ocena nije stvarna.

Automatski prevedeno:

Lažljivci su jedno

Automatski prevedeno:
Post od sazonow1992 je obrisan

Istina je.

Posle 6 dana čekanja ni meni ne daju novac

prvo su me isključili iz podrške uživo kada sam ušao i prekorili ih zbog ovog kašnjenja,

Poslao sam im e-mail da ću preduzeti pravne radnje i jednostavno su me zaključali sa mog naloga!!

Ja vas molim da se SVI koji nam duguju skupimo da skupimo pare za advokata pa da se podnese žalba i tužba protiv ovog kazina i da se jednom zauvek GASI!!!!

JASNO je da su sva ova kazina (Spinsi, Legiano) u vlasništvu ovog Rabbid NV prevaranta koji bez greške krade svetski novac i treba da bude doživotno zatvoren!

Automatski prevedeno:

It is really hard to see so many players with delayed payments. If the casino has some difficulties, I would expect they must resolve them first, and then the payouts should start occurring again. But honestly, this is worrisome.

If the casino fails to pay out within 14 full days, please submit your own complaint. It might be helpful, not just for you. For now, thank you for sharing your experiences.

I wish I could help you more effectively.

Post od sazonow1992 je obrisan

Please follow this thread so you can see the first signs of improvement, which I hope is about to come! Many players before you seemed to describe the same situation. 🙁

If only some casino rep joined the forum to address all the concerns! I'll ask my colleagues whether we can point the casinos eye on this thread somehow!

Ja sam od 21.11


A sa četovanja mi uvek odgovaraju isto.

Mislim da ću izgubiti novac.

Nadam se da možete jasno videti od Gurua šta se dešava.

Automatski prevedeno:


Automatski prevedeno:
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