Da, na kraju sam se pomalo infantilno osjećao, ali zaista ne volim robotske agente za usluge rezanja!
Poruku sam poslao 3-21 po prvi put kod deponenta i predmet je zatvoren bez davanja odgovora.
U našem kasinu nemamo bonuse za depozit
Prema web stranici koju sam priložio s vaše web stranice koju radite,
Sve informacije o bonusima nalaze se u INFO dijelu web stranice
datoteka: /// C: /Users/Kelly/Favorit...MOTIONS%20%20%20LuckyBity.html
Sve informacije o bonusima nalaze se u INFO dijelu web stranice
Izvinite luckybity.com/bonuses-and-promotions/
samo tis promocija:
Kao što možete videti i bonus koji sam pronašao zbog mog polaganja na vašoj veb stranici jasno stoji 100%
Ovo je stara informacija, sada nemamo nikakve bonuse poput 100% ili 50% na web mjestu
Kao što sam rekao ostalim momcima, vaša kasina želi reputaciju uskogrudnjaka tokom prve pandemije nakon više od 100 godina, a mnogi ljudi zaključani unutra?
Ako je star zašto je još uvijek ... privući ljude unutra?
Žao nam je, niste zadovoljni našim kasinom, ali uprkos pandemijskoj situaciji, za sada se ne očekuju promjene na web mjestu.
Dakle, stare promocije ostavljate dostupnima, ali kada ljudi polože mišljenje da će ih dobiti, onda im recite OOP ??!
Sve informacije o bonusima nalaze se u INFO dijelu web stranice
I samo KAKO da to znam? Pretražio sam google i dobio sam stranicu na koju sam vam dao vezu, zašto ne bih smatrao da je to tačno?
Provjerite podatke na web mjestu, a ponekad vam Google pretraživanje ne daje valjane podatke
Opet, KAKO bih znao da je proir za razgovor s podrškom NAKON polaganja i NE dobijanja bonusa koji sam predvidio ??
FYI_Google mi je pružio savršeno dobru AKTIVNU stranicu.
Pitali ste me o tim informacijama, rekao sam da to nije valjano i dao sam vam tačne podatke, ok. Žao nam je, nemamo 100% bonusa
Mislite da je vrijeme za razgovor s menadžerom.
Ok, da biste razgovarali s menadžerom, trebali biste pisati u odjeljak Poruke ili na naš e-mail za podršku
Da dobro !! Jeste li to dobili i NE odgovorili.
Zašto sam započeo ovaj razgovor.
naša podrška e-pošte je support@luckybity.com
Šta kažete na telefonski broj
Žao nam je, nemamo telefonsku podršku
Držat ću se plana A i raznijet ću SVAKU ploču za kockanje i društvene medije koliko ste dopadljivi.
Možete li upućivati odlazne pozive?
Izvinjavamo se zbog situacije, ali trenutno nemamo 100% bonusa na depozit, što se odražava na informacije na web mjestu. Ne odgovaramo za stare informacije koje se pojavljuju na Internetu.
Kao što sam rekao, nemamo telefonsku podršku
Ne znate kako nazvati telefon. Imam broj telefona.
Napravio sam mrežni marketing i znam koliko je teško usmjeriti promet na vašu web lokaciju. Je li vrijedno da se svi ti napori oštete bc od lažnog 100% bonusa, tražim od bc-a da li vam nudi web stranicu?
Ne znam odakle ste dobili informacije o ovom bonusu, ali sada ga nemamo, ne možemo vam ponuditi ovaj bonus, žao mi je.
Nije bitno da li ste ga skinuli sa stranice, imam kopiju.
I vrijeme je!
Nemamo ga do 2018. godine. Mislim da su informacije prilično nevažeće,
čak i ako imate kopiju ovih podataka, tehnički vam ne mogu ponuditi bonus
Spremni ste riskirati sav svoj trud i naporan rad preko 100% bonusa poput 60 $ ??? Nije pametno.
Ne prema vašoj web stranici to pokazuje da je aktivna i aktivna.
Naša stranica je ova, a mi nemamo 100% bonus casino.luckybity.com/
Bilo je zabavno, bilo je stvarno, ali nije prava zabava i imam nešto tvitnuti. Glupi preko 60 dolara, misli li tamo neko?
AWW toliko ploča za poruke i tako malo vremena!
Još uvijek čekate da se upletete u kranijal i uradite pravu stvar.
Yes I did get a little infantile at the end, but I really dislike robotic cutosmer service agents!
I messaged support on 3-21 re first time depositor bonus and the item was closed with no answer given.
We don´t have any no deposit bonuses in our casino
According to the web page I attached from your website you do,
All information about bonuses is in INFO part of the site
All information about bonuses is in INFO part of the site
Sorry luckybity.com/bonuses-and-promotions/
only tis promotion:
As you can see the bonus I found which inspired my depositing is on your website clearly stating 100%
This is old information, now we don´t have any bonuses like 100% or 50% in the site
Like I told the other guys, your casino wants reputation of being tight-asses during the first pandemic in over 100 years and many people locked inside?
If it's old why is it still up....draw people in?
We are sorry, you are not happy with our casino, but despite the pandemic situation, no changes are expected on the site so far.
So you leave old promotions accessible but when people deposit thinking they'll get that you then tell them OOP??!
All information about bonuses is in INFO part of the site
And just HOW am I to know that? I searched google and got the page I gave you link to, why would I not think that is valid?
Check please the information on the site, sometimes th Google search gives you no valid information
Again, HOW would I know that proir to talking with support AFTER depositing and NOT getting bonus I anticipayted??
FYI_Google gave me a perfectly good ACTIVE page.
You asked me about this information, I said that it[s not valid and gave you the correct information, ok. We don´t have 100% bonus now, sorry
Think it's time to talk to a manager.
Ok, to talk to manager you should write to Messages section or yo our support email
Yeah right!! Did that and got NO reply.
Thants why I started this conversation.
our support email is support@luckybity.com
How about a telephone number
We don´t have phone support, sorry
I'll stick with plan A and blast EVERY gambling board and social media with how deicietful you are.
Can you make outgoing calls?
We apologize for the situation, but at the moment we do not have a 100% deposit bonus, which is reflected in the information on the site. We are not responsible for old information appearing on the Internet.
We don´t have phone support as I said
You don't know how to dial a phone bc I have a phone number.
I have done online marketing and know how difficult it is to drive traffic to your site. Is it worth it to have all those efforts damaged bc of a lousy 100% bonus I am requesting bc you have a webpage offering it?
I don’t know where you got the information about this bonus, but now we don’t have it, we can’t offer this bonus to you, I'm sorry.
Doesn't matter if you took it off your site I have a copy.
And it's about time!
We don´t have it till 2018 I think, the information is quite invalid,
even if you have a copy of this information, I technically cannot offer you a bonus
You are willing to risk all you effort and hard work over a 100% bonus like $60??? Not smart.
Not according to your webpage it show it live and active.
Our page is this one, and we don´t have 100% bonus casino.luckybity.com/
It's been fun, it's been real, but not real fun and I have some tweeting to do. Stupid over $60, does anybody THINK there?
AWW so many message boards and so little time!
Still waiting for you to engage your cranium and do the right thing.