Imao sam spor sa betnflik-om i nekim drugim ograničenim LCS kladioničarima. Izneo sam tvrdnju Madreu da ne razumeju svoj termin. Dok su čekali odluku Madrea na koju sam se žalio rekli su da ne istražuju činjenice samo proceduru. U odluci koju sam video da nisu izabrali moju stranu. Betnflik me je sada optužio da sam prekršio još jedan termin koji nisam prekršio: arbitražno klađenje. Osvojio sam veliki iznos sa betnflik-om, betsamigo en 21red. Bio je to preko 10 puta veći bonus. Dobiti ovo nije moguće čak ni sa arbitražnim klađenjem. Čitao sam o sudu za male sporove, ali moram da budem državljanin ili stanovnik Malte? Nisam stanovnik ili državljanin Malte. Šta mogu da uradim?
I had a dispute with betnflix and some other LCS limited bookies. I did make a claim to madre that they did not understand their own term. While waiting for decision of Madre to which I did appeal they said they do not investigate the facts just the procedure. In the decision I did see they did not choose my side. Betnflix now accused me of breaking another term i did not break: arbitrage betting. I did win big amount with betnflix, betsamigo en 21red. It was over 10 times the bonus. Winning this is not even possible with arbitrage betting. I did read about small claims court but I need to be a malta citizen or resident? I am not a resident or citizen of Malta. What can I do?