Razumem da ako ste imali problema sa slotovima kao što opisujete, to nije baš najprijatnije. Ali naš pregled nije sastavljen od takvih stvari. U takvim slučajevima bih pitao podršku u čemu je problem što se vaši slotovi ne učitavaju. Možda ćete saznati da provajder igre ima neki problem ili da postoje neka ograničenja. U svakom slučaju, vidim da ste to uradili, što je mudro.
Nažalost, ako su vam dali tu informaciju, onda će to verovatno biti tako i ne možete ništa da uradite povodom toga. Provajderi sami određuju ko može da igra njihove slotove.
Po onome što sam pročitao, imam osećaj da je to jedini problem. Ali, naravno, to je vaše mišljenje i sve dok ste ga ljubazno izrazili, ja nemam nikakav problem sa tim.
Što se tiče slotova i činjenice da su ograničeni, koji su neki primeri koji tvrde da su dostupni, ali verovatno nisu?
I understand that if you've had trouble with slots as you describe, that it's not the most pleasant. But our review is not made up of such things. In such cases I would ask the support what is the problem that your slots are not loading. Maybe you will find out that the game provider has some problem or there are some restrictions. Anyway, I can see that you have done so, which is wise.
Unfortunately, if they have given you that information, then that's the way it's probably going to be and there's nothing you can do about it. The providers themselves determine who can play their slots.
From what I've read, I have a feeling that this is the only problem. But of course it's your opinion and as long as you expressed it politely, I have no problem with it at all.
Regarding the slots and the fact that they are limited, what are some examples that claim to be available but probably aren't ?