NaslovnaForumDiskusija o prigovorimaMrSloty se ne isplati nakon 3 mjeseca

MrSloty se ne isplati nakon 3 mjeseca

 od jeffhardy102
5.099 pregleda 9 odgovora |


Napravio sam povlačenje od Mr Slotyja od 26.12.21. i čekao sam 3 mjeseca da dobijem poruku da je došlo do kvara i da je moj novac stoga vraćen na kazino račun.

Sada sam ponovo pokušao da izvršim isplatu i ponovo moram da čekam najmanje 2 nedelje. Trenutno sam čuo dosta negativnih stvari o MrSlotyju i bojim se da ću ovaj put samo biti odložen. Možete li mi pomoći da riješim ovaj problem? Samo čekam tako dugo nakon toga jednostavno mi se više ne čini fer

LG Thomas

Izmenjeno od Radka
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I'm sorry you picked up such a bad casino:

Honestly, if you submit the complaint, I'm quite sure the casino would not react to it.

Like I wrote to the other players who won there, you are most likely not going to get paid, I'm afraid.

Just check the number of solved complaints against this casino and you get the bigger picture. 🙁


Možda su šanse loše, ali sam također pročitao da je Casino Guru uspio pomoći mnogim ljudima da im MrSloty isplati svoje dobitke i šta drugo mogu učiniti osim da se nadam da ću dobiti isplatu uz malo pažnje i pomoći, ja Sada sam ga dodatno podnio kao žalbu jer ne želim da se tako lako procesuira

Automatski prevedeno:

That's right, there are some happy players who have been paid after all.

I hope you are going to be the lucky one too. Considering the fact that you have been patient for over three months, well I hope we will be able to help you!


Sada sam podnio žalbu i nadam se da ćemo sve to zajedno riješiti. Rečeno mi je da, pošto sam nedavno ponovo izvršio novu uplatu, trebam pričekati još 14 dana i onda se ponovo javiti. Nadam se da ćemo to zajedno riješiti!

Automatski prevedeno:

So they allow only one pending withdrawal, did I get it correct?

We shall see about your complaint.

Anyway, I hope you will never play in such a terrible casino again. The casino's reputation score matters. 🙂

I play mr sloty and i'm very annoyed with them at the moment over this month my withdrawal keeps saying pending withdrawal as if it's stuck but I haven't made any withdrawals over the past month,guess what I won tried to withdraw my winning and I couldn't so I just carried on playing ,I've contacted mr sloty 4 times this month and they keep saying the same old thing, we have past it on to our technical team you should receive an email,been waiting for weeks and weeks nothing,so I'm done with mr sloty if I cannot withdraw my winnings I will not deposit


Oh, no...not another player caught in this trap 🙁. Go ahead, read the whole thread to find out what I am talking about.

I'm sooo sorry!


Da li ste primili svoje dobitke?

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Da li ste primili svoje dobitke?

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