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N1 casino prevara?

 od Sa-br-ina21
61.765 pregleda 240 odgovora |
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Prošle sedmice položio sam novac u N1 Casino i kupio besplatne igre u igri za 30 eura. Kada sam osvojio skoro 1500 eura i isplatio. Moj bi se račun deaktivirao i vratio na 500 eura. Navodno sam prekršio bonus pravila. Uh, nisam imao ni bonus koji je bio preko 2000 eura. Kontaktirao sam THE soft soft i svaki put kad bi me uputili na bonus i trebao bih se povući. Mislim da je stvarno sranje. Prvo uplatite i osvojite, a zatim nešto. I pobijedio sam u megavezu.

Automatski prevedeno:

I'm quite confused now. You say you didn't play with a bonus, but you also say that you bough free games for 30 eur. It sounds to me like you deposited 30 eur and received a bonus in a form of free spins.


Ne, položio sam 2 puta po 50 eura bez bonusa. I igrao igru Majetić Megaway. Besplatne okrete možete kupiti za 30 eura.

Jeste li ikad napravili snimak zaslona. LG sabrina


Automatski prevedeno:

Looks like they have two unresolved complaints here on Guru with "due to breaching bonus terms and conditions".

You should definitely open a complaint in my opinion, maybe one on AskGamblers as well.


I see! I know what you mean. Alright, in that case, I honestly suggest you to create the complaint here so my colleagues can take a look at it:

Deponovao sam 3 puta bonus koji nikada nije viđen. Uradio sam sve od identifikacije do banke, Svift me je zamolio da podignem ručno jer kada odem da podignem, oni to ponište... Međutim, ni sada kada pišem, nisam dobio odgovor ni od jednog. . Ne znam koliko je sait ipak pouzdan. ,🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi there,

so the first problem is that you haven't got the bonus - well even on our side you'll not find any bonuses available for players from Greece offered by N1 Casino. Sadly, only the casino can explain why you have not got any bonus, so it's double bad that you are ignored.

May I know whether your account has been fully verified and when, please?

We allow casinos 14 full days to complete the KYC and send the winnings, so if you feel that the time is closing, the complaint would be the best solution.

Learn more about the complaint procedure here.

Veliki prevaranti su mi uzeli 500 evra sa računa jer su rekli da sam prekršio uslove bonusa. naravno sve ovo nakon zahteva za povlačenje. pazite momci da se veliki prevaranti drže podalje

Automatski prevedeno:


may I know what rule you were supposed to violate? Are you sure have not done it?

Kindly paste the casino explanation here, so we will see whether the casino acted accordingly.

What do you think about that idea?

Igrao sam sa limitom koji su mi postavili danima i očigledno kada su ga otvorili, dobio sam preko 70 puta bonus, oni su samo prevaranti, jer kada sam tražio povlačenje nakon nekoliko dana i dok sam igrao, našli su me kako to govorim Prekršio sam uslove oni su samo veliki prevaranti zatvorili su ih lopovi

Automatski prevedeno:

If you believe that you have not done anything against the rules and the casino made a mistake, submit a complaint, please. The Complaint Team will look into the matter and inspect the rules and your gaming history, if possible.

Just click here if you wish to start the complaint process.

This is the easiest way to demonstrate if you are correct about this casino being unfair to you.

Momci, pazite, nadležni to treba da vide, uplatite depozit, igrate bez bonusa, okrenete svoj iznos i nakon što date zahtev za povlačenje, instrumenti počinju.

Oni vam nebrojeno puta otkazuju povlačenje iz raznih razloga (za slanje dokumenata i sl.) nakon što ih pošaljete, ponovo otkažu povlačenje, kažu vam da će povlačenje biti obavljeno ručno i deaktiviraju vaš nalog, na osnovu toga što će biti aktiviran nakon izvršenog povlačenja .

Pažnja svima.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello there,

is this your personal experience? Being in your shoes I'd submit a complaint.

It's interesting how many players describe complications and indicate that the winnings were stolen, but when it comes to submitting a complaint, well, nothing happens.

It's a shame though, the Complaint Team is here to help with every reasonable issue. 🤔


Dobro veče, malopre sam otvorio račun u jednom svom i jednom u maminom i uplatio sam depozit sa svog paisafe računa na mamin račun, ona je zaradila nešto novca i kažu nam da nije moguće podizanje jer depozit je napravljen sa drugog paisafe naloga, pa pitam pošto je to nezakonito jer su prihvatili depozit a nisu ga odbili i sada su zapečatili račun moje majke sa dobicima koji nisu bili iz bonusa i ne odgovaraju nam ni na e-mail poruke i dajte nam samo da sačekamo i bilo je nezakonito ono što ste deponovali od treće osobe i da je bilo u uslovima da ćete plesati redove od osobe nažalost ovo nismo videli a iznos je bio da je depozit bio od moje je ostalo od moje majke mislili smo da neće biti problema sa Vaznesenjem

Automatski prevedeno:


in general, by creating an account in the casino, you agree to comply with all rules. Sadly, I have to say that tons of casinos do not accept players from the same household, using the same IP address (sharing the same wi-fi connection as an example) and living at the same address. You should always ask the casino in advance whether this is ok - then save the answer by making a screenshot.

Would be good to mention, that we see such rules as quite limiting and possibly dangerous for inexperienced players. On the other hand, if you read the terms, you would notice those rules 🙁 - Always read the terms!

What is far worse is that you used a third-party (your mom's) payment option for deposits. This is strictly prohibited, and again you would read that in terms. 🙁

Always use only your payment options so you can always prove that such options are registered on you - that will usually happen when you submit a withdrawal.

So basically you made a few mistakes.

Kindly keep in that if you deposit sooner before your account is fully verified (you pass the KYC) no one knows that the payment options are not yours. You are directly responsible for making the deposits. It's up to every player to comply with the rules.

If you need help feel free to submit a complaint, just be aware that you made several mistakes at the whole beginning, so the result is not guaranteed. 🙏

Veliki cari@lia ... Avai!! Identifikovan sam, nisam dobio nikakav bonus i naravno kada sam zatražio povlačenje, dobio sam svoj novac! Nije poenta da traže dokaze o karticama i selfije za ličnu kartu, već da im pošaljete a oni vam nikad ne plate.

Automatski prevedeno:

Honestly, I'm not sure whether this is an automatic translator issue, but I am unsure whether you got the winnings or you didn't. It says "of course when I requested a withdrawal, I got my money!"

Let me know what the situation looks like, I want to be sure about the withdrawal.


Veliki prevaranti ih reklamiraju na TV-u i ni evra prevarantima daleko

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey there.

Are you currently waiting for the withdrawal to be processed, or are you rather saying that you have not yet won there?

Jedan od najgorih kazina. Ako povučete, isplati se vrlo brzo, ali nikada ne povlačite. Sve je čvrsto i zaključano.


Automatski prevedeno:
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