Ako kazino ima vašu kućnu adresu/broj telefona i tako dalje...jer su vam dozvolili da kreirate račun kod njih, onda bi očigledno trebali znati da li ste u prihvaćenoj jurisdikciji ili ne??? Ako odu i puste vas da uplatite i igrate nedeljama ili mesecima pre nego što odluče da vas blokiraju jer dođu da saznate da vam nije dozvoljeno da igrate u vašoj jurisdikciji...trebalo bi da vam budu vraćeni svi depoziti koje ste dali, zar ne??!! Uložio sam žalbu i još uvijek drže moj depozit! Navodno njihov OP ili šta već čita da sam bio u Kanadi...čija je to greška? Ovo je tako frustrirajuće... Idk ako mogu vjerovati nekom od ovih kasina ili vjerovati da će žalba pomoći 🙁
If a casino has your home address/phone number and so on...because they allowed you to create an account with them, then they should obviously know whether you are in an accepted jurisdiction or not right??? If they go and let you deposit and play for weeks or months before they decide to block you because come to find out you are not allowed to play in your jurisdiction...you should be refunded all deposits you have made right??!! I made a complaint and still they are holding my deposit money! Alledgedly their OP or whatever read I was in Canada...whose fault is that? This is so frustrating....Idk if I can trust any of these casino's or trust a complaint is gonna help 🙁