Zdravo Nathan, ne želim da spominjem banku jer sam imao sreće da su to uradili, mislim, ali morao sam da radim u njoj, upućeni su na njihovu podršku za kockanje i gamstop i podršku za savete građana i žalba je odbijena dva puta, ali sam ostao na ističući moje mentalno zdravlje itd. i da postoje slični slučajevi na mreži gde je ombudsman sve to isplatio i poslao im, a onda sam pokrenuo slučaj sa ombudsmanom i on ih je brzo kontaktirao nakon otprilike dve nedelje, a onda su ih sve uradili pominjući netačnog trgovca kod Takođe sam naveo da su ih druge kreditne kartice uradile bez odgovora, sav novac je vraćen, oni su dobro svesni, ali pokušajte da ga pometu jer je to gnjavaža za njih. Zatim sam rekao ombudsmanu da napusti slučaj dok su oni radili, oni su ih podigli i rekli više javite nam i našao sam ih puno. Koristio sam i njihov blok za kockanje sa karticama, a u brojnim incidentima prevarant me je zvao da blokiram karticu i rekao mi da podignem povraćaj sredstava koje su oni stalno odbijali, tako da je deffo bio gurnut pod tepih sporno. Tvrdio sam da kao banka ne postupaju u mom interesu i da se pridružuju prevarantima i na pozivu kada su počeli da ih dižu složili su se. Takođe sam naveo da sam nekoliko puta razgovarao sa prevarama, dobio sam nove kartice itd o mom kockanju, ali su dozvolili pokrenut je do trenutka kada je sve blokirano i kada su izdali podršku bilo je prekasno
Hi Nathan do not want to mention the bank as I was lucky they did it I think but I did have to work at it got referred to their gambling support and gamstop and their citizens advice support and the complaint got rejected twice but I just kept at it highlighting my mental health etc and that there are similar cases online where the ombudsman paid it all out and sent them it then I started a case with ombudsman and he contacted them fast after about two weeks then they did them all mentioning about the incorrect merchant code I also stated other credit cards did them with no reply all money recovered they are well aware but try to sweep it away as its hassle for them I then told the ombudsman to leave the case as they were doing them they raised them then said anymore let us know and I found loads of them I had used their card gambling block as well and on numerous incidents the fraud called me to block the card and told me to raise chargebacks which they kept rejecting so it was deffo getting swept under the carpet its contentious I argued that as a bank they were not acting in my interests and siding with the scammers and on the call when they started to raise them they agreed I also stated I spoke several times with fraud got new cards etc about my gambling but they let it run by the time it was all blocked and they issued support it was way too late