ForumDiskusija o prigovorimaQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (strana 222)

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Post od Glamors12 je obrisan
pre 1 meseca

Morning Everyone

I am still looking contact details/websites for the below. Can anyone help?

  • MobilePays - Bahrain
  • LogicLion - Nairobi
  • Gazelle Glam - Nairobi
  • Petal Pulse Travel - Nairobi
  • SML Save Operations Ltd
  • Steam Sync Sync - Lagos
  • ZPDG

Ive also had no luck with the below

  • MyDates Grottobook/Dota2Store not responding
  • MyDelivery - Onlinegamingstore not responding
  • Blossomnet Solutions - No response to emails
  • Lilytech Innovations - No response to emails
  • BalonTech - No reply
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pre 1 meseca

I did. I managed to get my money back too.

pre 1 meseca

Any luck Gazelle Glam?

ThePlatinum is part of MaguaPay

pre 1 meseca

Chase issued a chargeback on the basis of no goods or services provided for and finnart. Just waiting to see if the merchant can prove I’ve received any goods. I send pixelum three emails and one of them asking for proof of goods and they’ve ignored me all three times. I had a claim denied with chase and Santander to begin with now both are looking into it again.

pre 1 meseca

Any luck Gazelle Glam?

ThePlatinum is part of MaguaPay

pre 1 meseca

pre 1 meseca

Do sada su me ignorisali uprkos nekoliko mejlova

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

Throwing insults about is not going to get you anywhere, your coming across as a bit of a dick and a narcissist. Who are you to come on here and call people addicts when you haven't a clue about individual cases. I for one am not an addict, but you are hell bent on dragging people down with your high and mighty superiority when Infact each and every one of us have experienced something different from these rouge casinos. I for one am not chasing losses through actual gambiling I am simply asking for a return of a deposit that has actually been withheld from being returned from me by the casino and I am being ignored by said casino and account now has been blocked. I simply pointed out the fact that the transaction showed on my account as a 3rd party merchant that is actually turns out to be a clothing company. As credit cards are banned in the UK from 2020 from gambiling sites by law Which I was not aware of this fact. I simply asked the site to return my funds and they are ignoring my emails. So I contacted the Credit card company to help. So in your mind I should just roll over and take the loss. No thank you. I did not play the funds so I have grounds for a chargeback if they have used MISCODING to get around the system, after speaking with the credit card people this is illegal as I have evidence that the money left the account and ended up in the gaming account. So chargeback has been initiated by cc company. I would be careful with your words as you think you may know it all but obviously you don't, as everyones cases are treated differently with their financial institutions some win and some don't what you are quoting is from 2010 /2011 we are in 2024 the laws have changed in UK and there is a lot tighter stringent messures against money laundering and protecting against consumer rights here.

pre 1 meseca

I just found it I thought it could help 🙁

pre 1 meseca

Hvala vam u svakom slučaju 🙂

Još uvek tražim sledeće dobavljače i već sam pisao mnogima od njih. Ali nažalost do sada bez uspeha.

Koja plaćanja uključuje



Bullet Skins

Headshots BIT

Dragons BIT

sknmgnte London

cubercraftclun talin

kprsera talin

keigo London

možda neko može pomoći 🙂

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

Pišem svoje postove na nemačkom, forum ih može automatski prevesti. Ima li problema?


A u poređenju od 2011. do 2024. godine, ništa se nije promenilo. VISA i Mastercard su mnogo razgovarale i objavile rat provajderima, ali ništa se nije dogodilo.

A ako su zakoni tako strogi, zašto vaše banke odbijaju povraćaj sredstava? Pošto ste odobrili plaćanja, povraćaji sredstava se vrše kao gest dobre volje, a ne zbog vaših zakona. Ako ovlastite plaćanje ovim provajderima, onda vi kao vlasnik kartice perete novac, a ne banka. Stoga možemo da se radujemo što nas banke ne prijavljuju nadležnima. Bez obzira da li znamo šta radimo ili ne.

Postoje zakoni o zaštiti igrača, ali postoji i zakon o pružaocima platnih usluga koji govori o lično ovlašćenim uplatama. Uvek postoje dve strane medalje.

Međutim, morate shvatiti da ako svi ovlaste 7.000-8.000 € u 45 odvojenih plaćanja, onda imaju problem. Ovo se ne dešava samo tako, to je gubitak kontrole kome je potrebna pomoć. Pre nego što se novac vrati, prvo treba da potražite pomoć, inače biste mogli da ostavite novac odakle je došao.

Mi smo krivi što ovi kriminalci postoje. I da budem iskren: svako ko je prokockao svoj novac i izgubio ga zato što je imao šansu da dobije, ne treba ništa drugo da radi, šansa je postojala, svako je mogao da isplati...

Dobio sam najmanje 35 mejlova sa listama transakcija i imenima kazina itd. Bilo je svežih transakcija od aprila do juna, a zatim i avgusta, a igrači su znali šta rade. Shodno tome, oni koji to rade treba da ćute i da budu oprezni kada koriste reč prevarant.

Većina ljudi vas kontaktira samo zato što im je potreban novac za nove stvari (novac) da bi mogli da nastave da igraju.

Nemojte se uvrediti kada govorim o zavisnicima, ali imam pravo da to kažem. Video sam transakcije, ljudima je potrebna pomoć unapred pre nego što se bilo šta uradi po pitanju oporavka.

I verujte mi, znam o čemu pričam, primite moje reči k srcu i što je najvažnije: koristite svoj mozak. U suprotnom, novac koji ste izgubili uskoro će vam biti najmanji problem i uskoro ćete moći da nađete prenoćište ispod nekog mosta, a onda ćete potonuti u dubinu.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 1 meseca
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pre 1 meseca


pre 1 meseca

Kao što sam vam rekao, postoje dve strane medalje. U tvom slučaju, žao mi je.

Ako sledite svoju logiku, mogli biste da se kockate bez rizika. Ako dobijem (bez obzira na validnost licence), isplaćujem dobitak, ako izgubim, trčim u banku i plačem da sam prevaren. Ja to nazivam kockanjem bez rizika, a neke banke to zaustavljaju tako što se s pravom izbegavaju povraćaj sredstava. Visa, inače, ne dozvoljava povraćaj sredstava u vezi sa kockanjem. Banka ostaje van toga.

Sud im je otvoren.

Oh, zaboravio sam da pomenem:

Pogledajte odredbe i uslove svoje banke, jer bi upotreba kartice u nezakonite svrhe tamo trebalo da bude zabranjena. Bez obzira da li ste to učinili svesno ili nesvesno. Ako ste karticu koristili za kockanje uprkos ovom odlomku u uslovima, nećete dobiti ništa nazad.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 1 meseca
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

WtH you are trying to make out that I am trying to reap thousands back it was 1 deposit of £100 so I don't know where you get off calling me or anyone an addicted gambler. I am financially secure and belive me I won't be sleeping under any bridges due to one transaction which I have every right on claiming back. As you can not and refuse to see the point. I did not use the funds I asked for a withdrawal my account was blocked so what is your issue by law if I haven't recived a service regardless of whom has recived the funds I am entitled to recive my funds back. If the site is refusing communication and acknowledgement I have the right to ask my bank. To intervene as I said before I had proof they took the money by MISCODING but the money ended up via the site regardless how you want to spin it. I have looked at the terms and conditions of my bank actually hence why the bank is going ahead with the chargeback. It's not a goodwill gesture banks have to abide by the FSCS. A merchant can dispute the chargeback but also have to provide evidence of what was purchased as I have evidence that deposit went to the gaming site by time stamps of deposit on site as I had to query it as it wasn't showing in balance but said success. As soon as I questioned it my account was closed. So do you mean to tell me. I should just roll over and take the loss? You have the wrong one. You seem to be champion for these criminals.regardless what situations people get themselves in you have no place to pass any judgement on their situation or speculate on what may happen. Who the hell do you think you are being so judgemental if you haven't got anything nice to say don't say anything.

pre 1 meseca

Ma hajde... Zašto se osećaš tako napadnuto? Napisao sam da su ljudi koji su me kontaktirali izgubili hiljade evra, a ne vi. Nije sve u tebi, princezo.

Ako ste finansijski sigurni, da li imate potrebu da se kockate? Iskreno, nije me briga kakva je tvoja situacija.

Ne napadam nikoga, samo ukazujem da drugi imaju veći problem od „izgubljenog novca".

Smiri se Caren, pretpostavljam da je za tebe više od 100.00. Ako sam finansijski siguran, onda me briga za 100 i neću praviti veliku gužvu ovde

I ja mrzim ovu vrstu obrade plaćanja kao i svi ostali ovde, samo vam pokazujem mogućnosti kako može da propadne, kriminalci ne koriste ovu vrstu obrade plaćanja džabe. Shodno tome, to je politički problem zakona i implementacije MasterCard-a

Ne mogu svi da podnesu kritiku i istinu.

Kao bivši zavisnik i običan kockar, znam o čemu pričam. Prepoznajem vaše ponašanje i obrasce ponašanja. 😉

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 1 meseca
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

Your talking out off your backside just because you had an issue don't tar people with the same brush, and don't make assumptions. Yes I am financially secure. It's principle I am no mug and I do not like being taken for granted or being treated like a mug. I understand the implications of how things can fail with the payments but you went into attack mode, making assumptions when it was unjustified when all I was requesting was for a refund of my deposit that was unused and I had pointed out that they had used a 3rd party merchant to process payment you got on your high horse it would be a different situation if I had used the funds but I hadn't. And we keep going with the insults. It's laughable it's Karen not caren lol and I am far from a princess but carry on, not once have I wrote anything to offend you but if it makes you feel impowered by throwing insults carry on as nothing you can say fazes me. How's life under that bridge?

pre 1 meseca

As for you reconize my behavior and my behaviour patterns, you reconize nothing. You are only making assumptions based on your own past behaviour, your looking for something that is not there. Sign of a narcissist lol. You have got me all figured out my habits ect and you don't even know me, you have worked all this out just by communication through posts. Wow you have missed your calling you should be working for the police or something as profiling is your niche Not!!! You know Jack about me and my gambiling habits

pre 1 meseca

Ako se ne osećate obraćanjem, zašto ste tako slani? Ne mogu da vam kažem kakav je život ispod mosta, trebalo bi da predstavlja kraj ako ljudi ne prestanu da se kockaju. Onda to možete tražiti od ljudi koji sve prokockaju i misle da će to samo dobiti nazad. Moj krevet je uvek bio topao i udoban.

Možete da ga okrećete kako god želite, ovo je forum za diskusiju, treba prihvatiti druga mišljenja i dozvoliti doprinose koji su donekle kritični.

I opet:

Čitanje i razumevanje su dve važne stvari, post je bio namenjen ljudima koji su izgubili više od 50 hiljada, ni više ni manje. Nisam ti se obratio niti sam mislio na tebe, tako da ne treba da se osećaš obraćanim.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 1 meseca
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

Could you share more details about the chargeback? I'm currently going through the dispute with chase myself

pre 1 meseca

Since asked for my ID I haven't heard anything since or no refund.... worried now

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