ForumDiskusija o prigovorimaQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (strana 88)

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pre 1 meseca

Haha😅 umesto da čitaju 99 stranica dugu temu o kazinoguruu, mogli bi da pročitaju svoju e-poštu i da je shvate malo ozbiljnije. Njihove pretnje su smešne, a ne opravdane a kamoli zakonske.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 1 meseca
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

Slažem se sa. Ako igrate samo sa otvorenim kartama, treba da budete mirni, najgore što može da vam se desi je da dobijete odbijenicu na zahtev za povraćaj novca.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

I quite understand the context, but still, may I ask you to skip the harsh language? Please, I believe it is not necessary. 🙏

pre 1 meseca

Ne, ne gube novac jer niko ne isplaćuje. Sada koriste ljude koji uđu i plaše. Možete dovesti u pitanje transakciju koja dovodi u zabludu i stvara konfuziju.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

I would advise every single person to leave the thread. All financial institutions are aware of this now and are actively saving copies of people’s posts for their own investigations.

Casino Guru need to close this thread down immediately

pre 1 meseca

I quite understand the context, but still, may I ask you to skip the harsh language? Please, I believe it is not necessary. 🙏

pre 1 meseca

U redu, izvinjavam se ako sam prekršio pravila foruma

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

Uskoro će ostati samo moji postovi 🤣🤣🤣 haha onda će morati da se pozabave njima u svojim istragama. Najviše od svega volim priču o tome kada sam bio u Najrobiju i kupio pravni savet 🤣🤣🤣

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

It’s the casino and merchants that is breaking the law. I won’t panick over nothing.

pre 1 meseca

Zdravo, mogu li da pitam zašto si tako uplašen? Da li biste mogli da podelite pravne dokumente koje vam je ova kompanija poslala gde ste počinili krivično delo?

međutim, dobili ste povraćaj novca od nekoliko kompanija, da li morate da ih vratite?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

There is nothing that you can be sued for... the companies in question have labelled transactions for items that users have never received, they would be shooting themselves in the foot if they were to try and pursue anybody and expose themselves to violating rules set by financial institutions regarding miscoding, misrepresenting and facilitating money laundering for known scam/unregulated/unlicensed casinos, many of which have close ties to Russian federation.

We as users have done nothing wrong in pursuing refunds for not having any dealings with the companies listed on statements, it is down to them to prove you have received product/service, the companies are running scared as its becoming very costly for them with chargebacks as they are too ignorant to issue the refund on request, it is their own fault.

pre 1 meseca

Zatim otpremite dokumente koje ste dobili!

Više zvuči kao da ste plaćeni da ućutkate ljude i naterate ih da brišu postove o mnogim sumnjivim kompanijama tako da ne mogu da pronađu ovu temu kada guglate.

Ja/mi ionako nismo uradili ništa nezakonito ili promenili šifru transakcije ili informacije, kao što oni/vi tvrdite.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 1 meseca
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

Želim da te glasam za predsednika foruma😅😅 dobro napisano

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 1 meseca
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

Zatim otpremite dokumente koje ste dobili!

Više zvuči kao da ste plaćeni da ućutkate ljude i naterate ih da brišu postove o mnogim sumnjivim kompanijama tako da ne mogu da pronađu ovu temu kada guglate.

Ja/mi ionako nismo uradili ništa nezakonito ili promenili šifru transakcije ili informacije, kao što oni/vi tvrdite.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

Upravo tim putevima sam počeo da razmišljam. Veoma sam zabrinut da se nit zatvori

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

Zdravo, koji događaji spadaju pod digikeiboard i gozbe? Hvala vam.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

And if all financial institutions are aware of this why they don’t do anything with the scam companies who laundering money? 🤔

pre 1 meseca

Kažem kao Leonardo u "Vuku sa Volstrita"

"Jebeno ne odlazim!" 🥳🥳🥳🤟

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

I uploaded the documents but they were removed!!

I haven’t been paid anything to silence people. I was passing on the message I received which clearly shows that this thread is illegal.

some of you claim to not care but I promise you will if they contact you directly.

pre 1 meseca


Digikey, Budapest = , both same company (you can find their mail on the websites) , thats all it says on my transactions🙂

Post od Refundnow Sakriveno od Radka
Razlog: breaching community policies
pre 1 meseca


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