ForumDiskusija o prigovorimaQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (strana 96)

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pre 3 nedelja

After 15 years and untold amounts of losses to these crooks, I finally realize that they are, always have been, and alway will be scams. It's embarrassing to have come to this realization.

Fighting back by challenging their shady payment practices is fair play, so long as you are honest. But, shady payments is only tip of the iceberg and, by themselves, do not scratch the surface as to why these casinos are scams. In fact, you can have shady payment practices and still run an honest casino.

The cancellation of winnings for any reason they can contrive is the wildest and most crooked part of the scam. What I resent the most, and am most embarrassed about, is how they gaslight the player. You win, they don't pay you, and they act like you have done something wrong.

Here's an example of why this is so problematic. Suppose, for arguments sake, you enter the wrong zip code by accident when you sign up. You play on the site and lose $1000. Then, you make one more deposit and get lucky hitting for $2000. You request a withdrawal, submit your paperwork. They notice you used the incorrect zip code when you signed up, and say, for security reasons, that your wins are nullified because of this.

The issue with this example is, 1) many of us have had similar experiences for equally as minor or insane reasons and, 2) this means that you were never really gambling at all with the first $1000 you lost because there was never the possibility of winning as any win would eventually be disqualified. So, you did not get the service you paid for, every dollar you deposited was always going to be forfeited.

If these casinos were operating in the US, they would be subject to a massive class action lawsuit for such practices. They are scams.

pre 3 nedelja

Yea, exactly. There is 0 protection against this.

That is why it feels so good to have stopped the gambling on all these shit casinos, over 30 days now without playing and 0 interest to continue. My block on my Swedish license even passed and I just re-blocked myself. so that¨s also nice. I was never extremely gambling addicted, just very bored a lot of the times, but I think it was just an evil cycle that now is broken finally.

I sleep better, I feel better, I save more, I have more to spend on myself. Everything is just better.

pre 3 nedelja

I second what you’re saying. I put in two complaints to casino guru regarding two Curacao casinos on here and both times they favoured the casinos. Both instances were cases of where the two said casinos had allowed me to become fully KYC verified allowed me to deposit only to be told when requesting withdrawel I was from a restricted country and this was not possible. Casino Guru sided with the casino ( NINECASINO).

I then reported it to their licensing authority and I was refunded my deposits instantly yet casino guru made me feel I was in the wrong. 🤔

pre 3 nedelja

I second what you’re saying. I put in two complaints to casino guru regarding two Curacao casinos on here and both times they favoured the casinos. Both instances were cases of where the two said casinos had allowed me to become fully KYC verified allowed me to deposit only to be told when requesting withdrawel I was from a restricted country and this was not possible. Casino Guru sided with the casino ( NINECASINO).

I then reported it to their licensing authority and I was refunded my deposits instantly yet casino guru made me feel I was in the wrong. 🤔

pre 3 nedelja

Right. And how many people from your country have made deposits, lost, and never knew they were never getting paid if they won? It is a despicable business practice.

pre 3 nedelja

It is totally scandalous and we are being set up to lose

pre 3 nedelja

Zdravo, da li biste bili voljni da kažete dvojici brokera platnih usluga koji su odbili povraćaj novca uglavnom zbog ovog lanca?😊

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pre 3 nedelja

I second what you’re saying. I put in two complaints to casino guru regarding two Curacao casinos on here and both times they favoured the casinos. Both instances were cases of where the two said casinos had allowed me to become fully KYC verified allowed me to deposit only to be told when requesting withdrawel I was from a restricted country and this was not possible. Casino Guru sided with the casino ( NINECASINO).

I then reported it to their licensing authority and I was refunded my deposits instantly yet casino guru made me feel I was in the wrong. 🤔

pre 3 nedelja

Apsolutno ludo ako je ovo istina. Da li je znao da igrate iz zabranjene zemlje i da vam je kazino ipak uzeo novac. Kazino je bio u situaciji za pobedu i ipak je uspeo. Teško mi je da poverujem u ovo i apsolutno ne mislim da lažete. Možete li povezati ovaj slučaj?

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pre 3 nedelja

Prestali su da plaćaju. Zakasnili ste da skočite na brod. Nažalost. Nadam se da nije bilo puno novca za tvoje dobro

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pre 3 nedelja

Astropai kaže da se uplate koje su prošle ne mogu refundirati.

ovo su rekli:

„Nije važno gde je novac stavljen sve dok je kreditiran u kazinu"

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pre 3 nedelja

Da, možete to poslati teroristima, narko kartelima itd. Onda je to sasvim u redu i legalno.. Ilegalno je samo kada vam pošalju novac. Tada će vam biti suspendovani nalozi i nadležni organi će vas istražiti. Ako želite da budete uspešni, morate biti kriminalac

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pre 3 nedelja

Apsolutno ludo ako je ovo istina. Da li je znao da igrate iz zabranjene zemlje i da vam je kazino ipak uzeo novac. Kazino je bio u situaciji za pobedu i ipak je uspeo. Teško mi je da poverujem u ovo i apsolutno ne mislim da lažete. Možete li povezati ovaj slučaj?

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pre 3 nedelja needs to protect their business.

Just like askgamblers. As soon as you get too critical in your reviews of a casino, the review get's deleted.

It's not really surprising, but everyone should be aware of it.

pre 3 nedelja

Jedna je stvar ostaviti loše kritike jer igrač to može malo dramatizovati i svi doživljavamo i vidimo stvari drugačije. Mogu to da kupim!

Ali suditi u korist kazina kada se čak i sam kazino suprotstavio sopstvenim pravilima je prilično mučno. Onda možda ne bi trebalo da nudite takvu uslugu! Ali to je isto ono što ja mislim.

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pre 3 nedelja

Neko je uspeo da kontaktira fabriku fordesign u Nikoziji

Na njihovoj veb stranici postoji adresa e-pošte, ali je nedostupna.

Još jedna lažna kompanija koja opslužuje usrane kockarnice Kurasaa

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pre 3 nedelja needs to protect their business.

Just like askgamblers. As soon as you get too critical in your reviews of a casino, the review get's deleted.

It's not really surprising, but everyone should be aware of it.

pre 3 nedelja

I dare to disagree with what you write. If we protected the casinos like that, then we wouldn't have to have any resolution center and we wouldn't try to help the players at all, because according to your logic, we would be fighting each other, isn't that right?

We try to approach things fair and square and do not take sides with anyone.

In terms of reviews, each one is dealt with by a dedicated team, I'm one of the people who handles user reviews, and we certainly have procedures in place to resolve them. So when a review is rejected for something, there's always a reason given. We don't have a problem with a negative user review, but it has to have meaningful value as well. To give an example, if a player describes that they were dissatisfied, withdrawals took a long time, KYC was difficult to handle, support was not helpful, games had low RTP according to the player, and various other things are fine. However, if he comes into the game saying that he put $100 into the casino and didn't win anything, this review is pointless as it is not relevant and informative at all. 

So that's it from my side.

pre 3 nedelja



pre 3 nedelja

I dare to disagree with what you write. If we protected the casinos like that, then we wouldn't have to have any resolution center and we wouldn't try to help the players at all, because according to your logic, we would be fighting each other, isn't that right?

We try to approach things fair and square and do not take sides with anyone.

In terms of reviews, each one is dealt with by a dedicated team, I'm one of the people who handles user reviews, and we certainly have procedures in place to resolve them. So when a review is rejected for something, there's always a reason given. We don't have a problem with a negative user review, but it has to have meaningful value as well. To give an example, if a player describes that they were dissatisfied, withdrawals took a long time, KYC was difficult to handle, support was not helpful, games had low RTP according to the player, and various other things are fine. However, if he comes into the game saying that he put $100 into the casino and didn't win anything, this review is pointless as it is not relevant and informative at all. 

So that's it from my side.

pre 3 nedelja

So if I wrote a review on every casino and said to not play there because of transaction laundering, bypassing MCC codes, bypassing Visa/MC regulations, breaking several national and local regulations, you would be fine with it?

One would think that since these actions the casinos are doing, all these casinos should be blacklisted, as they are basically bypassing the only player protection there is, the 7995 gambling block. But I understand that you can't do it because that would really lower the amount of ok casinos on your site, there would be non left, except the properly licensed ones, such as UK/Sweden.

Anyways, it's ok, I don't expect you to do it, even though you really should 🙂

pre 3 nedelja

Did anyone get refund / help from Dimoco?

Serveral people on Discord said they got emails saying they were refunded, but nothing seems to show up and someone waited 1 week after the email and still no money.

pre 3 nedelja

Postoji li grupa za razdor u kojoj se takođe raspravlja o ovoj temi? Ako jeste, možete li podeliti vezu?😊

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pre 3 nedelja

Sada sam prijavio Kuickbit FI, a takođe i Švedskoj inspekciji za kockanje. Pozovite i sve ostale da to urade!

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pre 3 nedelja

I to uradio 👌👌 nit se čini potpuno mrtva, nemojte odustati od svih.

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pre 3 nedelja


Da li neko ima informacije o CLKS*topsm Tallinn, EE , CSCANNERR / Dotascaner / vebops ltd?

Hvala vam

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