Zdravo, nažalost što ste igrali u kazinu sa ocjenom reputacije 0. Uvjerite se sami ovdje , molim.
To jasno ukazuje da je igranje u ovom kazinu prava opasnost, pošto i oni nemaju licencu, teško da postoji način... Zašto su dozvolili da imaju slotove sa džekpotom preko 5.000? Zato što ih nije briga i štaviše, vi ste ti koji bi trebali provjeriti njihov T&C na prvom mjestu... bojim se da je to njihov najbolji argument. 🙁
Hello, it is unfortunate you played in casino with reputation score 0. See for yourself here, please.
It clearly indicates, that playing in this casino is the real hazard, since they also has no licence at all, there is hardly any way... Why they allowed to have slots with jackpot over 5,000? Because they don't care and furthermore, it's you who should check their T&C in the first place... this is their best argument I'm afraid. 🙁