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Povlačenja na rtbet

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Dobro jutro.

Imam isplate na čekanju u kladionici rtbet3. Ukupno što imam na čekanju je 1500 evra, a od četvrtka je u čekanju povlačenja i niko mi ne daje rešenje. Niti mi traže dokumentaciju, niti mi odgovaraju na mejlove, a u ćaskanju mi samo kažu da moram da čekam bez objašnjenja. Šta mogu učiniti da prikupim?

Automatski prevedeno:

Can I ask which casino you are trying to make the withdrawal from, please? Just to avoid any confusion.

Is this your first withdrawal there, or have you had any successful ones before? Is the situation still the same or you have some updates, please?

Rtbet. Nemoguće je povući se, već sam to proglasio nevažećim, neću ponovo da igram

Automatski prevedeno:

Imam isti problem, čekam isplatu danima i ništa, stvari izgledaju loše, ne savetujem nikome da se kladi u toj kladionici

Automatski prevedeno:

Nemojte ni pomišljati da uđete na tu stranicu, nemoguće je bilo šta povući, prošlo je nekoliko dana i uvek je nemoguće povući noge...

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello, could you please share the url address with me, because I didn't find this casino in our database. 

Regarding your withdrawal and problems with it. Did the casino tell you what's going on and why you can't withdraw ? How long exactly does it take ? Do you have a verified account ?

I ask because we give casinos 14 days to resolve a withdrawal. 

Please let me know. 

Imam isti problem, čekam isplatu danima i ništa, stvari izgledaju loše, ne savetujem nikome da se kladi u toj kladionici

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey, did the casino say why you don't have your withdrawal ? I also have similar questions for you, so how long does it take when you say a couple of days ? Were you able to successfully verify with the casino ? These are important things, so when I see that several players are experiencing a same situation, it would be good to know how it is. 


Zdravo Jaro, ne kontaktiraj ih još, pošto moraš da čekaš 14 dana, ja još nisam stigao toliko dana, sačekaću da vidim da li će to biti rešeno, čak i ako izazove veliko nepoverenje, kladim se za nekoliko kladionice i nikada nisam imao problema, za ne više od 3 dana uvek naplatim

Automatski prevedeno:


Maybe I missed important parts of this conversation, so I prefer to also ask a few questions here, if you don't mind.

Let me start to say that eventhough during the complaint process we allow casinos 14 full das to resolve the problem, you as a player should try to keep in touch with the casino in order to follow potentional progress.

So, are you able to contact the casino by any means. Or, have you received any explanation regarding the delayed payment? What about the account verification - is it done or not necessary at all?

In case you have not tried to contact them yet, I would certainly try to.

We will be here for future updates, of course.


Sada sam primio uplatu, trajalo je duže nego što sam očekivao, ali sve je bilo u redu, bojim se da nisu uplatili povlačenje na moj račun, otišao sam da saznam više i našao sam više ljudi koji im nisu uplatili novac i ja je bio uznemiren, ali kao što sam rekao sada sam dobio novac, u mom slučaju nisu tražili od mene da verifikujem svoj račun

Automatski prevedeno:

That is great you have received your money. How long did you have to wait, actually?

Hey i am having the same issue, how long did it take to get the payout? I have 8000$ in the account and they only allow to withdraw 750$ per day as of now i wasnt able to withdraw a dollar. Thanks @lacasillaabdera


Hello there. Could you be more specific and tell us at which casino you experienced this issue, please?

Is your account fully verified there, and have you had any successful withdrawals before?

Hi Team

Rt bet do not email back whatsoever, it’s been over 2 weeks and not 1 response, they completed my payment processing their side but the money hasn’t reached me and it’s been over a week now, extremely worried that this is a scam website, seems strange that a provider speaking on their behalf are from a third party and can’t even contact them, I just get told to wait and it’s been over 2 weeks without an email response

Hey @shrubster1990 can you explain more? How did u withdraw and does the payment show as complete?

I withdrew about 2 weeks ago, it then returned to my account , I then withdrew using the bank method rather than card so entered my banking information. 1 week ago it was completed from rtbet but now it’s apparently with the third party payment provider which no one can tell me who that is and with no time frame on it either. Rtbet also do not answer emails at all so the only contact you can have is with their live chat who they use a third party to talk through too so you can’t actually speak to anyone at RTbet, I get the same response from live chat because they do now not know what to do.

Wow… where you able to withdraw anything before that issue?

Hey Zetrai,

it was the first time I tried to withdraw, I’ve never made a withdrawal from this sport book, I’ve seen multiple posts saying it’s a scam but also lots saying the website is great, just really strange to not be able to get hold of the actual casino and the fact they use a third supplier for both their payments and also their live chat.

I hope you get your money, i too have a lot of money in this website and hopefully i will get it

My second withdrawal has just declined and returned from my account, you cannot get hold of this casino whatsoever just their third party live chat system who doesn’t seem to have any contact with their client either, extreme worrying, they tel you to contact your bank to why it rejected but then the bank asks for who the payment is coming from and the live chat do not have any idea about this.

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