Zdravo! Nov sam ovde i žalim što nisam pročitao recenzije pre nego što otvorim nalog na bet22-top.com. Deponovao sam novac sa MasterCard kartice, a kada sam pokušao da podignem, primetio sam da MasterCard nije opcija. Razgovarao sam sa podrškom, koja izgleda veoma automatizovano, i rečeno mi je sledeće: „Ako isti metod nije dostupan, možemo preporučiti korišćenje alternativnog načina plaćanja za povlačenje.
Da biste to uradili, napravite minimalni depozit putem drugog načina plaćanja. Stavite opklade na ukupan iznos vašeg depozita. Šanse za događaje treba da budu 1,1 ili više.
Potvrdite depozite na security@22bet.com . Napravite snimak ekrana depozita i pošaljite ga na security@22bet.com .
Čim dobijete odgovor od naših stručnjaka za bezbednost, možete izvršiti povlačenje putem ovog metoda.
Imajte na umu da ne preporučujemo korišćenje PaiPal-a i Bitcoin-a kao alternativnih metoda zbog njihove politike. Sve dostupne platne sisteme možete videti u odeljku Plaćanja na sajtu ili u odeljku Povlačenje sredstava na vašem ličnom računu."
Imam Revolut Visa karticu i planiram da izvršim depozit sa njom, a zatim sledite uputstva u poruci. Bojim se da bih mogao dobiti poruku: „Trebalo bi da podignete novac proporcionalno iznosu koji ste uplatili putem svakog načina plaćanja." Ne čini mi se legalnim da budem primoran da dodajem novac da bih mogao da podignem ono što sam osvojio. U svakom slučaju, ne želim da rizikujem da izgubim opkladu čak i ako je kvota 1,1 i da izgubim svoj novac. Možete li da mi pomognete? Nakon što uplatim depozit u Visa-u, vratiću se sa njihovim odgovorom. Hvala unapred!
ps: Obe moje kartice su na moje ime. Takođe neću moći da dam račune pošto živim pod kiriju.
kasnije ažuriranje: Razgovarao sam sa njima i rekli su da ne traže da podižu novac srazmerno iznosu koji sam položio. Tako da je to odlična vest. Videću kako će proći ceo „Uplati depozit sa Visom i pričaj sa obezbeđenjem".
Hello! I'm new here, and I regret not reading the reviews before creating an account on bet22-top.com. I deposited money with a MasterCard, and when I tried to withdraw, I noticed that MasterCard is not an option. I chatted with support, which seems very automated, and was told the following: "If the same method is not available, we can recommend using an alternative payment method for withdrawal.
To do that, make a minimum deposit via a different payment method. Place bets for a total of your deposit. The odds of the events should be 1.1 or higher.
Confirm deposits at security@22bet.com. Take a screenshot of the deposit and send it to security@22bet.com.
As soon as you receive a reply from our security specialists, you can make a withdrawal via this method.
Kindly note, we do not recommend using PayPal and Bitcoin as alternative methods due to their policy. You can see all the available payment systems in the Payments section of the site or the Withdraw funds section of your personal account."
I have a Revolut Visa card, and I plan to make a deposit with it, then follow the instructions in the message. I'm afraid I might receive the message: "You should withdraw money in proportion to the amount you have deposited via each payment method." It doesn't seem legal to me to be forced to add money to be able to withdraw what I've won. In any case, I don't want to take the risk of losing a bet even if it's at 1.1 odds and losing my money. Can you please help me? After I make the deposit with Visa, I will come back with their response. Thanks in advance!
ps: Both my cards are on my name. Also I will not be able to provide bills since I live in rent.
later update: I talked with them and they said that they don't ask to withdraw money in proportion to the amount I deposited. So that is great news. I will see how the whole "Make a deposit with Visa and talk with security" will go.
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