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Račun blokiran blitzstar Casino!

 od laurahutson96
19.922 pregleda 59 odgovora |
1 23

Bit Star casino booted me because I'm a United States citizen LOL... But funny when I signed up for the account I filled out information including my address and phone number, it should have been their sign I was American! Instead I got the boot after I won on a slot!!! file

Ažurirano od strane autora


You should submit complaint, feel free to do so here:

If they let you deposit and play they should pay the winnings as well, I truly think it's that simple.


Right if they let you play for months and take your deposit money over and over but then later tell you that you can't play in your jurisdiction they should have to REFUND you!! That's EXACTLY what BC GAME did to me and I did file a complaint and I'm being told it was a mistake because something about a connection and OP, read supposely that I was in Canada! I haven't been there since I was 12...I live in Michigan so I'm close but not that close, I don't even live over the Mackinac Bridge! He said little else and hasn't touched base with me yet....It doesn't sound like they are though and he did tell me before he sent that last message that they were gonna hold on to my $50 this was my fault or something. Now I'm afraid to mess with any online casinos...I can't afford to be going through this kind of BS!


Hello laurahutson96,

I read your complaint and I can't figure out, how you could register from the US when Peter was not able to do so even with a VPN on.

What is more interesting is that the casino stated that one of your IP addresses is located in Canada while the other located in the US was blocked.


To me, it really sounds like when you turn the VPN on.

I have no idea and don't know much about VPN's or whether even used for. I use the same device I always use which is my Android device and I've always played on their site at home here in Muskegon Michigan... Sorry for being so blunt but I am an Aries and frankly I think BC game is full of s***.... They're not being honest. I think they're either scamming Americans or just trying to cover their asses rather than admitting they made a mistake. I cannot be in two countries at once!! Just like judge Judy says"If it doesn't make sense then it isn't true".


I understand that it must feel like a bad joke now. Still, we need to examine what the casino has to say in this to make sure what and how happened.

Our team will take good care of every involved aspect. I would like to tell you more, but we have to wait for how the complaint develops. 

Alright thanks

Look what I got in my email today..file



I guess that's because you're a registered user and the casino simply sends announcements to all registered players.

Oh I figured once you were blocked you automatically aren't registered with them anymore, at least that's the way it should be.


Does make sense for sure.

Or, as I replied - if those announcements are sent by 3rd party company, I guess that the list of recipients was not updated in time - or at all. Hard to guess. 

Well my complaint/claim was denied (not a surprise). This is a good example why I don't like to mess with fake casinos like BC Game. They gonna get away with scamming citizens in countries who shouldn't even have access to their scamming fraudulent online casinos! I'll be sure to stick within Michigan state lines and play true casino's such as Golden Nugget, Bet Rivers, or Draftkings. I've gotta warn others they should do the same!


The problem is that we could not check when the IP blocking was implemented into the casino's platform. I think you may be quite disappointed about it, but you did not lose any winnings and that's good.

Thank you for your warning. Sounds fair enough.

Losing money you don't have isn't any better


Then I'd say the better way is not playing at all. 

Just imagine that you would win big, it would be far worse dealing with this complaint with a large amount in your active balance, I think. Instead, you deposited, played, and lost - it's not a big fun but I still think it's the better option.

Zdravo. Imam pitanje. Postoje li jasna pravila kada i iz kojih razloga kazino može zatvoriti račun igrača. Uglavnom se to dešava bez objašnjenja. Da li je tačno?

Automatski prevedeno:

That's correct

Zdravo. Imam pitanje. Postoje li jasna pravila kada i iz kojih razloga kazino može zatvoriti račun igrača. Uglavnom se to dešava bez objašnjenja. Da li je tačno?

Automatski prevedeno:


such reasons should be stated in the casino's terms and condtions. I believe that the most commom reasons are:

  • KYC
  • security check
  • additional checks assoiciated with big wins

Players should always be notified, though🤔.

Do you have any issue?


Zdravo Radka.

Hvala na odgovoru. Da, imam razloga, zato sam i pitao. U suštini, dao si nejasan odgovor. Ne znam da li postoje pravila ili ne. U skoro svim kockarnicama, kada se registrujete, kada označite polje da se slažete sa uslovima kazina, postoji jedna tačka.

Odredbe i uslovi navode sljedeće pravilo:

"13.5 Kompanija može ukinuti vaš račun, uključujući vaše korisničko ime i lozinku, odmah bez prethodne najave:

13.5.1. ako iz bilo kojeg razloga odlučimo prestati pružati usluge u cijelosti ili djelomično. ti;"

Iz toga slijedi da kazino može, bez navođenja razloga, zatvoriti vaš račun. Kako ovo razumjeti?

Da li ste spremni za iskren dijalog, mogu reći. Javite mi šta mislite o tome?

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello, leksandr.

I would not say that my answer was vague, I simply named the most common and accaptable reasons for account being blocked.

I did not refer to the any casinos terms and conditions, kinldy keep that in mind.

If you read the folling points you will understand its meaning, I would say.

13.5 shows us let's say the chapter title : "The Company may terminate your Account"

13.5.1. indicates that those reasons will be specified

So you have to keep reading to get to the point. If I may guess, something like follow.

If you name the casino, I can visit the site and check it for myslef as well.

Kindly skip the part with "an honest dialog" it's not fair, don't you think? 🙂

1 23

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