NaslovnaForumDiskusija o prigovorimaRačun blokiran blitzstar Casino!

Račun blokiran blitzstar Casino! (strana 2)

 od laurahutson96
19.976 pregleda 59 odgovora |
1 2 3

Zdravo Radka.

Da, pročitao sam pravila. Zato i pitam. Ali ovako su mi odgovorili predstavnici lce casina kada sam pitao o zatvaranju naloga.

Vaš račun je suspendovan u skladu sa Uslovima i odredbama kazina:

"13.5 Kompanija može ukinuti vaš nalog, uključujući vaše korisničko ime i lozinku, odmah bez prethodne najave: 13.5.1. ako iz bilo kojeg razloga odlučimo da prestanemo pružati usluge općenito ili posebno za vas; „Zato što svaki Operator zadržava pravo da prestane pružati usluge bilo kojem klijentu.

Zato sam vas pitao da li postoje konkretni razlozi zbog kojih kazino može zatvoriti račun igrača. Jer razlog zašto su mi zatvorili račun je apsurdan.

". Budući da svaki Operator zadržava pravo da prekine pružanje usluga bilo kom klijentu. (Molimo da dostavite link do Pravila, u kojima može biti drugačije navedeno)

U redu, pojašnjenje: kazino ne može igraču pružiti kvalitetnu uslugu u pogledu isplata. Dakle, to je preventivna mjera."

Mislite li da je ovaj odgovor u skladu s pravilima kazina? Ukoliko kazino ne može da pruži kvalitetnu uslugu u pogledu isplata, ima pravo da zatvori račun uspešnog igrača kako u budućnosti ne bi mogao da osvaja više. Razumijem odgovor ovog kazina.

Šta mislite o ovome? I molim vas nemojte da vas vrijeđaju moje riječi.

Automatski prevedeno:

You tell em leksandr!! Lol 😆 I agree with you!

Zdravo Radka.

Da, pročitao sam pravila. Zato i pitam. Ali ovako su mi odgovorili predstavnici lce casina kada sam pitao o zatvaranju naloga.

Vaš račun je suspendovan u skladu sa Uslovima i odredbama kazina:

"13.5 Kompanija može ukinuti vaš nalog, uključujući vaše korisničko ime i lozinku, odmah bez prethodne najave: 13.5.1. ako iz bilo kojeg razloga odlučimo da prestanemo pružati usluge općenito ili posebno za vas; „Zato što svaki Operator zadržava pravo da prestane pružati usluge bilo kojem klijentu.

Zato sam vas pitao da li postoje konkretni razlozi zbog kojih kazino može zatvoriti račun igrača. Jer razlog zašto su mi zatvorili račun je apsurdan.

". Budući da svaki Operator zadržava pravo da prekine pružanje usluga bilo kom klijentu. (Molimo da dostavite link do Pravila, u kojima može biti drugačije navedeno)

U redu, pojašnjenje: kazino ne može igraču pružiti kvalitetnu uslugu u pogledu isplata. Dakle, to je preventivna mjera."

Mislite li da je ovaj odgovor u skladu s pravilima kazina? Ukoliko kazino ne može da pruži kvalitetnu uslugu u pogledu isplata, ima pravo da zatvori račun uspešnog igrača kako u budućnosti ne bi mogao da osvaja više. Razumijem odgovor ovog kazina.

Šta mislite o ovome? I molim vas nemojte da vas vrijeđaju moje riječi.

Automatski prevedeno:


fine, so there is an issue behind your general questions. 🙂

Fisrtly, name the casino - I would like to check the terms and conditions myself. I'm sure that "blitzstar" it's not the proper name, so I want to be sure.

Secondly, can you share the whole story, prefably from the beginning, please? What does this mean:

"If the casino cannot provide a quality service in terms of payouts, it has the right to close the account of a successful player so that he cannot win more in the future"

Casino has closed your account, what had happened before?

I'd like to asnwer your questions, but everytime I do, you unreveal another information, which shows that something tighly related happened before.

So far, I can't se any reason for closing your acount, but I also do not know what happened.


Hi Laura. In response to your post, I had a similar thing happen to a close friend of mine. He lives in the USA and filled out the complete registration with his valid US address, name, date of birth, etc.

This is his story: Upon registering his account, he claimed a no deposit bonus of free spins. He was able to fulfill the wager requirements of the bonus and met the max payout limit for that particular bonus ($100.00 USD/BTC).

Upon requesting a withdrawal, he received an email from support stating he must deposit $20 in order to withdraw the winnings of the above bonus. He deposited the $20 in crypto, which was attached to a 1x wager, won close to $500 USD, and proceeded with a second withdrawal request.

After the second withdrawal request, he received an email from support stating he must submit verification documents before the withdrawal would be processed. No big deal, since he was allowed by the casino (Bitstarz) to register as a player, with full validity of profile information, including his residency in the USA. He did not receive any error or rejection from Bitstarz at the time he completed his profile, obtained the free spins, and played the free spins. His ordeal did not begin until the moment he successfully reached the max payout for the bonus.

Was he setup for failure by Bitstarz? In my opinion, yes. No one will ever give you anything for free without some form of leash and ball attached to it. The casinos present the no deposit codes as a means for new players to "experience the casino", "get a feel for the slots", etc. This may be somewhat true, but what the casino really wants is someone to lose on the free spins and get so frustrated to the point of depositing more and more money into their business with the players false hopes of becoming an instant millionaire. We all know the true odds in favor of the players at online and brick and mortar casinos. From my experience, not very good! Lol! That’s no secret.

It is my opinion that Bitstarz raised an eyebrow due to his winnings from the no deposit bonus as well as the larger winnings from the $20 deposit. I say this, solely backed by the fact that shortly after he submitted his verification documents, he received an email from support stating he violated Bitstarz T&Cs by residing in the USA.

Ultimately, his account was closed, winnings forfeited, and his $20 crypto deposit was returned to his crypto wallet.

Online casino T&Cs are violated every day. It is unfortunate that the rules are made broad enough to benefit the establishment, yet strict enough to ban players that the casino may perceive as a threat financially to them personally and to their business. As you know, this industry begins and ends with money being the highest of importance. We are just brazen enough to test our luck by funding their lifestyles.

It is literally a "gamble" when it comes to depositing hard earned money into an online casino. The burden is on us as the player to conduct our own research of the casinos. Secondly, we are burdened again with trusting the information to which we discovered in our research. For this reason alone, I chose to get involved as a contributor of Casino Guru, for the sole purpose of offering other players my personal perspective and review about online casinos that I have been, and still may be, debited as a player.

As the great Stephen King once quoted: "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, shame on both of us."

Nobody wins… okay, some people get a lucky break every now and then. The truth is, we go in with hopes to just break even… 😂😂

I wrote this reply because I wanted you to know that others feel your same level of frustration.

Best of luck and I hope you hit the "big one"…🤙🤙🤙

I couldn't AGREE with you more!!! THANK YOU!! Best of luck to you too!!! 😊


Zdravo. Dobro rečeno. Vidimo tri priče koje imaju isti kraj. Kazino prihvata uplate od igrača i ne gleda na ograničenja. Verifikacija počinje nakon što dođe do uplate. Ali to nije tačno. Ovo uopšte nije fer igra. Mislim da će se svi igrači i predstavnici Casino Guru web stranice složiti sa mnom. Da Laurahutson96 nije pobijedila, ne bi znala da ne može igrati u ovom kazinu. Polagala bi svoj novac u nadi da će pobijediti.

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo Radka

Evo moje priče.

ice casino. Prijavio sam se u ovom kazinu prije nekoliko mjeseci. Dobio bonus dobrodošlice i uspješno ga uložio. Provjera mog računa bila je iznenađujuće brza. Već trećeg dana primio sam svoj dobitak u iznosu od 300 usd. (Napisao sam pozitivnu recenziju za ovaj kazino na vašoj web stranici, kasnije sam ga morao promijeniti.) Sljedeće povlačenje je bilo 250 usd. usd, odlučio sam da podignem ostatak iznosa) primio sam ga za manje od jednog dana nakon zahtjeva u subotu. (Iako nije bio radni dan za uplate, što je veoma važno i daje ogroman plus ovom kazinu.) Generalno, dostigao sam nivo 10 u sistemu lojalnosti, što mi je dalo priliku da dobijem 100% bonusa na svoj depozit svake sedmice. Za sve to, Ice casino svojim pretplatnicima nekoliko puta sedmično daje kodove na Twitteru. Za mene je kriterijum za zaustavljanje igre klađenje bonusa. Moj sljedeći dobitak je bio 500 usd. Tu su počeli problemi. Čekam više od nedelju dana. a rokovi navedeni u pravilima nisu duži od tri radna dana. U chatu su mi objasnili da kašnjenje nije sa strane kazina, već sa strane platnog sistema. Upozorio sam kazino operatere i nakon jednog dana sam uložio žalbu na web stranici AskGamblers. Nakon što je reklamacija objavljena, moja uplata je odmah knjižena na moj račun. Nakon toga odmah dobijam ban iz ovog kazina sa sljedećim objašnjenjima:


U sklopu „žalbe" isplaćen je sav novac i bonusi, Kazino ništa ne duguje, kompletna usluga je pružena krajnjem korisniku u potpunosti. Administracija ima osnov za raskid ugovora između igrača i kazina.

Odredbe i uslovi navode sljedeće pravilo:

"13.5 Kompanija može ukinuti vaš račun, uključujući vaše korisničko ime i lozinku, odmah bez prethodne najave:

13.5.1. ako iz bilo kojeg razloga odlučimo prestati pružati usluge u cijelosti ili djelomično. ti;"

Nadam se da ovo raščisti.

Zato sam pitao da li postoje posebna pravila i razlozi za zatvaranje računa.

Ovdje možete vidjeti da se kazino jednostavno rješava uspješnih i zahtjevnih igrača, po njihovom mišljenju.

Da li je tačno? Po mom iskustvu, skoro svi kazina to rade, barem to važi za Kazahstan.

Automatski prevedeno:

You tell em leksandr!! Lol 😆 I agree with you!

Hello there,

would you mind submitting the complaint, please? I hope you have not gambled your balance away like in BC.Game Casino. Without the complaint, there is no proof and all became just theoretical.

We can't push casinos to be fair if players don't complain officially.

Hi Laura. In response to your post, I had a similar thing happen to a close friend of mine. He lives in the USA and filled out the complete registration with his valid US address, name, date of birth, etc.

This is his story: Upon registering his account, he claimed a no deposit bonus of free spins. He was able to fulfill the wager requirements of the bonus and met the max payout limit for that particular bonus ($100.00 USD/BTC).

Upon requesting a withdrawal, he received an email from support stating he must deposit $20 in order to withdraw the winnings of the above bonus. He deposited the $20 in crypto, which was attached to a 1x wager, won close to $500 USD, and proceeded with a second withdrawal request.

After the second withdrawal request, he received an email from support stating he must submit verification documents before the withdrawal would be processed. No big deal, since he was allowed by the casino (Bitstarz) to register as a player, with full validity of profile information, including his residency in the USA. He did not receive any error or rejection from Bitstarz at the time he completed his profile, obtained the free spins, and played the free spins. His ordeal did not begin until the moment he successfully reached the max payout for the bonus.

Was he setup for failure by Bitstarz? In my opinion, yes. No one will ever give you anything for free without some form of leash and ball attached to it. The casinos present the no deposit codes as a means for new players to "experience the casino", "get a feel for the slots", etc. This may be somewhat true, but what the casino really wants is someone to lose on the free spins and get so frustrated to the point of depositing more and more money into their business with the players false hopes of becoming an instant millionaire. We all know the true odds in favor of the players at online and brick and mortar casinos. From my experience, not very good! Lol! That’s no secret.

It is my opinion that Bitstarz raised an eyebrow due to his winnings from the no deposit bonus as well as the larger winnings from the $20 deposit. I say this, solely backed by the fact that shortly after he submitted his verification documents, he received an email from support stating he violated Bitstarz T&Cs by residing in the USA.

Ultimately, his account was closed, winnings forfeited, and his $20 crypto deposit was returned to his crypto wallet.

Online casino T&Cs are violated every day. It is unfortunate that the rules are made broad enough to benefit the establishment, yet strict enough to ban players that the casino may perceive as a threat financially to them personally and to their business. As you know, this industry begins and ends with money being the highest of importance. We are just brazen enough to test our luck by funding their lifestyles.

It is literally a "gamble" when it comes to depositing hard earned money into an online casino. The burden is on us as the player to conduct our own research of the casinos. Secondly, we are burdened again with trusting the information to which we discovered in our research. For this reason alone, I chose to get involved as a contributor of Casino Guru, for the sole purpose of offering other players my personal perspective and review about online casinos that I have been, and still may be, debited as a player.

As the great Stephen King once quoted: "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, shame on both of us."

Nobody wins… okay, some people get a lucky break every now and then. The truth is, we go in with hopes to just break even… 😂😂

I wrote this reply because I wanted you to know that others feel your same level of frustration.

Best of luck and I hope you hit the "big one"…🤙🤙🤙


it would only be for good if your friend could join our forum and submit the complaint.

I'm not familiar with the way this casino enforces restricted countries rule, but we for instanse inform players that this casino does not accept players from the US.:


I am, however, able to connect to the site with VPN set to the USA.

But, allow me to say, that the terms and conditions are available even without registration, saying:


It's normal that the KYC is triggered when the first withdrawal is submitted, but every player can ask to be verified immediately. I'd like to think that decent casinos can do that while asked.

I must say that it would be only wise to disable this site for the restricted countries, that's obvious.

Any chance for the complaint?

Zdravo Radka

Evo moje priče.

ice casino. Prijavio sam se u ovom kazinu prije nekoliko mjeseci. Dobio bonus dobrodošlice i uspješno ga uložio. Provjera mog računa bila je iznenađujuće brza. Već trećeg dana primio sam svoj dobitak u iznosu od 300 usd. (Napisao sam pozitivnu recenziju za ovaj kazino na vašoj web stranici, kasnije sam ga morao promijeniti.) Sljedeće povlačenje je bilo 250 usd. usd, odlučio sam da podignem ostatak iznosa) primio sam ga za manje od jednog dana nakon zahtjeva u subotu. (Iako nije bio radni dan za uplate, što je veoma važno i daje ogroman plus ovom kazinu.) Generalno, dostigao sam nivo 10 u sistemu lojalnosti, što mi je dalo priliku da dobijem 100% bonusa na svoj depozit svake sedmice. Za sve to, Ice casino svojim pretplatnicima nekoliko puta sedmično daje kodove na Twitteru. Za mene je kriterijum za zaustavljanje igre klađenje bonusa. Moj sljedeći dobitak je bio 500 usd. Tu su počeli problemi. Čekam više od nedelju dana. a rokovi navedeni u pravilima nisu duži od tri radna dana. U chatu su mi objasnili da kašnjenje nije sa strane kazina, već sa strane platnog sistema. Upozorio sam kazino operatere i nakon jednog dana sam uložio žalbu na web stranici AskGamblers. Nakon što je reklamacija objavljena, moja uplata je odmah knjižena na moj račun. Nakon toga odmah dobijam ban iz ovog kazina sa sljedećim objašnjenjima:


U sklopu „žalbe" isplaćen je sav novac i bonusi, Kazino ništa ne duguje, kompletna usluga je pružena krajnjem korisniku u potpunosti. Administracija ima osnov za raskid ugovora između igrača i kazina.

Odredbe i uslovi navode sljedeće pravilo:

"13.5 Kompanija može ukinuti vaš račun, uključujući vaše korisničko ime i lozinku, odmah bez prethodne najave:

13.5.1. ako iz bilo kojeg razloga odlučimo prestati pružati usluge u cijelosti ili djelomično. ti;"

Nadam se da ovo raščisti.

Zato sam pitao da li postoje posebna pravila i razlozi za zatvaranje računa.

Ovdje možete vidjeti da se kazino jednostavno rješava uspješnih i zahtjevnih igrača, po njihovom mišljenju.

Da li je tačno? Po mom iskustvu, skoro svi kazina to rade, barem to važi za Kazahstan.

Automatski prevedeno:


Ok, now I see the full picture. Thank you for that.

I think that the casino simply did not like the way you force them to act. Maybe they even didn't like your attitude. I have no clue.

From my point of view, it's a quite harsh solution, I do not hink that it's necessary to act like they did without further explanation.

I'm just wondering now, whether the situation would be the same if you had submitted the complaint via our resolution center, instead of on the AskGamblers website. Would you mind sharing the text you posted there?

To be perfectly honest, the casino obviously faces some issues with the payment provider because the amount of recently submitted complaints is quite huge. 🤔


Allow me to point out that every complaint has been solved so far, so I also believe that the casino is working on it prety hard.

Back to your question, in this case I think there is no specific reason stated in the rules for such situations I think. So the casino simply used this formulation.

Feel free to submit the complaint, however, maybe we will learn the casino's point of view on this.


Thank you for the kind response! You are absolutely 100% correct. I sure wish I knew then, what I have learned so much of now!!


You are more than welcome Laura! Stay true to yourself, and make sure you message me when you "hit the big one". Karma is no joke…best of luck my friend 🤙🤙🤙🤙

Yes Cuzdatsme, if this conversation brings me any kind of luck and I win big I'll even throw ya a bone lol.... I agree karma is no joke, what comes around goes around right? LOL... I want to know if you went big too plz, there's got to be hope for one of us right? Lol



file Da, naravno da ste u pravu. Bolje je riješiti se nezgodnog igrača nego pošteno voditi svoj posao. Već sam se navikao na to. Još nisam vidio kazino koji bi rado isplaćivao dobitke svojim klijentima. Apsolutno svi kazina pokušavaju zasjeniti radost igrača nakon pobjede, stvoriti što više problema prilikom povlačenja, a odjednom za to vrijeme neće izdržati očekivanje i izgubiti sve. Jednom sam čekao četiri mjeseca na uplatu od 500 usd, s tim da sam se svaki dan morao prijaviti na svoj račun i izvršiti određene radnje. Nakon uplate, moj račun je također zatvoren. Imam mnogo priča i svaka se završava na isti način. Možda grešim, ali činjenice govore drugačije.

Automatski prevedeno:



I don’t think there is or ever could be a better opportunity, aside from right now, to answer the last question you asked me!

I’m going to ease into this one my fellow patriot! 😏 Obviously, everyone considers a certain amount of winnngs as a "big hit". Lately, any chance I get at winning is a "big hit"! 😂

The last time I achieved any sort of, what I consider to be a decent/average "big hit", was about 6 - 8 months ago. I deposited $50 USD / BTC into my favorite Golden Lemon Deluxe slot, playing minimum slot bet of 100 credits.

Completely unexpected, and not far into my play, I was able to make an issueless withdrawal departure with $2100 USD to my BTC wallet. The way things are going these days with casinos, when I win fair and square, I run as fast and far away as possible, once I receive my instant crypto withdrawal.

I am due for another one soon, like very soon, LIKE NOW! 😂😂



Hi Radka,

I, 100%, agree that players "should" file a complaint for any issues they feel have been deliberately conducted against their person or account, illegal practices, fraudulent, and/or a breach of privacy, etc. That is definitely another topic for a different date and time.

I spoke with my compadre, and we discussed his issue in furtherance. The conversation ended on a positive note, so I think he may consider going through the process of filing his complaint. He sounded happy that he received his $20 deposit back after the closure of his account.

FACT by Cause:

Casinos that return deposits after account closure for T&C violations, WITHOUT the involvement of a 3rd party mediator or the filing of a formal complaint by the player, and STRICTLY on behalf of the casino acting in good faith, are few and far between. The ONLY other casino that I personally experienced this level of respect with was Oshi Casino, who not only returned my deposit, but allowed me to withdraw my winnings prior to closing my account for the stated "T&C violation regarding country restrictions". This took place over a year ago, which means the other casinos need to pay attention and follow suit.

I will absolutely write a positive collective review of my experience playing at Oshi Casino. Casinos that act in good faith with good faith participating members, will undoubtedly put the other casinos that lack this charm out of business. It’s just a matter of time.

Best of Luck 🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙

file Da, naravno da ste u pravu. Bolje je riješiti se nezgodnog igrača nego pošteno voditi svoj posao. Već sam se navikao na to. Još nisam vidio kazino koji bi rado isplaćivao dobitke svojim klijentima. Apsolutno svi kazina pokušavaju zasjeniti radost igrača nakon pobjede, stvoriti što više problema prilikom povlačenja, a odjednom za to vrijeme neće izdržati očekivanje i izgubiti sve. Jednom sam čekao četiri mjeseca na uplatu od 500 usd, s tim da sam se svaki dan morao prijaviti na svoj račun i izvršiti određene radnje. Nakon uplate, moj račun je također zatvoren. Imam mnogo priča i svaka se završava na isti način. Možda grešim, ali činjenice govore drugačije.

Automatski prevedeno:

Now that I know that you have many bad experiences, I think I can better understand your frustration, as well as all those questions.

What the casino did was far too easy and unkind.

I still think that some casinos truly favor their customers and honour the fair play approach, so it's sad that have not faced such behavior yet.

May I know how many casinos have closed your accounts under this circumstances? 🤨


Zdravo Radka.

Ako želite da čujete moje gledište, spreman sam da vam ispričam sve priče o svom iskustvu u kazinu.

Počeću od samog početka. Svoje prvo negativno iskustvo stekao sam u Poker Stars kasinu.

Registrovao sam se u ovom kazinu 2013. Igrao poker. Igram prilično dobro, sa moje tačke gledišta, odmah ću reći da dobro zarađujem i igram samo iz zabave. Možda zato od 2013. do 2017. godine nisam napravio niti jedan zaključak iz ovog kazina. Da, u principu, nije bilo ništa za povlačenje, Poker Stars je dobro pratio svoje igrače, minimalni limit povlačenja za Kazahstan u to vreme je bio 100 usd. Došao sam do 99 nakon čega se više nisam dizao, već sam neminovno pao na dno. Otprilike 2017. godine, Poker Stars je dodao kazino dio na svoju poker platformu, što je bio prvi put da sam se upoznao sa igrom slotova. Zaista su mi se svidjeli, mogao sam vrtjeti bubnjeve cijelu noć. Nisam ni pomislio na rtp slot, . Samo sam svirao i zabavljao se u nadi da će mi se možda jednog dana nasmiješiti gospođa sreća. Nisam mislio da neko sjedi s druge strane i pažljivo gleda moju igru, a on odlučuje da li će pobijediti ili izgubiti od mene.

Ovdje dolazimo do najvažnije stvari. Da tako kažem, trenutak istine.

17.11.2017, taman na rođendan, nakon dobre zabave, nakon rastanka sa prijateljima, došao sam kući. Nisam želeo da spavam, odlučio sam da igram u kazinu, ubacio Poker Stars 20 ucd.

Igrao sam nekoliko igara pokera, udvostručio svoj depozit i odlučio da igram slotove.

Vjerovatno to više nikada neću doživjeti. Činilo se da je slot poludio i počeo da daje dobitke, igrajući 1 usd po okretu. Nekoliko puta sam dostigao skoro nulti balans, počinjao sam da mislim da je igra gotova, ali uvek na poslednjem okretu je bila solidna pobeda, i nastavio sam da vrtim kolutove, ali želim odmah da primetim kada mi je balans pao na 10usd, prešao sam na minimalnu opkladu. I još jednom, kada sam prešao 10 usd, dogodilo se nešto što sam čekao sve ove duge godine, gospođa sreća me nagradila svojim nebeskim poljupcem, 5 Jackpot King simbola se poređaju jedan za drugim. Oni gore i svjetlucaju svojom izvanrednom svjetlošću, pokazujući svoju ljepotu i njihovu veličinu, i tako kažu, bravo, uspjeli ste, samo morate pritisnuti jedno dugme da odlučite koji dio slota od 1000.000 usd će mi dati kao nagradu.

Ali, nažalost, ovo nije bilo suđeno. Lady Fortune, dama je jako stidljiva, osoba koja sjedi s druge strane ekrana se pokazala jača i moćnija, brzo je preuzeo kontrolu nad situacijom. Svojom moćnom rukom držao je zavjesu tri sata dok su drugi poput njega odlučivali šta da rade u ovoj situaciji. Tačno tri sata kasnije, njihova pohlepa je konačno nadvladala zdrav razum, slot je zatreptao, resetovao sve simbole Jackpot Kinga i vratio se u prvobitno stanje. Prijateljska podrška mi je radosno objavila da je to promašaj programa i sada mogu bezbedno da igram, izvinili su mi se i obećali da se ovo više neće ponoviti.

Ispostavilo se da je moj Jackpot King bio kvar u njihovom softveru.

Ovo je prvo iskustvo, odnos Poker Stars kazina prema igraču, da, usput, dobio sam ban. Do danas ne mogu ići u ovaj kazino.

Da ne budem neosnovan, prilažem naslov videa na YouTube-u:

"PokerStars ili Monsters Inc?"

Ovo je prva priča.

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:


althought this is a sa story, I'm quite sure that there was nobody behind the slot, monitoring your progress and regulated your game session. Can you imagin how many workers would you need for such a cnstant monitoring of any player online and playing?

The sad thing is that glitches happen and tons of casinos inform players that in case of glitches, bugs or technical irregularities the casine is not goig to pay out the winnings. Simply because the game is not regulated by the casino, it's the game povider who technically provides the game.

Feel free to check this article about how slots work:


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