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Readi Casino nije isplatio moj dobitak

 od NunhezLeticia
4.319 pregleda 21 odgovora |
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Čekam svoja povlačenja u Readi-u deset dana. Povlačenja su zatražena nakon što je verifikacija naloga završena i potvrđena putem ćaskanja. Međutim, nakon bezbrojnih pokušaja da se to reši, odgovor je uvek isti „sačekajte oslobađanje". Stranica kazina navodi ODMAH plaćanje putem pik-a, ili do tri dana za transfer i zahtevao sam putem pik-a.

Još gore od toga je poniženje kojem me podvrgava Kazino, dva puta su me tražili da pošaljem selfi sa papirom napisanom „zdravo, spremni kazino" i trenutnim datumom uz dokument. Poslao sam ga i javio se u čet nekoliko dana kasnije jer ovu fotografiju nisu verifikovali, agent me je obavestio da je nalog u potpunosti verifikovan, imam dokaz za to. Čak sam dobio i mejl sa potvrdom. Tražio sam povlačenja koja su odbijena, na moje ogorčenje, oni su to tražili još jednom. Isti selfi. Na dokumentu je ponovo ispisan papir, i dalje trepćući desnim okom, otišao sam da se još jednom predam ovome. Nakon toga, moj nalog je ponovo verifikovan i do sada nema uplata. Previše mrtav kazino. Ništa nisu rešili preko ćaskanja 10 dana.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello, I'm sorry to hear that nothing has changed. So you're saying you have a verified account, yes ? But when you make a withdrawal, what is the problem if they don't want to give it to you or haven't sent it yet ? We give casinos 14 days to resolve this process, but I noticed that you have already filed a complaint. 

Could you answer Tomas's questions ? 

Just click here. ⬅️

I hope this will be resolved soon and you will get your money back. If you have anything new, be sure to let me know.


Da, imam trostruko verifikovan nalog. Drugim rečima, nakon što sam dobio potvrdu verifikacije, tražio sam povlačenja, a oni su tražili još jednu identičnu fotografiju navodeći da nisam verifikovan. Čak sam primio i mejlove i imam ispis ćaskanja koji potvrđuje provere.

Povlačenja ostaju na čekanju beskonačno. Prvi je zatražen 04.05.2024. Promenio sam banku i zatražio ostale 04/13 jer su još uvek na čekanju. Juče sam zatražio jedan jer sam ga juče greškom otkazao.

11 dana bez plaćanja i sve provereno. Potrebna pomoć

Automatski prevedeno:


I'm very sorry to hear the hassle you have experienced. Could you please send me the email you have registered with, so I can see why support have delayed this.


Da, imam trostruko verifikovan nalog. Drugim rečima, nakon što sam dobio potvrdu verifikacije, tražio sam povlačenja, a oni su tražili još jednu identičnu fotografiju navodeći da nisam verifikovan. Čak sam primio i mejlove i imam ispis ćaskanja koji potvrđuje provere.

Povlačenja ostaju na čekanju beskonačno. Prvi je zatražen 04.05.2024. Promenio sam banku i zatražio ostale 04/13 jer su još uvek na čekanju. Juče sam zatražio jedan jer sam ga juče greškom otkazao.

11 dana bez plaćanja i sve provereno. Potrebna pomoć

Automatski prevedeno:

I understand your situation and it's certainly not a pleasant wait. Since you have a complaint, our team will certainly try to help. However, I saw in the casino's official thread that they wrote: "Also its my understanding that the payments have started to be released to you" 

So I believe it will only be a matter of time before you get your money. If not, like I said, you have an open complaint and we'll be here.



registrovana adresa e-pošte je N . Hvala na proveri.

Ako je potrebno, mogu da pošaljem sve potvrde koje sam dobio mejlom o verifikaciji naloga, kao i nove zahteve za ponovljene selfije nakon kompletne verifikacije.

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:


Hvala vam na vašim naporima da mi pomognete da rešim ovu frustrirajuću situaciju.

Od početka sarađujem sa svim zahtevima, čak i ponovljenim. Danas su još jednom tražili novi selfi i još jednom sam ga poslao. Nadam se da ću ga uskoro dobiti, pošto se čeka više od deset dana.

Automatski prevedeno:


Hvala vam na vašim naporima da mi pomognete da rešim ovu frustrirajuću situaciju.

Od početka sarađujem sa svim zahtevima, čak i ponovljenim. Danas su još jednom tražili novi selfi i još jednom sam ga poslao. Nadam se da ću ga uskoro dobiti, pošto se čeka više od deset dana.

Automatski prevedeno:

If you have to send it several times, did you ask what the problem is ? I find it quite illogical if there was none, only the casino needs the same document over and over again. But you have to have a reason from them of course. 

Anyway, you're welcome and I hope you'll be able to sort it out as soon as possible as I can see you're cooperating. 🙂 

Post od angelamax592 je obrisan od Jaro
Razlog: Oglas

Oh, that's a lot of money you invested in a casino. I don't think things like that are a good idea, especially when it's that much money. Never play for more than you can afford, because it can backfire. 

Anyway, if you're talking about some help, how did you manage to get the funds ? 🤔


Hi again, I spoke with Dama anti-fraud and they told me the reason why your selfies keep being rejected is that the selfies are not within their guidelines, eks. there was one were you wrote the wrong date don't the note, one, where one eye is closed etc. the latest is because of the elbow is not visible. I know its super frustrating and annoying, but even we from our end have said they can release the money, they told us they need to do these checks to be compliant.

Hi, you have never played on our casino, we don't accept players from the UK and have no players who have deposited 200,000 I understand you want people to write you on your email, but Admin should not allow this.


The documents were rejected several times due to:

wrong date on handwritten note

One eye closed

Not visible elbow

I understand for users and players I understand its super annoying and seems silly to do this, but we don't make the compliance and KYC rules, and as you know, we can be penalized quite significantly if this is not upheld. We have however from our casinos site ask dama to fast track with no further delays.

Hi, you have never played on our casino, we don't accept players from the UK and have no players who have deposited 200,000 I understand you want people to write you on your email, but Admin should not allow this.

Hello. Thank you for the clarification. Unfortunately nothing in the players post is against our rules, and therefore we have no reason for deleting nor removing the players post. Hope everyone will read your information about him/her not being your player, or even angelamax592 could come forward with some explanation.

The documents were rejected several times due to:

wrong date on handwritten note

One eye closed

Not visible elbow

I understand for users and players I understand its super annoying and seems silly to do this, but we don't make the compliance and KYC rules, and as you know, we can be penalized quite significantly if this is not upheld. We have however from our casinos site ask dama to fast track with no further delays.

Thank you for your insides, we truly appreciate it. Hopefully there will be a chance for you to explain everything in the players complaint. Or you should try to contact Tomas, our complaint specialist, regarding this case.

Hi again, I spoke with Dama anti-fraud and they told me the reason why your selfies keep being rejected is that the selfies are not within their guidelines, eks. there was one were you wrote the wrong date don't the note, one, where one eye is closed etc. the latest is because of the elbow is not visible. I know its super frustrating and annoying, but even we from our end have said they can release the money, they told us they need to do these checks to be compliant.

Zdravo! Svi selfiji su prihvaćeni i nakon svakog slanja dobijao sam potvrdu verifikacije naloga. Selfi sa namigujućim očima je zatražen u ćaskanju i imam snimak ekrana tog zahteva.

Dakle, ne verujem da je to bio slučaj, kao da nije u skladu sa smernicama Kazina, nikakva verifikacija ne bi bila završena.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi again, its very clear that communication around your case have been muddy at best, and I'm very sorry for this, personally, I find it extremely frustrating as well and I ask the team for a meeting when they are back so we can ensure these things are not happening again to any players, I do appreciate your patience explaining to me, when I'm back and my PC I will add some free spins to you account, also just to be 100% clear have you received all your winnings? since I was notified last week it was released to you.

The same for me.....


Hi, what do you mean, did the same thing happen to you as to the player before you or is it something else ? Could you please explain the situation you got into ? 

I mojoj verifikaciji je trebalo toliko vremena. Iznova su tražili isto na mojoj bankovnoj kartici.... Posle nekoliko dana odobrili su isti dokument! Tada su povlačenja izvršena isto tako brzo! Ali sada čekam tri dana da podignem 200€ i ništa se ne dešava. Kontaktirao sam podršku putem e-pošte, ali nema odgovora! Veoma je čudan kazino, nema komunikacije i teško im je verovati!

Automatski prevedeno:

Communication would also be important for me, but since you've already managed to withdraw money from here, I wouldn't be so skeptical. Try to be a little patient and since you are verified it shouldn't take long. If this is not the case, then you can let us know and we will try to help, but for now I would keep a cool head. 

Of course, if you manage to get the money, you can decide for yourself whether or not you want to be here anymore. I think you already have an idea of how this casino works. 

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