Razmišljao sam o kreiranju teme u vezi sa pritužbama, ali sa razlogom: Odgovorno igranje.
Podelite svoja iskustva ovde, ILI ako vam je palo na pamet da to uradite protiv kazina za koji smatrate da vas je iskoristio.
Ako ste izgubljeni u lavirintu i želite da se neko ko ima iskustva s tim, više nego dobrodošli da kontaktirate Aldrigspela@Outlook.com i ja ću uraditi procenu da li bih mogao da pomognem.
Ova tema je da razgovaramo o povraćaju novca iz kockarnica. I da pomažemo jedni drugima.
I thought about creating a thread related to complaints but with the reason: Responsible gaming.
Share your experiences here, OR if you have had the thought of doing so against a casino that you feel have exploited you.
If you are lost in the maze and would like someone who is experienced to deal with it you are more than welcome contacting Aldrigspela@Outlook.com and I will do a evaluation if I would be eligible to help.
This thread is to discuss refunds from gambling casinos. And to help each other.