dobar dan,
Danas sam dobio obaveštenje da mi je blokiran račun u banci zbog sumnjive transakcije, za koju je neko tražio povraćaj sredstava, u pitanju je iznos od 1700 evra.
Otišao sam u banku da razjasnim u čemu je bila problematična transakcija i radi se o transakciji u vrednosti od 1700 evra koju sam dobio 11. sa sajta slota, može samo od njih da ovaj račun ne koristim ni u koje druge svrhe i zbir ove transakcije sa drugom transakcijom je ukupan iznos povlačenja koji sam napravio u tom trenutku, iz nekog razloga su isplatili u dve različite transakcije.
Neka zapažanja:
1. Moji depoziti su napravljeni korišćenjem metode zvane MBVAI, sa kojom je povezana kartica.
2. Ova transakcija koju sam primio je 1700 evra, koja nije u istoriji povlačenja sa veb stranice, ne znam razlog, ali sam siguran da je došla sa veb stranice kao način plaćanja sa strane veb stranice jer:
- Ne koristim ovaj nalog u druge svrhe
– Ta transakcija zajedno sa još jednom transakcijom iznosi ukupan iznos isplate koju sam tada napravio, pa su iz nekog razloga platili ovu isplatu na 2 rate, ne znam razlog, ali nije slučajno.
- Transakcija ima lično ime, što je malo čudno, a voleo bih da znam zašto je to tako, i ostali su imali ovo.
- Dobio sam ukupan iznos koji je jednak isplatama koje se pojavljuju u istoriji mog naloga, ali kretanja na mom računu nisu jednaka onima koja se pojavljuju u istoriji veb stranice, barem jedno isplate je plaćeno u dva dela, jedan deo od 1700 i drugi deo preostalog iznosa da se ukupan iznos povuče.
Deo od 1700 je onaj koji stvara probleme i moja banka je dobila zahtev da se ta transakcija vrati.
Kontaktirao sam podršku za kazino ćaskanje i oni odbijaju da izvrše tu transakciju, ali jedina mogućnost je da je ta transakcija došla od njih.
Molim vas, raspitajte se o ovom pitanju i pomozite mi.
Good afternoon,
Today I received a notification that my bank account had been blocked due to a suspicious transaction, for which someone made a refund request, the transaction in question has the amount of 1700 euros.
I went to the bank to clarify what the problematic transaction was and it was a transaction worth 1700 euros, which I received on the 11th, from the slott website, it can only be from them I do not use this account for any other purpose and the sum of this transaction with another transaction totals the total of a withdrawal that I made at that time, for some reason they paid out the total ammount in two different transactions.
Some observations:
1. My deposits were made using a method called MBWAY, which has a card associated.
2. This transaction I received is for 1700 euros, which is not in the website withdrawal history, I do not know the reason, but I am sure it came from the website as a form of payment from the website side because:
- I do not use this account for other purposes
- That transaction together with another transaction totals the total amount of a withdrawal I made at that time, therefore, for some reason they paid this withdrawal in 2x installments, I do not know the reason, but it's not a coincidence.
- The transaction has a personal name in it, which is a little strange, and I would like to know why this is, the others also had this.
- I received the total amount equivalent to the withdrawals that appear in my account history, but the movements in my account are not equal to the ones that appear in the website history, at least one of the withdrawals was paid in two parts, one part of 1700 and another part of the remaining amount to totalize the total withdrawal amount.
The 1700 part is the one giving problems and my bank got a request for that transaction to be returned.
I contacted the casino chat support and they are denying making that transaction but the only possibility is that that transaction came from them.
Please invistigate this isue and help me.