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Upozorenje o Bitkingsu

pre 6 meseci od superman52
3.660 pregleda 19 odgovora |
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pre 6 meseci


Povlačenje sa Bitkingsa nije moguće jer odbijaju da verifikuju moj nalog.

Pisao sam ovim prevarantima nedeljama i postavljao sve što je moguće u ovaj kazino, ali oni traže nemoguće stvari.

Zato budite oprezni... igram na tri druga sajta i nikada nisam imao problema.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 5 meseci


I belive your talking about experience with the BitKingz Casino (link here👈👈), but I prefer to be certain. Please confirm that for us.

Now to the issue, if I may say so, it almost says like the real problem is to pass the verification rather than the casino workers don't want to verify you at all. Allthough I understand it must be one way or another very frustrating, from the pragmatic perspective, it's just easier to cooperate even if you are more than convinced they ask you to provide irrelevant documents. I would surely focus on passing the KYC simply because you must pass it in order to get the money from the casino. Once this phase is behind you, I think you'll have plenty of time to complain about the demands and the process.

Perhaps you can also help us understand which documents you find so irritating and for how long precisely you have been fighting to get verified.

I hope we will be able to provide some support once you get us more familiar with the details. Let us know, please.

pre 5 meseci

Bitkingz zahteva sledeće:

Otpremite PDF verziju vašeg depozita od 100 EUR napravljenog u vremenskoj zoni 2024-07-02 02:24:03 UTC, sa sledećim detaljima jasno vidljivim: datum, vreme i iznos depozita, podaci o trgovcu, ime vlasnika računa i broj računa.

Međutim, to nije moguće jer prodavac ne navodi vreme i ostalo što je potrebno ne može se sažeti u jedan dokument.

Čudno je da nemam problema u drugim kockarnicama i da nisam mogao da verifikujem svoj nalog na Bitkingz-u već mnogo nedelja.

Već sam otpisao preko 300 evra i igram na drugim sajtovima jer mi se ne da da ulažem vreme i živce u Bitkingz.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 5 meseci

This all sounds to me like a normal verification process, to tell you the truth. Your bank should provide you with the statement in a PDF file, and you just need to send it to the casino, where they can check it and inform you about the next steps.

May I ask what did you mean that you have written off 300 euros? Does it mean that you don't have any remaining balance in your account at this casino?🤔

pre 5 meseci

Zašto bi to bio normalan proces verifikacije kada vin2dai, bvin, betvai, MrGreen, Tipico ne zahtevaju ni približno ono što zahteva Bitkingz?

Učitao sam mnogo dokumenata, slika i drugih stvari na njihov server tokom mnogo nedelja.

Na kraju je ostala jedna stvar, a to je gore pomenuta, a njeno ispunjenje definitivno nije moguće.

Zato ne mogu da podignem svoj novac, odnosno 300 evra, što je naravno veoma prijatno za Bitkingz, jer sam siguran da nisam jedini koji ne mogu da verifikuje račun i znam da to nije normalno jer igram razne igrice na mreži više od 20 godina.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 5 meseci

I understand that not all the casinos require the same documents when it comes to verification.

All the information required from the casino is shown on a monthly bank statement, which your bank can provide in a PDF file. This is pretty common, and most of the banks send those to their customers.

Why is it not possible for you to provide, though? If I may ask, of course?

pre 5 meseci

Neću da tražim vanrednu akciju od banke, a ne znam ni da li će banka to uraditi. Uložio sam oko 30 sati u verifikaciju svog naloga, ali bezuspešno. Mislim da nije vredno mog vremena da nastavim da se bavim ovim "kazinom". 300 evra je kolateralna šteta.

Zašto da idem komplikovanim putem kada mogu da imam laku i uglednu rutu u drugim kockarnicama?

Bitkingz je očigledno lažni kazino koji čini verifikaciju teškom ili čak nemogućem. To sam primetio i u sistemu bonusa, o čemu sada neću detaljnije.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 5 meseci

It is totally up to your decision.

Just allow me to point out, that it is nothing extraordinary from any bank to release a statement of the customer. Don't you get those anyway? All the information that casino requests are on this document.

Well, I'll leave it up to you, of course.🤷‍♀️

pre 5 meseci

Ne radi se o jednostavnom bankovnom izvodu, već o činjenici da Bitkingz zahteva ovo:

Otpremite PDF verziju vašeg depozita od 100 EUR napravljenog u vremenskoj zoni 2024-07-02 02:24:03 UTC, sa sledećim detaljima jasno vidljivim: datum, vreme i iznos depozita, podaci o trgovcu, ime vlasnika računa i broj računa.

Ovo nije moguće sa bankovnim izvodom i nije moguće sa snimcima ekrana iz onlajn bankarstva jer nigde nije navedeno vreme.

Pored toga, ostali detalji nisu mogući sa snimkom ekrana iz onlajn bankarstva, ali možete sami da isprobate bilo koju uplatu. Ako uspete da dobijete sve detalje osim vremena sa snimkom ekrana, povući ću sve nazad i jednostavno sam nesposoban. Nema šanse da ćete moći da dobijete vreme.

Ali kako god, Bitkingz je već gotov za mene.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 5 meseci

I agree with him. Such a detailed PDF Bank Statement does not exist. No bank statement in the world show the UTC Time Zone purchase.

With some banks, we can see the purchase time, but only with Online Banking, and it’s local timezone. But it’s rare and anyway, several websites doesn’t accept screenshots of online banking session.

Moreover, some other banks censor a part of the account number as a security measure.

Also, sometimes the merchant name apparent on the statement is not the name of the casino. It’s the name of the payment processor or only like ‘’Entertainment Purchase’’ or ‘’Wire Transfer’’.

To conclude, I already experienced the same issue, but with TonyBet. They asked me a PDF Bank Statement, but my bank product it once a month. I was obliged to wait 3 weeks before the bank statement arrive. Some websites are very strict and picky. And some others are very easy.

You must explain them politely, even if they seems to hear nothing.

If it’s still negative after 3-4 attempts, I invite you to make an internal complaint and a negative review on different websites.

To conclude, if they still not cooperate, I invite you to denounce at their License Operator, as well as eCOGRA.

By reporting this overzealousness, you have a chance to got your money AND especially, you will prevent this to happening to other customers.

Hoping a resolution soon, good luck sir!

Olivier from Quebec, Canada.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 5 meseci
pre 5 meseci

Ne radi se o jednostavnom bankovnom izvodu, već o činjenici da Bitkingz zahteva ovo:

Otpremite PDF verziju vašeg depozita od 100 EUR napravljenog u vremenskoj zoni 2024-07-02 02:24:03 UTC, sa sledećim detaljima jasno vidljivim: datum, vreme i iznos depozita, podaci o trgovcu, ime vlasnika računa i broj računa.

Ovo nije moguće sa bankovnim izvodom i nije moguće sa snimcima ekrana iz onlajn bankarstva jer nigde nije navedeno vreme.

Pored toga, ostali detalji nisu mogući sa snimkom ekrana iz onlajn bankarstva, ali možete sami da isprobate bilo koju uplatu. Ako uspete da dobijete sve detalje osim vremena sa snimkom ekrana, povući ću sve nazad i jednostavno sam nesposoban. Nema šanse da ćete moći da dobijete vreme.

Ali kako god, Bitkingz je već gotov za mene.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 5 meseci

In that case, you could ask for help from our complaint team by submitting your complaint here. Just follow this link to do so, and hopefully soon we'll be able to see the resolution of your case.

pre 5 meseci

Kao što sam već napisao, s vremenom sam se registrovao i kod drugih onlajn kazina i tamo sve ide glatko.

Nije mi čast da igram u Bitkingzu i verujte mi, Bitkingz je postavio i druge teške zahteve koje sam mogao da ispunim tokom vremena, ali ovaj zahtev nije moguć.

Bio sam dovoljno iznerviran zbog novca koji sam izgubio i vremena koje sam potrošio na nepotrebne provere i tako sam odlučio da više ne želim da imam veze sa ovim prevarantima.

Sve najbolje i lep pozdrav iz Beča

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 5 meseci

It is totally understandable that you don't want to play there anymore.

In case you had some remaining balance in your account, our complaint team would surely try to help you withdraw it.

All the best to you as well, of course.🙂

Post od Jg941430 je obrisan
pre 5 meseci

Hello, do you have any personal experience with this casino or are you just writing because you played in dama casinos ? 

Post od Jg941430 je obrisan
pre 5 meseci

And is there something we could help you with regarding this casino, perhaps?

We're ready to hear the issue of yours.

pre 5 meseci
Post od Jg941430 je obrisan
pre 5 meseci

Careful.. DAMA has eyes and ears everywhere.

pre 5 meseci

Zdravo i hvala na ponudi.

Neću podneti žalbu na Bitkingz jer

Ne želim više da gubim vreme sa ovim kazinom i

Mislim da nema smisla.

Samo sam hteo da upozorim druge ljude na ovaj kazino.

Srdačan pozdrav

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 5 meseci

Thank you for caring. Be well.🌞

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