Ako objavljujem upozorenje o kazinu, to je zato što imam legitimne razloge da verujem da će igrači morati da se bore za svoj novac. Nažalost, većina tih upozorenja se ne računa kao recenzije jer nikada ne bih igrao u kazinu na koji nekoga upozoravam. Već sam iskopao po operateru, pogledao žalbe itd.
Problem sa ovim je, međutim, što će većina ljudi otići na stranicu za pregled i doneti odluku da igra na osnovu informacija koje su pred njima.
Nažalost, ako je igrač došao ovako daleko da bi ovo pročitao, već je kasno za njih, jer tek kada se neko opeče počinje da kopa dublje da bi saznao ovu vrstu informacija.
S obzirom na to, razumem zašto ne dozvoljavate ove stvari. Možda mi se ne sviđa, ali shvatam.
If I'm posting a warning about a casino, it's because I have legitimate reasons to believe that players will have to fight for their money. Unfortunately, most of those warnings don't count as reviews because I'd never play at a casino that I'm warning someone about. I've already dug into the operator, looked at complaints, etc.
The problem with this, however, is most people will go to the review page and make their decision to play based on the information in front of them.
Sadly to say, if a player has come this far to be reading this, it's already too late for them, as it's only once someone gets burned that they start to dig deeper to find out this kind of information.
This being said, I get why you disallow these things. I may not like it, but I get it.
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